Superbowl Search Results

News: Superbowl Snackin' with Snoop

For some reason, hip hop x cooking is a familiar equation in the world of HowTo. Today's "tutorial" comes in the form of a blatant Pepsi advert with Snoop Dogg as culinary host. Sure, the Super Bowl is mere hours away, but not to worry, Snoop doesn't demand much artistry or time for whipping up his "oregano" spiked snack of choice. Just dump a bunch of pre-made condiments on a bowl of chips, and voilà, Snoop's (re: Pepsi's) eight-layer dip. Previously, Eeeverybody Love Fried Chicken, So Liste...

News: Chloroform Surprise

Hi : ) This is version 2 of chloroform surprise (as version 1 submitted was a bit too dangerous) . This time we have a professional anesthesiologist to help anaesthesia. He/She will use a pre tested knock out cocktail that suits each jackass individually, so that this remains safe for everyone in the team!

News: E3 is next week!

E3, the Superbowl event of video games, is next week. This is the event where all major companies reveal their plans for the next year, new technology, and surprise game announcements.

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