Talk Radio Search Results

How To: Personalize Sound Quality for Headphones on Your Galaxy S6

Chances are your hearing isn't the same as the person next to you. Personally, I have moderate hearing loss, so I tend to turn the volume nob towards the loud side. For others, it may be that one ear is slightly better or worse than the other, not only in perceiving volume, but tone as well. Considering this, is it possible for smartphone manufacturers to ensure the best sound quality on their devices?

News: Flash-Freeze Anything with the Anti-Griddle

Essentially, the Anti-Griddle does exactly what its name promises: it turns things almost instantaneously cold when you drop them on its "grilling" surface. Unlike home methods of flash freezing, its staggeringly low temperatures (-30°F/-34.4°C) allows ingredients that normally can't be frozen—like oil or alcohol—to turn into solids in the wink of an eye. As you might imagine, this allows chefs to play with textures and tastes in a way that was previously unimaginable.

How To: Build a Gingerbread Downton Abbey (With Martha Stewart)

Bow down, peasants: your gingerbread house just got owned. By whom? Martha Stewart, of course. The lifestyle guru has constructed elaborate gingerbread buildings in the past, but this year PBS asked her to build a gingerbread reproduction of Downton Abbey, in honor of the show's fifth season coming to PBS starting Jan. 4th, 2015. (PS: For those of you in the UK, the fifth season's Christmas special will be airing on Dec. 25th, 2014.) The materials included 11 batches of gingerbread, 16 cups o...

News: WTF Is Gluten? Finally—A Definitive Answer

Does it seem like everybody you know is declaring that they're gluten-free? Some wonder if the number of people with celiac disease are on the rise or if it's the latest fad diet. And it even goes beyond food: now there are beauty products that tout themselves as being free of gluten.

News: Hitchhiking Robot to Travel Through Canada This Summer

Imagine this: You're driving on the freeway in Canada, enjoying the view and sipping Tim Horton's, when all of the sudden you see something out of the corner of your eye. You expect it to be a moose, obviously, but instead you see a robot with his thumb hitched up. So, after insuring that you didn't accidentally take some hallucinogens a few miles back, do you pick it up?

How To: Change Siri's Voice from Female to Male in iOS 7 on Your iPhone

While there were many highlights during Apple's keynote address at WWDC this year, the new advancements to the sassy personal assistant Siri in iOS 7 were amongst the most talked about—and something I was eager to test drive myself. Currently, there are ways to improve Siri in iOS 6, like making her play Spotify music or adding more commands, but those aren't easy tasks.

News: Use Decentralized Cloud Storage to Keep the NSA from Tracking You

There has been much talk about how unsecure the cloud is because of PRISM’s newfound ability to demand all of your data without any resistance. This has spin doctors in the Cloud Storage industry losing their mind. They suddenly went from a central hub for 10GB of your files, to an easy window for Big Brother to track you through. Centralized cloud storage is no longer a safe way to keep your files, but we still need a way to access our files anywhere we go.

How To: Take Free Online Courses for Real College Credit

The internet is a great place to find information for pretty much anything you can think of. So why shouldn't it be a place for official higher learning? I'm not talking about a course in Wikipedia or SparkNotes, but real colleges offering real college courses completely online. And guess what—it's FREE.

How To: Light Up Your iPhone's Apple Logo in Old School Rainbow Colors

As far as logos go, few are as iconic and instantly recognizable as Apple's old-school rainbow emblem. No matter how sleek their products get, people are still nostalgic for the old, colorful logo, and this mod from Adafruit basically proves it. If you have some pretty decent soldering skills, you can make the Apple on the back of your iPhone light up like the old rainbow logo. In the video below, Becky Stern from Adafruit uses a kit with a replacement glass back, tweezers, screwdrivers, and ...

How To: Get Free Microsoft Points with Xbox LIVE's New Rewards Program

We all expect a little something on our birthdays, so why should those expectations drop when we are talking about our gaming systems? Microsoft has started handing out birthday gifts to its Xbox LIVE Gold members with their new MyAchievements rewards program. Those eligible for the gift will automatically receive the offer on their dashboard. To be eligible for the free gift, you must be:

News: Artist Burns Chairs into Decorative, Fragile Steel Ring Seats with Fire

For his thesis at Design Academy Eindhoven, artist/designer Tuomas Markunpoika Tolvanen created this incredible chair using tubular steel cut into thin rings. How did he get them to stay that way? He burned them. His project is called Engineering Temporality, and the inspiration came from his grandmother whose Alzheimer's disease is deteriorating her health and memories. Once he cut the rings, he laid them over an existing chair, only partially covering it. The fire acted as a varnish, creati...