Tangible Result Search Results

News: HIV Prevention Ring Passes Safety Testing Clinical Trial

Young girls, especially those who live in areas where HIV is epidemic, like sub-Saharan Africa, are particularly vulnerable to becoming infected with HIV. A vaginal ring containing the antiviral agent dapivirine has been shown to decrease the chance of developing HIV-1 in adult women over 21 and now in the first step for use in adolescents, the ring has been shown to be safe and well-tolerated in that younger age group.

News: A Double Punch of Viruses & Immunotherapy Could Improve Outcomes for Cancer Patients

Activating the body's own immune system to fight cancer is the goal of immunotherapy. It's less toxic than chemotherapy and works with our body's natural defenses. The trouble is, it doesn't work for most patients — only about 40% of cancer patients get a good response from immunotherapy. But coupling it with another type of cancer therapy just might deliver the punch that's needed to knock out cancer.

News: Standard Testing Frequently Misses UTIs — But Now We Have a Better Way

Have you ever had a burning sensation when you urinate? Low fever, back pain, and maybe cloudy urine? Male or female, it could have been a urinary tract infection. If it lasted long enough, the chances are good you went to the doctor for help. For about 20% of women, standard testing for a UTI does not reveal the presence of infection-causing bacteria, even though bacteria may be causing their symptoms. Well, a new test may provide better answers.

News: Frustrated by Acne? New Research Shows Skin Microbiome Makes a Difference

The squiggly guys in this article's cover image are Propionibacterium acnes. These bacteria live in low-oxygen conditions at the base of hair follicles all over your body. They mind their own business, eating cellular debris and sebum, the oily stuff secreted by sebaceous glands that help keep things moisturized. Everybody has P. acnes bacteria—which are commonly blamed for causing acne—but researchers took a bigger view and discovered P. acnes may also play a part in keeping your skin clear.

News: Despite Effective Vaccine, Measles Still Threaten Worldwide

Nineteen days ago, several hundred people could have been exposed by a traveler with measles in Nova Scotia, Canada. The next day, someone flying from Minnesota to Nebraska may have spread the measles to other passengers. A couple weeks ago, it's possible that a man and his six-month old child spread the measles in several Seattle-based locations. Authorities are trying to locate persons who may have been in contact with these people. None of the persons with measles were vaccinated. Why?

News: How Researchers Could Use Bacteria to Determine Time of Death

When a dead body is discovered, finding out when the person died is just as important as finding out how the person died. Determining the time of death has always involved lots of complicated scientific detective work and less-than-reliable methods. However, a study by Nathan H. Lents, a molecular biologist at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York, is the first of its kind to show how microbes colonize a body's ears and nose after death.

How To: 40 Damn Cool Things You Can Do with Eggs

All day I dream of eggs: scrambled, poached, over easy, hard-boiled, fried, baked, raw... Okay, the last one is a joke (unless you're Gaston, which means that you eat five dozen of them and you're roughly the size of a barge). But eggs are freaking good in just about any cooking prep, and more often than not are the foundation of your favorite baked goods.

How To: Activate Your iPhone's Hidden Magnifying Glass for Extreme Zooming

When you want to see something far away with a little more clarity or you're having a hard time reading small letters right in front of you, you can point your iPhone's camera at the subject and "pinch" to zoom for a better look. But there's actually something built into iOS for the exact purpose of magnifying objects, and it goes above and beyond the normal camera features.

How To: Build a Directory Brute Forcing Tool in Python

While attempting to hack a web app, there may come a point where the attacker may have to escape the default directory in order to access unauthorized files. This is known as a directory traversal attack. Much as the name implies, this attack involved traversing the servers directories. But in order to move to an unauthorized directory, we need to know where those directories are. Today we'll be building a tool to brute force these directory locations based on HTTP response codes. Before we g...

How to Train Your Python: Part 4, Basic User Input

In the last iteration of how to train your python, we covered basic string manipulation and how we can use it to better evaluate user input. So, today we'll be covering how to take user input. User input is very important to scripting. How can we do what the user says if we can't tell what the user wants? There are multiple ways to take input, we can give the user a prompt and take input from them directly, or we could use flags/switches, and take their input before the script is even execute...

How To: Set Up an Eviltwin

When I tried to set up an eviltwin for a MitM-constelation in kali 2.0, I couldn't provide internet to the victim. The origin was the brctl bridging. I have read many tutorials but all of them where explained in backtrack and older versions of kali. So i was searching for a solution without using brctl and this solution will be explained now. This will just work on unencrypted wireless-environments.

How To: Search Public Posts on Facebook

The newer Graph Search in Facebook can help you find friends in specific cities, photos of a particular subject, restaurants that your friends liked, and a whole lot more. One thing it can't help you with just yet is searching public posts on Facebook, which you could do in the previous search version. Actually, some users do have the option to search public posts with Graph Search, but it's very limited and doesn't include me. If you're like me and don't have access yet, there is a workaroun...

How To: Get your official SAT score from College Board online

The SATs are a very valuable college entrance test and could determine if you're accepted or denied to your favorite university. So, once you've learned to ace the SATs and have already taken your test, get your scores as soon as they're out! Don't sit in dreaded anticipation— go to College Board and get your SAT test results now!

How To: Do bench-dip exercises to increase your arm strength and size

If you are one of the smaller kids in school, you know that sometimes you have to exert yourself a little bit more to get noticed for your athleticism. There will always be better athletes than you, but only if you don't apply yourself. Weight training is the best way to bulk up and this exercise, called the bench dip, will beef you up by working out your biceps muscles. It's a great workout to increase your arm size.