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How To: Do a crane jump

The crane jump involves standing on a wall or an object and jumping to another one. If the distance is a bit to far to perform a precision jump, the athlete instead performs a crane, landing with one foot, leaving the other trailing down the wall, before climbing up and over. Do a crane jump.

How To: Perform the Parkour cat balance

A cat balance involves being on all fours and crawling along either a railing or a wall in a cat like motion much as the name suggests. This is used to get from one place to the other, and keeping the body close to the object makes it much safer to manoeuvre. Perform the Parkour cat balance.

How To: Shoot a combination shot in pool

In pool a combination shot involves shooting the cue ball at one ball in order to hit and pocket another. Approach a combination shot by visualizing imaginary aiming lines and finding the imaginary center of a ghost ball next to the first ball you want to hit. The cue ball should be hit toward the center of the ghost ball. Shoot a combination shot in pool.

How To: Perform a triceps workout without weights

Chris Cooke demonstrates how to perform a triceps workout without weights by doing dips, overhead press, and kickbacks. Each of these repetitions should be done ten times. As no weights are involved you could exercise anywhere you like, as long as you have some space. Perform a triceps workout without weights.

How To: Make a double bank shot

This video demonstrates a shot from the film "Pool Hall Junkies" and involves hitting the cue ball off center with a medium stroke. The object ball then banks off the rail into other balls, deflects off those and goes into the pocket. Make a double bank shot.

How To: Clamp glassware to an apparatus in the chemistry lab

The Interactive Lab Primer (ILP) has been developed as part of the Royal Society of Chemistry Teacher Fellowship Scheme, one of the themes of the Chemistry for Our Future program, and initiative which aims to secure a strong and sustainable future for the chemical sciences in higher education. The aim of the ILP is to address the diverse range of experience and skills students bring with them to a university by offering a resource to support their transition from school to the university chem...

How To: Dry an organic solution in the chemistry lab

The Interactive Lab Primer (ILP) has been developed as part of the Royal Society of Chemistry Teacher Fellowship Scheme, one of the themes of the Chemistry for Our Future program, and initiative which aims to secure a strong and sustainable future for the chemical sciences in higher education. The aim of the ILP is to address the diverse range of experience and skills students bring with them to a university by offering a resource to support their transition from school to the university chem...

Make Your Own Nitrous Oxide: Hilarious Science

If you've ever had teeth removed/minor surgery, you most likely received some laughing gas, or nitrous oxide. This gas creates a happy, lightened feeling, and causes instant laughter. In this article, I'll show you how to make some. BUT BE CAREFUL!!! DO NOT proceed in this experiment unless you have EXTENSIVE knowledge of chemistry!!! Misuse of this procedure could result in the production of LETHAL GASSES! However, the set-up is quite simple, if done correctly should not lead to any issues. ...

News: The Jackass Olympic Games

Have you got the olympic balls!!!! Nuts this is going to hurt!!!! The Jackass Olympics is a test not only of athleticism but also what every true sportsman or in some case women should have balls of steel!!I foresee the event to be a close contest, with the winner being awarded what all winners should receive in this event fuck all but pain and a laugh!The Jackas Olympics wil consist of an opening & closing cermony with 3 main sporting events with a sick twist!Opening Cermony, the olympic ana...

News: Electrode ball buzzers

Hi Guys! I am Sara...I got run over by a truck (drunk driver, not on purpose) and one of my physical therapy tools is a TENS Unit- it sends electric shocks, level and type to be decided by user, to body parts via electrodes. When I first got it, I was using it and accidentally turned it WAY UP instead of off! I sends a crazy intense shock. My first thought, after I stopped laughing my electrified ass off, was of you Jackass guys :) SO...

How To: Make Your Own Nicki Minaj Costume for Halloween

Maybe you like her music, or maybe you just like her style, but if you're looking to be Nicki Minaj for Halloween, this video guide is for you. The first part of the tutorial will show you how to do Nicki Minaj's makeup, followed by how to create Nicki Minaj's hair. The end of the video involves making a Nicki Minaj outfit that will complete your costume.

News: Billboard Earthbag Project

This project is intended to reuse PVC that makes up the images on billboards and make them into houses for disaster and poverty stricken people. While the images are definitely cg mockups, the concept is awesome. I've personally been working on disaster relief shelters, but my concepts all involve using fresh PVC pipe. These guys have taken it a step further by taking vinyl sign material that is headed for landfills and recycling it into homes.

News: The Lost Art of Building With Your Hands

This is more of an op-ed piece that is only loosely tied to this world in the sense that what he built involved PVC. What I like about it is it sheds light on what I call the New Poverty. That is, the fact that the plastic and fully automatic world of developed nations impoverishes our creative spirit. It impoverishes the human spirit in a way that you find the New Wealth in places like drought starved Africa.

News: A Musical Universe

I am a musician with the goal to create a Musical Universe called Music UniversuM. This idea will help improve music by using a space based theme so each star and it's solar system represents an intricate piece of music- a solar system symphony of sorts. If you're interested in learning more or being involved in the Music or any other part of the project, please contact me at Musicuniversum1@gmail.com

Triathlon food: What to eat

Serious triathlon training involves energy expenditures upwards of 5,000 to 6,000 calories a day. Maintaining the level of food consumption for this kind of output means that triathletes in training are basically eating lots, and eating often. Renowned celebrity chef and Ironman triathlete Rocco DiSpirito recommends eating lots of bananas, peanut butter & jelly, lean proteins, fruits, vegetables and organic chicken stock to get the food intake levels up to that point.

News: Crazy Old Poo Men

Basically what you do is go around the street as old people (again) and throw poo at people. but make it look like you just shat yourself and pull it out your pants and just lob it. totally awesome! the stunt involves all the jackass crew and i doesn't have to be real shit but you can if you want. hope to see you guys in hollywood.

News: Rake and Mustard

Its simple, you already know you get great reactions out of rake so why not prank him? everything he does needs to have mustard involved with it. Shampoo, toothpaste fill them with mustard. Put it on stuff when he's not looking(and run like hell) just all day piss him off

How To: Write a Treatment

The following is a how to piece about writing a treatment and the skills involved. As a noobie writer, I find these things very helpful, but at the same time I am careful not to take everything said as cut and dry. That is a tactic used by modern day intellectuals (not a god thing to be in most people's eyes). Read some of this and decide for yourself if it is or is not useful to you.

News: VIDADIFH - Harold Raimis

VERY IMPORTANT DUDES & DUDETTES IN FILM HISTORY Show: Harold Ramis. He's kinda been involved in one way or another with almost all of the funny things and people over the last 30 years, so maybe he counts as a Very Important Dude?

How To: Perform the coin flip trick

Pub magician Christian Lee demonstrates how to perform the coin flip trick. A sleight of hand trick involving a quick movement that makes it look as if a coin magically moved from one had to the other. All you need are two identical coins and some magic! Perform the coin flip trick.

How To: Get away from your opponent in netball

Chioma Ezeogu, who plays wing attack for England and Middlesex, shows how she gets away from her opponent. Netball is similar to basketball but with no backboard behind the net, and no dribbling. Evasion techniques involve fakes and rolls. Get away from your opponent in netball.