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Kinotopic: How to Get Excited Taking iPhone Photos Again

Last week I reviewed Kinotopic, the iPhone app that lets you easily create cinemagraphs. While I loved the result, I found the app hugely flawed. Kinotopic forced you to use a Facebook log-in, and didn't store the finished video on your phone itself. Instead, you had to visit the Kinotopic website to see your cinemagraphs or link to your Kinotopic page using Twitter, Facebook or Tumblr.

UDP Flooding: How to Kick a Local User Off the Network

Only so much data can be passed through the network and to your computer's networking interfaces. This is limited by the amount of bandwidth you have. The more bandwidth you have, the faster your network connections will be. Not only this, but your transfers will be more parallel and distributed so that all of your speed isn't taken up by one transfer. When all of your bandwidth is sapped and unable to be used, this is called a denial of service, or a DOS.

How To: The Hacks Behind Cracking, Part 1: How to Bypass Software Registration

If you've ever wondered how software pirates can take software and crack it time and time again, even with security in place, this small series is for you. Even with today's most advanced methods of defeating piracy in place, it is still relatively easy to crack almost any program in the world. This is mainly due to computer processes' ability to be completely manipulated by an assembly debugger. Using this, you can completely bypass the registration process by making it skip the application'...

How To: Create a Bump Key to Open Any Door

Lockpicking is a skill that takes years upon years to master. Locks come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, but have common ground in how they work. Most cylinder locks have "tumblers," which are metallic cylindrical objects that sit vertically to the actual locking mechanism. Tumblers have five or six holes with rounded key pins of various height in them, each needing to meet an exact height or the cylinder in the center (the lock itself) will not be allowed to turn. This is the reason why yo...

Scrabble Challenge #10: Would You Play a Phoney Word to Win?

A phoney word in a game of Scrabble is basically a non-valid word, either played or considered being played. Why? To fool the other player and go from losing to winning. It's perfectly acceptable in Scrabble play, but only if you don't get caught. If the other player challenges your play, then you'll be forced to remove it and your turn will be skipped. That right there—not fun.

News: F.A.T. Lab (Free Art and Technology)

F.A.T. Lab (Free Art and Technology) is a network of artists, engineers, scientists, lawyers, and musicians dedicated to the research and development of new technologies and creative media. They are "committed to supporting open values and the public domain through the use of emerging open licenses, support for open entrepreneurship and the admonishment of secrecy, copyright monopolies and patents."

News: Now Thats eating Fresh!

The two fast food restaurants, Farmer Dinner and Burgerville both run their restaurant in a way that supports their local farmers. This provides freshness to their customers. “Our mission is to increase the economic vitality of local agrarian economies,” (Murphy). That’s a bright idea in which local restaurant should take in consideration. We the people should consider the support of local farmers. This will stop the extortion that happens in other countries and stop fast food chain restauran...

News: New Release of AR-media 2.0 for 3ds Max

AR-media has made some great Augmented Reality software. You can check out their new AR-media™ Plugin for Autodesk® 3ds Max® OR their AR-media™ Plugin for Google™ SketchUp™. They use a marker based technology that allows you to create models in either 3ds Max or SketchUp, then export them as a ARmedia file type to be played by anyone who has the free ARmedia player.

News: LA Live on PBS July 31st

"The PBS special -- consisting of never before televised live musical performances from the Mario, Zelda, Sonic, Halo, Warcraft, Final Fantasy, Castlevania, God of War, Civilization, Chrono Cross, StarCraft and Guitar Hero franchises, and a musical journey through classic gaming -- premieres July 31, 2010 and airs throughout August on PBS stations (check your local listings at Support your local PBS station now -- you make it possible for your PBS station to offer...

WARNING: House-On-the-Go May Induce Nausea

Experimental house, "Roll It", is a collaborative project within Germany's University of Karlsruhe. The basic concept is as follows: using a cylindrical design to maximize space within a minimum housing unit. Not sure how "space efficient" this would actually be, but using it as transport could be fun (until the nausea inevitably sets in).

How To: Do a static side bridge ab exercise

Start by lying on your side on the floor or mat with the legs extended. The elbow should be directly underneath the shoulder to support the body. As you contract your abdominals, use your torso to lift yourself off of the mat while your elbow and feet are touching the ground. Hold this for 10 to 15 seconds making sure that the spine and neck are in a neutral position. Repeat on the opposite side.

How To: Do a modified static side bridge ab exercise

Start by lying on your side with the knees bent. The elbow should be directly underneath the shoulder to support the body. As you contract your abdominals, use your torso to lift yourself off of the mat while your elbow and knees are touching the ground. Hold this for 10-30 seconds making sure that the spine and neck are in a neutral position. Repeat on the opposite side.

How To: Add Formatting to Emails Using Your iPhone's Mail App

Sending and receiving email on the go is made easy with the Apple's "Mail" app on the iPhone. However, up until the release of iOS 5, plain text was the only option for sending emails (even though well-formatted messages could still be received). The information below, coupled with unlocking the emoji keyboard will make you an unstoppable force of communicating accurately.

How To: Paint distant trees in watercolor

Learn the required techniques for painting distant watercolor trees. In other words, these are the trees that sit in the distant landscape, providing the background - the 'supporting cast' if you like - for the more important elements in your painting, maybe a house, a figure or a river, etc. Paint distant trees in watercolor.

How To: Understand arches

An arch is a structure commonly used in bridges and buildings. This video presents examples of the arch as a structural unit and introduces the concepts of compression and tension. Provides support for the structures and mechanism unit of grade 6 to 8 science programs. Understand arches.

How To: Do yoga postures for menstrual pain relief

Lori Sjollema demonstrates yoga postures you can do for menstrual pain relief. They will relax the nervous system and alleviate stomach cramps and backache. The postures are: supported head to knee pose, reclining bound angle pose, and straddle pose using the wall. Do yoga postures for menstrual pain relief.

How To: Apply a stable bandage

Maylyn McEwan says that a stable bandage is designed to support, protect, and provide warmth for horses. She describes how you roll the bandage, place the padding, apply the bandage, and remove the bandage. Apply a stable bandage.

News: Saturn V Rocket 1:1 Scale

Hi, all! After building my 20:1 TARDIS, I wanted to build another spaceship, but this time, I wanted to build a real one. I wanted it to be a well-known rocket, but more importantly, I wanted it to be a huge rocket.

How To: Effectively Play Hooky from Work

On average, about thirty percent of working Americans have called in sick at least once just to take a day off from work. If you are in the other goody-two-shoes seventy percent of the work force who've only called in sick for actual physical illness or have never actually used a sick day, consider giving yourself a mental health day if you ever feel like you really need it.

News: Credit for coming up with it

In case you haven't figured out already, our government is always on the move to figure out new ways to extend their control. The CISPA, for one, is one of the best examples, along with "re-education" programs, and racial divide (Trayvon). What I've noticed in the past few months is that their new "ideas" are coming out at an increasingly alarming rate.

News: Lawyer for Pakistani Drone Victims Denied U.S. Visa

A Pakistani lawyer who represents victims of U.S. drone strikes has been forced to cancel a trip to the United States after the U.S. government failed to grant him a visa. Shahzad Akbar was scheduled to speak later this month at an International Drone Summit in Washington, D.C. Akbar is co-founder of the Pakistani human rights organization, Foundation for Fundamental Rights. He filed the first case in Pakistan on behalf of family members of civilian victims.

News: Catch Creeps and Thieves in Action: Set Up a Motion-Activated Webcam DVR in Linux

When it comes to webcams these days, most people are using their laptops over desktops. The cameras are centered, integrated, and require no configuring. They're a cinch and usually have great resolution. So, then what do we do with all of those old wired desktop webcams that we've accrued over the years? Even if you still use an external USB one, chances are you're not using it daily, so why not come up with a better use for it?