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How To: Fit a bra properly with this bra fitting guide

If you're not sure whether you're wearing the right bra size, watch this bra fitting how to video. Learn how a bra should look when it fits well. A new bra should feel firm and snug when fastened on the loosest hook; most of the support comes from the band of the bra, so you may need to tighten it to maintain support as the bra stretches with every day wash and wear.

How To: Support a relative through substance abuse

In this tutorial, Dr. Coral Arvon tells us how to support a relative through substance abuse. If you have a loved one who is suffering from an addiction to drugs or alcohol, you need to know that if they are using they are probably lying to you. If you are giving them money, they will most likely be using that for drugs or money. They will do anything to get what they want, including lie and manipulate. You need to try your best to get your loved one into a 12-step program or into a detox cen...

How To: Use JavaScript, Spry, DOM code hinting in Dreamweaver

Not everything in Dreamweaver is handled visually. For those of you that need greater scripting support you definitely want to watch this video. Dreamweaver CS4 has added advanced support for JavaScript, the Spry framework and DOM. Learn how to write code more rapidly in Dreamweaver CS4 with code hinting support for JavaScript, DOM (Document Object Model), and Spry in this tutorial. Use JavaScript, Spry, DOM code hinting in Dreamweaver.

News: Troops needed for crowd control..

Here's another news clip on the Texas Kite Festival. Everything should be OK, right? Apparently, it was so important that police dressed in army uniforms had to force the attendees to buses. Of course we don't know how to go home, right? In addition, there was a helicopter circling overhead. What do you think is happening here? Here's my guess: indoctrination. We are being prepared mentally to accept their presence as a normal thing. What's ahead of us, I wonder.

How To: Combine Two NYC Penthouses into One

Here's a rich man's problem for you: two NYC East Village penthouse condos and the need for one combined living space. What do you do? Simply add a helical slide! When the homeowners came up with this fun idea for combining their two condos, they contracted architecture firm TCA to design and construct two separate options to descend and ascend between the two living spaces— an Italian-made "Rintal" stair (an open spiral staircase), or the much speedier and much livelier option: a stainless s...

Photo of the Day: Meanwhile, in Afghanistan...

From's The Big Picture, what a real-life version of the Green Hornet's gas gun might look like. Taken in Afghanistan in February of this year, an Afghan army recruit is pictured shrouded in a cloud of shocking green smoke as he participates in a graduation parade after an oath ceremony at Ghazi military training center—an American effort to strengthen Afghan forces so they can fight against Taliban strongholds.

News: World's Smallest Aquarium

How small is Russian artist Anatoly Konenko's microminiature aquarium? Well, for starters, it holds just two tablespoons of water. Not that you could ever fill it with a spoon, of course! The force would tear the décor to bits. Konenko favors a syringe for that particular task.

News: Real or Fake? Impossible Wooden Waterfall

It takes a special kind of mind to look at an M.C. Escher drawing and see a blueprint. And yet, looking at this working 3D model of Escher's Waterfall, one gets the impression that YouTube's mcwolles may have done just that! One thing's clear: like Escher's famous lithograph, the video employs some manner of trickery. But what kind? Good, old-fashioned forced perspective? CGI? Do the shadows provide a clue? Let's hear it in the comments.

HowTo: Make a Jenga Pistol

Not only will this wood-block pistol make you the terror of your next family activity night, it'll actually improve your Jenga game! Through science! For, you see, the faster you can knock a block out of a Jenga tower, the shorter the amount of time over which it can exert a frictional force on its neighbors. Which means the whole kit-and-caboodle is much less likely to come tumbling down. Want one? You'll have to build it yourself. Which is fitting because the word "jenga" actually means som...

Dichromatic Disaster: Teal and Orange Everywhere

I'm really glad someone finally wrote this article. Todd Miro @ Into The Abyss details the teal and orange look that's pervading mainstream and independent films. In essence, because orange is the color that is the closest to skin tone, DI colorists are forcing its complementary color - teal - into the image. It's a simple trick that, when used subtly, can create color contrast and really pop an image. Unfortunately, more often than not, actors look like Snooki's cousin and trees and shadows ...

HowTo: Auto-Lace Your Kicks

Kitschy kicks your thing? Try these self-lacing sneakers on for size. Inspired by the iconic Nike Air 2015s worn by Michael J. Fox's character in Back to the Future Part II, these shoes utilize an Arduino-powered force sensor and somewhat bulky pair of rear-mounted servo motors to pull themselves tight when offered a human foot. A switch reverses the process. Feeling ambitious? Head over to Instructables for complete instructions on how to build your own pair.

News: Apartheid in New York City

Pranking is good. Pranking in New York City is even better. These jesters with too much time on their hands decided to force segregation on the mean streets of Manhattan. You may recall "Frozen in Grand Central" and "No Pants", two events which helped create a name for these out of work thespians. The genesis for Improv Everywhere happened nine years ago when one of the founders decided to tell the ladies in the bar that he was musician Ben Folds during one late night of drinking. Ummm. It wo...

How To: Make bird feeders out of gourds

Fall is the best time to start a bird-feeding program that will last until spring. As the temperature begins to drop, the natural food supply dwindles, forcing birds to look for alternative sources to get them through the cold winter months. A feeder put out in the fall is sure to become a regular stop on birds' winter feeding rounds. The foods birds love include black-oil sunflower seeds, suet, peanuts, cracked corn, peanut butter, thistle, fruit, and shelled sunflower seeds.

How To: Make Realistic Fluffy Cloud Props from Things Around the House

If you need a cloudy background for a photo or video, you can always turn an old aquarium into a DIY cloud tank. But, if you want something more fun and less creepy, these fluffy cloud props by Serena Thompson might be more what you're looking for. It'd even make a good Halloween costume if you tweak it a little. All you need is some balloons, tape, flour, newspaper, and a bunch of pillow stuffing. Serena made them by taping balloons together and applying a mixture of water and flour, then co...