T Sustain Search Results

How To: Build an 8000 lumen CFL and a makeshift rain shield

This is a great instructional video on how to build an 8000 lumen CFL and makeshift rain shield. First you need build a PVC frame. For that you will need 3-3/4 'T'S, 4-12" 3/4 pipes,2-2 1/2 " pipes and 4-3/4 caps. You will also need 1-1 " 'T'. 2- 1" 1" pipes and 1-1"-3/4" reducer. Hold the job in a mechanical vice and cut the material into required sizes and make the snap fittings. Then friction fit the rest of the components into this stand. Then lastly you have to make the light box. That i...

How To: Play "Hey There Delilah" on an acoustic guitar

Want to play "Hey There Delilah" by Plain White T's on your acoustic guitar? See how it's done with this free video guitar lesson, which presents a complete breakdown of the song and it chords. While this tutorial is geared toward those who already have some knowledge of the guitar, players of all skill level should be able to follow along given adequate time and effort. For more information, and to get started playing "Hey There Delilah" on your own guitar, take a look!

How To: Make delicious Italian meatballs

Want to learn how to make your own authentic Italian meatballs? Chef Tony. T would like to share with you this Italian meatball recipe that has been passed down through his family for many years. This video will be explaining to you all of the ingredients that you will need for the meatballs, as well as the full process of making them. Watch Tony. T's video today and learn how you will be able to add some extra flavor to your next spaghetti dinner.

News: Replacement Joints with Antibiotics on Board Mean Lower Chance of Infection & Fewer Surgeries

For about a million Americans each year, a joint replacement brings relief from pain and restored mobility. But, 5–10% of those people have to endure another surgery within seven years, and most of those are due to an infection in their new joint. If doctors could treat infections more effectively, patients could avoid a second surgery, more pain, and another rehabilitation.

How To: How to plant with the "Three Sisters" method

To prepare for planting take a fork and poke it into the ground and loosen up the ground. Do this throughout the beds so that the ground is completely loosened up. After you finish loosening the soil take a shovel and dig to the bottom of the bed and turn the soil over. If there are leaves in the bed go ahead and turn the leaves over into the soil. It will provide extra compost for the soil. Add some rabbit manure to the soil to provide extra nutrients. Turn the manure into the soil so that i...

How To: Make a Mermaid Tail Costume

Make your underwater dreams come true by turning yourself into a bona fide swimming mermaid. If mermaids did exist, you would be the perfect candidate to transform into the mythical creature. So check out this video tutorial form Little Orca to learn how to make your own mermaid tail costume.

How To: Do yoga sun salutation A movements

In this fitness how to video Lucas Rockwood, demonstrates Sun Salutation A from the Ashtanga-Vinyasa & Power Yoga traditions. The breath is meant to synchronize with the movement so that entire practice is like one long breathing exercises. Inhales are expansive, strong breathes while exhales are relaxing and opening.

News: '5G' Is Here! ... In Parts of Austin. For Very Few Customers

Those of us with modern smartphones know that 4G LTE networks have provided us with a phenomenal experience. One light years beyond what we had access to before. For some time, AT&T has been teasing its dive into the next iteration of network speeds, agonizingly doing so without any specific dates for when they would actually deliver. But today, AT&T confirmed what they call the "5G Evolution," and it's available now.

News: Verizon Caves to Demand for Unlimited Data Plans, Makes Customers Happy

Verizon has long been king in the wireless provider market, but recently it has had to step up its game in the data department. A limited data plan — with supposedly superior service — was no longer cutting it for customers. Many of whom left to take up the sweet, sweet offers of competitors like Sprint and T-Mobile. This past fiscal year, Verizon had a net loss of customers in the first quarter. Something that has never happened to them before.

How To: Unlock your iPhone 3G or 3GS 4.0, 4.0.1, or 3.1.3

Apple and AT&T can keep changing the baseband and the firmware on the iPhone as much as they want and hackers are gonna stay ahead of them, especially now that jailbreaking is legal. This new video will show you how to unlock a jailbroken iPhone 3G or 3GS with iOS version 3.1.3 or 4.0.1 and basebands 5.12.01, 5.13.04, 5.11.07, and 4.28.08. Now you can use it on any carrier, breaking free of AT&T's crappy network for good.

How To: Play "Hey There Delilah" by White Plain T's on ukulele

The ukulele is a beautiful and unique stringed instrument that is perfect for the traveling musician because it is so portable and relatively inexpensive. The ukelele is a version of a small guitar that originated in Hawaii. In this tutorial you will learn how to play "Hey There Delilah" by the White Plain T's. Once you get a hang of this beginner song you can impress your friends with this rendition of "Hey There Delilah" by Plain White T's on your uke.

How To: Play "1234" by Plain White T's on ukulele

In the left side of your monitor you can see the brown color bar which shows the different strings sections of the Uke Player. When a particular note has to be played that shall also be displayed by blue buttons on the monitor. You have to observe these blue buttons and then follow it to pull the strings on your Uke Player. First you have to pull the strings of the second of first, second and the third wires. In the next step you have to press the first section of second wire and the second s...

How To: Use fermatas in music

A fermata (also known as a bird's eye)is an element of musical notation indicating that the note should be sustained for longer than its note value would indicate. This music theory how to video teaches an easy shortcut in order to understand and use 'fermatas' in music.

How To: Build a drill press table for your woodshop

It is not that hard to make your own drill press table. Start with a 3/4-inch piece of plywood. Cut a 3/4-inch dado cut on both ends of the 3/4-inch board about two inches from the end. Top the 3/4-inch plywood with a 1/4-inch piece of oak cut into three pieces. When you cut the board into three pieces cut the center piece out with a 10-degree angle so that when you glue the two end pieces down the center piece will slide in and out but be held in place by the angle. This allows you to change...

How To: Strum "Hey There Delilah" on the ukulele

The ukulele is a beautiful and unique stringed instrument that is perfect for the traveling musician because it is so portable and relatively inexpensive. The ukelele is a version of a small guitar that originated in Hawaii. In this tutorial you will learn how to strum "Hey There Delilah" by the Plain White T's on the ukulele. Once you get a hang of this beginner song you can impress your friends with this rendition of "Hey There Delilah" by the Plain White T's on your uke.

News: T-Mobile LTE-U Gives Galaxy S8 Owners a Speed Boost in Select Cities

Last month, AT&T made headlines with its disastrous launch of its 5G Evolution network (spoiler alert: it wasn't actually 5G). T-Mobile responded to the embarrassing news by saying the company would be working on its own 5G network, and would take its time rolling it out. Well, T-Mobile may have just pulled an AT&T — T-Mobile is launching LTE-U in the US, and things seem pretty similar to the 5G Evolution's introduction.