Sustainable Practices Search Results

How To: Do close to open transition in tango via back bolero

In this tutorial, we learn how to do close to open transition in tango via back bolero. You can communicate through closed and open embrace by forming your body correctly. You need to use your embrace right and take your energy in your ocho factory and legs to get the dance right. You should be close next to the person but both of you should have a strong stance so you are ready to transition into different moves while dancing. As you practice, you will better learn how to dance and transitio...

How To: Use allegro, moderato, andante, adagio, ferma tempos in music

In this video, we learn how to use tempo: Allegro, Moderato, Andante, Adagio, Ferma. When you are playing a musical piece it has to have certain notes and speed. You will also be setting a mood with your song as well. Use tempo marks to mark these on your song to make it unique. Learn how to read these mark when you are looking at music on a sheet of notes. Make sure to practice your music to make sure you are playing it at the right speed and taking pauses where appropriate. This will help y...

How To: Make a balloon version of Marge Simpson's hair

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a balloon version of Marge Simpson's hair. This will take around 7 blue or purple colored balloons (your choice of course) and you will be baking a tetrahedron design. You will have asterisk type shapes everywhere except on the bottom, where there will be a spot to stick your head inside. When it reaches the top, the balloons will all connect together and make a circle at the top. This will take practice to learn how to do, but once you get it down you c...

How To: Play an Freddie King style Blues lick over the IV chord on guitar

They always did say, "simple music is the hardest to play, and Blues is simple music." Playing the Blues requires a specific touch that takes practice as well as a great compilation of licks! In this video you will learn how to play a signature Freddie King lick (ripped off by Eric Clapton, Stevie and other great guitar players, because that's what we do) over the IV chord of the progression (the fourth chord in the scale of the key). The faster you get with it, start to add trills, quick ham...

How To: Do rolling vibrato on the erhu

In this video, we learn how to do rolling vibrato on the erhu. Vibrato is a series of deliberate and controlled finger and hand movements. It is not convulsing or vibrating your hand to create the desired effect. First, you will need to learn finger movement. You will want to roll down and roll up as one nod once you are comfortable. Start with 1 nod per beat, then progress to doing 3 nods per beat as you become more familiar with the instrument. Next, you will need to learn bowing by setting...

How To: Pronounce "Tha'a" "Zay" "the-al" & "'6a'a" in Arabic

In this tutorial, we learn how to pronounce "Tha'a" "Zay" "the-al" & "'6a'a" in Arabic. Start by taking a look at the families of letters that have similar pronunciations. From here, you will want to practice saying each of the different letters out loud and then start to use them in sentences. After you do this, take a look at four main pronunciations, the "tha'a", "zay", "the-al" and "6a'a". These will sound different depending on the words that they are used in. Make sure to get the accent...

How To: Use English separable verb phrases for the classroom

In this video, we learn how to use English separable verb phrases for the classroom. Some basic phrases that you will need to know are "hand in", which would be used in a sentence like "he needs to hand in the assignments" or "he needs to hand this assignments in on time". If you use a pronoun, you must separate the verb phrases or the sentence will not me grammatically correct. After you have this down, practice another sentence. For the sentence, "the teacher will hand out the tests", you w...

How To: Use heavy & light pronunciations in Arabic

In this tutorial, we learn how to use heavy & light pronunciations in Arabic. As you practice doing these pronunciations, you will need to watch the video where the letters are drawn out for you. It will also help you to hear the pronunciation done by a native speaker so you can get an idea of exactly how to say each letter. The letters differ greatly between how you say it in English and will change depending on what words you are using them in. As you learn how to pronounce these, you will ...

How To: Use reflexive verbs in Spanish

In this video, we learn how to use reflexive verbs in Spanish. All of the reflexive verbs are related. Once you have your verb changed, you will have to change how you are saying the different words in the sentence. If you are talking about yourself, you will have to make sure you take out "es", so you aren't saying the sentence incorrectly. If you are calling yourself something, you are reflecting the verb back to yourself. I you want to say "I talk", you will say "yo habo", because you are ...

How To: Replace possessive nouns and adjectives with pronoun

In this video, we learn how to replace possessive nouns and adjectives with pronouns. Using pronouns to replace possessive nouns and adjectives is simple, an example includes: Joe's car is dirty, would change to, his car is dirty, or it is dirty. Another example of this is "Sara's shoes are outside" would be "her shoes are outside", or "they are outside". "The workers' lunches are in the refrigerator", would be "their lunches are in the refrigerator", or "they are in the refrigerator". Practi...

How To: Make perfect hard boiled and soft boiled eggs

Talk about stepping on eggshells. The process of boiling an egg and achieving your desired consistency is a very delicate process, though super easy with a little practice. When it comes to boiling, or simmering, an egg, the time you keep the egg in the water is key to how it will turn out.

How To: Do a successful handstand step by step

We remember doing our first hand stand. Well, okay, we remember toppling over after our first hand stand and falling flat onto our rump. The hand stand is one of those holds that looks not too hard to do when those who are good with it perform it, but when you try it yourself you find your ego bruised and butt sore.

How To: Execute side head stall freestyle soccer trick

The side of one's head is not very flat, and might not seem like the best place to balance something round and hard to balance like a soccer ball. Well, if you like freestyle soccer and you're up for a challenge, try this side head stall move out. You start with a standard head stall, then roll the ball to the side of your head and keep it there. Sounds simple, but this is a complex move you'll have to practice a lot.

How To: Create and play blues-style solos on the ukulele

Want to make your ukulele sing the blues? In this clip, you'll learn how to create and play blues-style solos on the uke. If you want to get really good at playing the ukulele, it stands to reason that you'll need to practice. Happily, the Internet is awash in high-quality video lessons like this one from the folks at Ukulele Underground. For more information, including a step-by-step overview, watch this free video ukulele tutorial.

How To: Warm up your thumb and index finger when playing the ukulele

In this clip, you'll learn how to warm up your thumb and pointer fingers with a simple scale-based picking exercise for the uke. If you want to get really good at playing the ukulele, it stands to reason that you'll need to practice. Happily, the Internet is awash in high-quality video lessons like this one from the folks at Ukulele Underground. For more information, including a step-by-step overview, watch this free video ukulele tutorial.

How To: Produce with Pro Tools

There are courses available on the internet to instruct you on how to use Pro Tools to produce music. There are graded assignments in a workshop environment. You will be able to get feedback on your work from your peer group. The students in classes are at various levels. Some are professionals and some are amateurs.

How To: Cut cards (shuffle cards) with one hand

Want to look totally pro when you deal blackjack, or even just when you're playing Go Fish with your friends? Then check out this easy yet super impressive card shuffling trick. Cutting cards can either be boring or a spectacle, so add some spice to your card game by shuffling it impressively in one hand.

How To: Play baseball with Goofy

In this tutorial, we learn how to play baseball with Goofy. First, you will need to play in a ball park and have players for each team. The pitcher will throw the ball and the hitter will hit the ball, then run to the different bases. The uniform will be loose fitting so it's easier for the player to run around on the field. Players will also have to practice holding the bat and playing against other teams so they know how to get along with other players. After the pitcher throws the ball, if...

How To: Do a "Touchdown Raiz" freerun trick

In this video, we learn how to do a touchdown raiz freerun trick. First, you will start off by running into a raiz move. This move is where you will lean onto one arm and then come down onto it and swing your feet around in front of you. This will look like a one handed cartwheel where you twist while you are in the air. Practice doing this at different angles to help better prepare yourself for doing this trick. When you have it mastered, you will be ready to do these more often and work out...

How To: Fret and play an A note on a bass guitar

In this bass guitar lesson for beginners, you'll learn how to fret and play a natural A like a natural. Regardless of your preferred style of music, if you want to be great, you'll need your head and hands on the same page. And there's no better way to get your head and hands on the same page than to practice. Happily, the Internet is awash in video tutorials like this one. For more information, and to get started playing this note yourself, watch this free video lesson for beginning bassists.

How To: Fret and play an A sharp or B flat note on bass guitar

In this bass guitar lesson for beginners, you'll learn how to fret and play an A sharp or B flat. Regardless of your preferred style of music, if you want to be great, you'll need your head and hands on the same page. And there's no better way to get your head and hands on the same page than to practice. Happily, the Internet is awash in video tutorials like this one. For more information, and to get started playing this note yourself, watch this free video lesson for beginning bassists.

How To: Fret and play a C note on the bass guitar

In this bass guitar lesson for beginners, you'll learn how to fret and play a natural C. Regardless of your preferred style of music, if you want to be great, you'll need your head and hands on the same page. And there's no better way to get your head and hands on the same page than to practice. Happily, the Internet is awash in video tutorials like this one. For more information, and to get started playing this note yourself, watch this free video lesson for beginning bassists.

How To: Fret and play a C sharp or D flat note on bass guitar

In this bass guitar lesson for beginners, you'll learn how to fret and play a C sharp or D flat note on the bass. Regardless of your preferred style of music, if you want to be great, you'll need your head and hands on the same page. And there's no better way to get your head and hands on the same page than to practice. Happily, the Internet is awash in video tutorials like this one. For more information, and to get started playing this note yourself, watch this free video lesson for beginnin...

How To: Fret and play a D sharp or E flat note on the bass

In this bass guitar lesson for beginners, you'll learn how to look sharp while fretting and playing a D sharp or E flat. Regardless of your preferred style of music, if you want to be great, you'll need your head and hands on the same page. And there's no better way to get your head and hands on the same page than to practice. Happily, the Internet is awash in video tutorials like this one. For more information, and to get started playing this note yourself, watch this free video lesson for b...

How To: Fret and play a G note on a bass guitar

In this bass guitar lesson for beginners, you'll learn how to fret and play a natural G. Regardless of your preferred style of music, if you want to be great, you'll need your head and hands on the same page. And there's no better way to get your head and hands on the same page than to practice. Happily, the Internet is awash in video tutorials like this one. For more information, and to get started playing this note yourself, watch this free video lesson for beginning bassists.

How To: Fret and play a G sharp note on a bass guitar

In this free video bass guitar lesson, you'll learn how to fret and play a G sharp note. Regardless of your preferred style of music, if you want to be great, you'll need your head and hands on the same page. And there's no better way to get your head and hands on the same page than to practice. Happily, the Internet is awash in video tutorials like this one. For more information, and to get started playing this note yourself, watch this guide for bassists.

How To: Knit a daisy stitch

In this tutorial, we learn how to knit a daisy stitch. First, you will knit all the stitches for one row. On the next row, you will purl three together making yarn over, then purling the same three stitches together again. Having looser stitches in the first row will help with the ease of knitting the second and third row. Continue to do this process until you are finished. Knowledge on how to do these stitches is extremely important. If you don't know how to knit before this, you won't know ...

How To: Do a yoga handstand correctly

In this Fitness video tutorial you will learn how to do a yoga handstand correctly. Bend forward and place both your hands on the ground. The fingers should be pointing forward and the palms should be flat on the ground. The shoulders should be naturally in to the body. They must not be stretched. Keep both the legs bent at the knees. Now lift one leg and practice kicking slowly with the other leg and pulling the navel in towards the spine. And eventually the full body will lift up and go bac...

How To: Draw a room with stairways using complex levels

Have you ever secretly pined away for a career in interior design, even though you're currently stuck in law school because, well, your parents forced you and gave you no other option? Because law school can be a bit rigid in terms of what you learn (pretty much it's just facts and figures and learning sound logic), it's important to indulge your creative side ever once in a while.

How To: Create the perfect Gothic eyebrows with a hair clip

Gothic girls know how to dress. That's the easy part of being Goth. But the makeup, that's another story. Getting the best Gothic-style makeup look is something that takes tons of practice to perfect. And one of the hardest things to accomplish— Gothic eyebrows. Yes, the look simple, but can you apply them straight? Do you have what it takes? Maybe all you need is a little help— so watch this video makeup tutorial to paint the perfect Goth-style brows. The secret? A meager hair clip.

How To: Play two lead guitar licks on the electric guitar

While we'd love to say that all the members of a rock band are important to how the group performs, we have to admit it: the lead guitarist generally has the best gig. With blazing, fast licks that make our heart go all aflutter, the best and most catchy melodies in the song, and the spotlight always on them, lead guitarists have become many a schoolgirl's crush.

How To: Wire wrap beads, crystals, and stones for beginners

Learning how to wire wrap jewelry is one of the most important skills you need to learn on your way to achieving jewelry making enlightenment. Wrapping with wire, whether it's attaching a stone to a pendant with an intricate, flowery wrap or adding a head pin to a crystal, allows you to attach adornments to your necklace or earring, something you'll be doing over and over again as a jewelry maker.

How To: Play the bass line to "Parklife" by Blur

With learning any instrument, often the hardest part to gaining any fluency is being able to bend your fingers to stretch out even to the furthest notes and do so with finesse. So if you wish to become a famous bass player in a rock band, one of the best things you can do to help with finger fluency is simply practicing a few drills.