Talk Radio Search Results

How To: Talk to a stranger and ask them out on a date

Asking someone out on a date can be very intimidating, especially if you do not know them that well or if they are a complete stranger. This guide helps you learn how to confidently ask a stranger out on a date by introducing yourself, finding common ground, learning about the stranger, and then asking them out. Sometime's asking someone out is as easy as initiating a conversation.

How To: Use a Newstweek to change the news read by others on a wifi network

The Newstweek might be the coolest new device of 2011 that no one is talking about. It's a pocket-sized device that allows you to access the data streaming through a wireless internet access point and change the news being read by fellow users at the hotspot, from any site, however you want. It allows you to do some amazingly inspiring and sinister things, like any really progressive technology, and this video will show you how to use it.

How To: Say names of colors in Italian

In this tutorial, we learn how to say the names of colors in Italian. The colors are easy to learn! White is biano, the snow is la neve. Pair these together to talk about the color of snow! Yellow is giallo and "the banana" is "la banana". Pair these together to talk about the color of a banana! Red is 'rosso', green is 'verde', and blue is 'azzurro'. Purple is 'violetto', gray is 'grigio', and gold is 'oro'. A lot of these sound just like Spanish but have a small twist to them! Just practice...

How To: Make children listen with the marshmallow game

In this video, we learn how to make children listen with the marshmallow game. When you are trying to tell a story to children, they can talk and start a conversation without being quiet. To help this out, tell the children to put a pretend marshmallow in their mouth and they will pretend to chew it! Have them put more and more marshmallows into their mouth so it will be filled up and they can't talk. Make sure they continue to breathe while they are doing this, sometimes they hold their brea...

How To: Attract a woman with your body language

In this tutorial, we learn how to attract a woman with your body language. If you see a woman that's bored, immediately walk up to her! You can do this with a girl that works in a department store, because she'll be bored. Spring into action and talk to that girl about anything! The girl has been spending the day bored, so she wants someone to talk to. Once you're in the conversation with her, she will start to smile and laugh. This will start you on a good track to get her number and possibl...

How To: Create a freaky moth makeup look for Halloween

Talk about unconventional Halloween costumes. Forget hot vampires and hot werewolves; it's all about sexy moths this Halloween. But rather than going with cheesy wings and antennae, we're talking deep, sunken eyes with eyebrows that extend out into moth-like wings and black lipstick. To learn how to create this awesome look, check out the video.

How To: Seduce women

in this video we learn how to seduce women. Seducing women comes down to being confident, interacting with them, and knowing what their reactions are. First, you will need to talk to a girl and get a feel for her. Be confident in yourself and don't care what anyone else thinks about you. Enjoy and love yourself but don't come off as arrogant to the girl. Talk to her and interact by touching her and teasing her. Once you do this, the girl will start to approach you and become far more interest...

How To: Deal with arguing & fighting in a relationship

In this video, we learn how to deal with arguing and fighting in a relationship. If you find yourself fighting with your partner a lot, this is leading to issues in the relationship. You both need to stop fighting and start to become adults. You need to talk about your problems and what is going wrong in your relationship. Once you start to talk about your problems, you will be able to have a better relationship where you are both more open. If you are fighting over petty things, you both nee...

How To: Attract a woman with one look

In this video, we learn how to attract a woman with one look. When you go over to talk to a girl, you want to walk up to her slowly. Walking slowly will teach you how to attract a woman because you aren't walking fast like everyone else. Don't have a nervous energy, because this will show lack of confidence in yourself. Once you are talking to the woman, make sure you are giving her eye contact and she is interested in what you are saying. It's a great idea for you to meet the woman at the gr...

How To: Meet women at Whole Foods market

In this tutorial, we learn how to meet women at Whole Foods market. If there is a woman standing alone and drinking a drink from the food area, ask her what is inside of the drink. This can start a conversation of what each of you guys like and what kind of fruits and vegetables you prefer. Make sure to challenge the girl when you are talking to her, so she is intrigued to keep talking to you. Keep up this approach and you can meet several women in Whole Foods within just an hour or two! This...

How To: Create easy, natural openers when talking to women

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to create easy, natural openers when talking to women. Conversations can easily be started all the time based on simple observations. Usually guys make a mistake when they try to use a pickup line on a women. Pickup lines don't work because they're taking people out of a present moment. If you are walking around and observing something, chances are someone else is observing it as well. So if you and a woman are observing the same object, she will imme...

How To: Be less quiet and more talkative

Marie was asked by a viewer how to go about being more orally engaging with other people, as most attention he gets is attributed to the fact that he is very quiet, which doesn't sit well with him. Just like anyone else, he would like to get attention for the things he says, not for being quiet! He is under the impression that "cramming," or being knowledgeable on current events and other trivia will give him more to talk about and thus help him to be more talkative. Marie suggests, though, t...

How To: Keeping a conversation flowing

Marie Dubuque offers tips on keeping a conversation flowing and avoiding awkward silences. She suggests asking the other person about themselves. Everyone loves to talk about themselves, and sometimes if you ask one question they go on and on. Ask about their favorite food, favorite restaurant, how they get along with relatives. Questions about in-laws can lead to some interesting dialog and can get the conversation going better than it was before.

How To: Tell if a guy likes you with 10 signs

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to tell if a guy likes them with 10 signs. The guy cuddles you until you cuddle back. He stares deeply into your eyes and doesn't care if you notice. He will talk non-stop just to talk to you. He laughs at your jokes, even if there not funny. He's quieter when he's alone with you because he gets shy. He will hug you every time he sees you. He will get annoyed if anyone causes you discomfort. He can't finish his sentences because he doesn't want to loo...

How To: Make animated pet dialogue using Crazy Talk software

In this video, we learn how to make an animated dialogue in CrazyTalk6. Once you are in CrazyTalk6, face fit your character then click on "script". You can re-name your characters as you wish. Once you have their names picked out, you can create a script for them. Press the red record button and record what you want the character to say and press "load". Then, choose what you want the facial features to look like. Load another script for the other animal and once you press play, you can see b...

How To: Use Skype to call anywhere in the world

This is a very useful instructional video on how to use Skype to call anywhere in the world. You can go to Skype .com and click account and open a new account with Skype. Now log on Skype using your user name and pass word. now you can click the free calls button and you can call any one from any country across the world. You can also call mobile phones in the USA and Canada by paying a nominal fee. However you can talk with any one for unlimited time. It is very easy to use Skype. Your priva...

How To: Understand integers and the number line

User DayTeacher helps you understand integers and the number line. When numbers were conceived, man had the basic concept of small numbers. The first things you learn in a language are numbers. The weather might have had an impact on numbers, as temperatures dropped below 0. When talking about years Before Christ (BC), you could say 1000 B.C. is actually -1000. Being in debt means negative money. Two days ago is -2 days from the time we are talking about. Integers are positive whole numbers, ...

How To: Install Linux on a phone

The metalx1000 shows how to install Linux the on a phone. He talks about the Openmoko operating system. The first thing he shows is where to download it from and which one to download. The next thing he talks about is a tool that he will be using called "dfu-util" which he states you can download from the Openmoko site. The next thing he do is enter some commands for the dfu-util tool and continue to show you how to install Linux on a phone. By watching this video, you will gain the knowledge...

How To: Know if she's into you

Life and dating coach Vanae will help you to understand whether or not she's into you. She takes us through the signs you should look out for that hint that she is in fact into you. Pick up on signs like if she's smiling at you a lot or engaging in small talk with you. When you say jokes look and how she responds to you, and attempt to build trust with her in order to dive deeper into her feelings and personality. To have a chance at all you must put yourself out there and talk to her and ask...

How To: Understand basic probability with examples

This is a very basic overview of probability, possibly intended for an eleven year old. It is a very good introduction to probability for one that has never encountered probability before. The instructor is not always clear in his intentions. Someone watching this video would learn about probability, ratios, percentages, and fraction. There is a set of required knowledge to understand what the instructor is talking about. The instructor uses very nice diagrams and also gives nice explanations...

How To: Get a boyfriend with five steps

Learn how to get a boyfriend in five easy steps! First step is to talk to the boy you want. Not talking has been proven not to work! Step two is do not throw up. No matter how much you may want to, this is not the right way to go. Step three is to smile. Looking happy is appealing. Step four is to have a personality--no one wants to date a depressed emo kid. Step five is to get his number. Follow these easy steps to land the boy of your dreams in no time!

How To: Troubleshoot video and audio codecs

Problems playing certain formats of video and audio on you computer? It could be because of codec issues. The Lab Rats, Andy Walker and Sean Carruthers, talk about what codecs are and teach you how to troubleshoot codecs to solve your audio and video playback problems. This is a great video to explore that could help you with many WonderHowTo problems!

How To: Stunt fight Kung Fu style

In this week's episode of Backyard FX, Erik visits the Indy Kung Fu Masters of West Haven Brook to learn some awesome tips for movie fight scenes. They talk about the counting, sound effects, pull backs and camera movement necessary for orchestrating a great fight scene.