Sunflower Oil Search Results

How To: Make homemade granola

Homemade granola is a welcome addition to any recipe collection. This recipe is perfect for vegetarians and suitable for all ages. Serve granola for breakfast or with yogurt for a midday snack. Because this recipe contains wheat germ, sunflower seeds, and honey, you will find that it is a delicious alternative to commercial granola. There are no artificial ingredients or additives. Learn how to make it.

How To: Make Russian beef stroganoff

This simple but stylish variation of the famous Russian classic creates a magical supper in minutes. You will need beef, onion, sunflower oil, butter, mushrooms, flour, soured cream, black pepper, and paprika or cayenne pepper. Watch this video cooking tutorial and learn how to make a delicious beef stroganoff.

How To: Origami a beautiful little sunflower

Watch this origami video to fold an origami sunflower, complete with paper stem. This is a pretty difficult flower to fold. You will need many pieces of origami paper to complete this sunflower design. Fold several of these impressive origami sunflowers to make a bouquet.

How To: Draw a sunflower

In this video you will learn how to Draw a Sunflower. The artist starts with a rough sketch, then the details, followed by coloring and shading. The sunflower is more of a cartoon like sunflower with eyes and blush marks. The picture takes about 2 minutes to complete if following the artist correctly however you can always pause the video or fast forward in order to catch-up or speed ahead. The picture doesn't include any backgrounds of any sort however it shows the sunflower which takes up a...

How To: Make a variety boiled wheat healthy dishes

This how-to video shows you how to make boiled wheat. To do this, take some wheat and put it in a pot. Pour some water into the pot and put it on a stove in order to boil it. After about 45 minutes to an hour, you will now have lovely boiled wheat grains. You can use this dish as a side dish. You can also use it with natural yogurt, fruit, and cinnamon for breakfast. Another alternative is using milk, peanut butter, and honey. You can also use it with a salad. Just add lintels, parsley, salt,...

How To: Perform an aromatherapy massage

Being a new mom is a full time job - you get tired, swollen and achy. In this tutorial, learn how to perform a relaxing aromatherapy massage for new moms and anyone else who needs a moment off of their feet. This video is hosted by professional healer, Robert Scott. Robert works with numerous celebrities and has been in healthcare for over 20 years, so he knows his stuff.

How To: Origami a sunflower

Origami! Fun pastime & skilled craft. Watch this origami how to video to learn how to fold the origami sunflower. This is a pretty difficult flower to fold. With origami, practice makes perfect. So practice those origami folds and you will have a beautiful sunflower.

How To: Make chocolate ruffle cake

Stop serving a scoop of ice cream and put some effort into your next dessert dish! Steal this recipe from Sue McMahon, cookery editor at Woman's Weekly, for a delicious chocolate ruffle cake. To make this ruffle cake you will need about two-and-a-half hours and the following ingredients:

How To: Make quick and easy tuna meatballs

On Tastyfood TV the recipe is "Tuna Meatballs". They will take you through the process of creating this recipe. It uses two small tins of tuna, two small boiled potatoes, parmesan cheese, eggs, and some breadcrumbs. The tinned tuna is drained and put in a bowl. The boiled potato is peeled and mashed in a bowl, then the tuna is added, then finally the two eggs. A pinch of salt, a sprinkling parmesan cheese, and it is all mixed together, formed into balls, and dusted with breadcrumbs. After bei...

How To: Select and prepare Jackfruit

Have you ever heard of the East Indian fruit Jackfruit or Kanoon? The Jackfruit is one of the largest of fruits and almost every family in Thailand has a Jackfruit tree in their backyard. You can learn how to properly select a Jackfruit based on ripeness and learn the proper way of cutting it. Since the fruit is very sticky, it is best to oil just a little bit before cutting into the fruit. You can eat the fruit cold or use it as an ingredient in a meal. Save your seeds, and you can roast the...

How To: Make a simple balloon sunflower out of 2 balloons

his video show viewers how to make a basic sunflower out of 2 balloons. First, you should begin with the green balloon which will make the stem. Make sure that both balloons have some empty space at the ends for allowance of air movement during folding. Make two small bubbles on the green balloon and then twist this together with the yellow balloon which will make the petals. Make 6 rather large bubbles to form the petals. Make a loop with the yellow balloon after all 6 bubbles are made and a...

How To: Make a creamy raw mushroom sauce for kelp noodles

Learn how to make kelp noodles with a creamy mushroom sauce brought to you by the renegade health show. The creamy mushroom sauce is made with chopped white mushrooms and leeks. Then you add in some olive oil, a little apple cider vinegar, some tamari, and a few pieces of sliced celery, then add some soaked sunflower seeds all into a food processor. Mix until it forms a creamy sauce. Serve kelp noodles into a bowl and then cover in the mushroom sauce and serve. Simple and easy recipe.

How To: Know the differences in quinoa

In this tutorial, we learn to know the differences in quinoa. Quinoa is a complete protein that's very mineral rich. There is a tan and red variety, both are delicious. This is an ancient South American grain that is gluten free for the wheat intolerant. When prepping this, you will first need to rinse it off thoroughly. Cooked quinoa can be mixed with toasted sunflower seeds, lemon juice, sea salt, and olive oil for a great taste that is full with nutrients. It's a great replacement for rice...

How To: Make bath bombs that fizz in water

In this video, shows viewers how to make bath bombs. The ingredients needed are: a half cup of Epsom salt, a half cup of citric acid, one cup of baking soda, one teaspoon of liquid glycerin, one teaspoon of water, three teaspoons of oil (the fragrance for your bath bomb), three tablespoons of sunflower or canola oil, one-fourth of a teaspoon of Borax, and food coloring (liquid). You will also need to have bath bomb molds, latex gloves, a bowl, a glass measuring cup, and pape...

How To: Cook fresh pumpkin flowers

To cook pumpkin flowers you need some pumpkin flowers and some of the smaller more tender leaves from the pumpkin patch. First thing is to take off the little spiny things from the base of the flower. Then you want to pop the top of the flower off at base of the stem. Remember to save the stems, open up the flower gently and pluck out the thing in the middle. You want to pick off the spinets on the back of leaves, wash them rubbing them to soften the leaves up. Then you would take the stem an...

How To: Make a great banana bread

The Simple Chef is going to show you how to make everyone's childhood favorite and that's banana bread. You want to begin by taking two bananas that are past ripe because that's when they're the softest sweetest and peel them. Throw the peeled bananas into a bowl and mash them up. Now, add two eggs, 1/2 cup of sunflower oil, 3/4 cup of sugar and blend that all up. While blending you should preheat the oven to 250 degrees, and then grease a casserole dish. Once the mixture is blended you want ...

How To: Make a healthy potato salad

Carolineartiss teaches you how to make a healthy potato salad. Take 1 kilogram of new potatoes, wash them and cut them in half. Add one teaspoon of paprika, a pinch of turmeric and some ground cumin seeds. Also add ground coriander. Also add some salt on top and mix them all together. Drizzle a bit of olive oil on top of the potatoes in the cooking pan. Place them in the oven at 195 degrees centigrade for about 40 minutes. Chop the small red onion, with a celery. Add those on top of the potat...

How To: Make raw vegan tuna pate

JohnnyRawAppleseed demonstrates a delicious dish of raw vegan tuna pate. This is healthy and delicious. You will need some sunflower seeds, lemon, dill, oil, salt, parsley, onion, celery and pickles. Chop all of these up, throw them into a blender, add roughly one to three tablespoons of raw tuna, and you will then blend to a fine mushy substance. This is ideal for spreading or using as a topping, even throwing onto a sandwich or a salad. Crackers, toast and various chips can also be used. So...

How To: Make raw vegan nori cheese sticks

This video demonstrates how to make raw vegan nori cheese sticks. First, put sunflower kernels, nutrition flakes, salt, olive oil, water, shredded cheese, and a whole jalapeno into a blender. Blend until the mix is paste-like in consistency. Slice sheets of nori into smaller pieces and spoon some of the paste onto the smaller pieces. Wrap them into little cylinders. Set them out and let them dry until most of the moisture from the paste has gone, and the stick is firm. This video is useful fo...

How To: Cook Thai style corn soup

Here is soup recipe similar to corn chowder with added twist. Follow along in this cooking how-to video to learn how to make a Thai style corn soup. Thai simply implies that this corn soup will be a tad on the spicy side.

How To: Make mini sunflowers for a dollhouse

This video shows how to make a tiny sunflower from polymer clay. Start with some yellow clay and roll it out using a pasta machine using the number 1 setting on the pasta machine. Wilton cake decorating supplies makes a flower shaped cutter that is designed to cut pieces of fondant, but works well for polymer clay. Make some of the flower shapes and even out the cut edges. You can texturize the flower petals so they are not left completely smooth. Add a piece of brown clay to the middle of th...

How To: Quit smoking by keeping your mouth busy

This video shows you how to quit smoking by keeping your mouth busy. By chewing on something you can avoid smoking. Edarem uses sunflower seeds to keep his mouth chewing. He placed them in his pocket in place of his cigarettes. Anytime he needed a cigarette he would chew sunflower seeds. After 2 weeks he stopped smoking by doing this. You can also take 3 deep breaths anytime you feel the need for a cigarette. You should consider the price of cigarettes when quitting.

News: Could Cooking White Rice with Coconut Oil Cut Calories?

White rice is cheap, filling, and tasty. No wonder so many countries in the world rely on it as a mealtime staple, including most of East and Southeast Asia. Alas, because of its relative lack of nutrition and its high calorie count, consuming lots of white rice regularly also puts people at risk for diseases like diabetes and obesity.

How To: Make gorp for hiking

Whether it stands for “good old raisins and peanuts” or “granola, oats, raisins, and peanuts,” gorp is a great food for the outdoors. Learn how to make gorp for your next camping trip. You will need:

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