Tax Relief Search Results

How To: Make an Agamograph

Need an easy craft for young kids. Learn to make a relief sculpture out of paper created by an Israeli artist name Yaacov Agam. All you need is paper, glue, scissors, pencil and a ruler. Make an Agamograph.

News: Billboard Earthbag Project

This project is intended to reuse PVC that makes up the images on billboards and make them into houses for disaster and poverty stricken people. While the images are definitely cg mockups, the concept is awesome. I've personally been working on disaster relief shelters, but my concepts all involve using fresh PVC pipe. These guys have taken it a step further by taking vinyl sign material that is headed for landfills and recycling it into homes.

News: Proposition 25

Prop 25 prevents a suspension in CA’s budget. It means that legislators will not get paid if the budget is not passed on time. A budget will be passed with the vote of a small majority rather than two-thirds like it was before. However, a two-thirds vote is required to increase taxes.

How To: Treat your sinuses or sinusitis with Dr. Oz

Are your sinus problems getting in the way of your life? Dr. Oz of Real Age Videos provides an informative, animated video that unravels the mysteries of infected sinuses. He explains the physiology of the sinuses, and details the possible causes of sinusitis and its common symptoms, including colds and allergies. This video offers a few suggestions about current methods of medical treatments to alleviate this troublesome malady. It explains how the Balloon Sinuplasty procedure can provide ef...

How To: Ease labor pain naturally

You've probably heard that breathing exercises can ease labor pain, but did you know that there are many other pain-relief techniques at your disposal. In this video learn: why you need support and how to put together a team, the reason you feel pain during labor and how your body copes naturally, how deep breathing works and how, why moaning, sighing, chanting, and other vocalizations can ease pain, visualization and relaxation techniques from women who've used them successfully. Ease labor ...

News: Kim Dotcom Lashes Out Against “Corrupt” US Government

The US judge handling the Megaupload case noted today that it may never be tried due to a procedural error, a comment that has sparked the anger of Megaupload’s founder. Kim Dotcom is furious with the US Government for destroying his businesses and rendering hundreds of people unemployed. According to Dotcom the case is the result of “corruption on the highest political level, serving the interests of the copyright extremists in Hollywood.”

News: Johnny Depped to Death

Is it just me or has Johnny Depp given up his great acting talents in favor of character schtick ? Even looking at his posters I can tell Im going to get some over the top performance that is more makeup and costume then real acting, but then again Mr. One Note Burton does many of his films.  Just watch this trailer for Alice, its riddled with past imagery from all of Burton films. Ah, yes Edward Scissor Hands - the moment in time when we really felt Burton had fresh ideas...

News: Brown, Whitman duel with new ads aimed at independents

From The LATimes: "Brown, the Democratic nominee, touted talking points — living within California's means, no new taxes without voter approval, returning control to the local level — that could come from a Republican playbook. Whitman, his GOP rival, unveiled her seventh attack ad against Brown, this time enlisting the words of former President Clinton during their contentious 1992 Democratic presidential primary battle. Tellingly, both candidates avoided mention of their political party.

Deal Alert: Unlocked Nextbit Robin $100 Off for a Limited Time

The Nextbit Robin, the world's first cloud-oriented smartphone, is on sale at Amazon for $299 plus tax, a savings of $100. You'll have to act quick though, as the deal only runs through May 10th while supplies last. Nextbit Robin, an unlocked SIM phone, was just updated last week, and now runs Android Marshmallow 6.0.1. It also has a unique storage system, with 100 GB of cloud space, as well as 32 GB of built-in storage. You can snag it in midnight or mint colors. Amazon Prime members will al...

News: Banks, Global Elite Confirmed to Hold $32 Trillion in Offshore Accounts

Major banks and the financial global elite are now confirmed to have as much as $32 trillion in hidden assets stashed away in offshore accounts that are subject to little or no taxation. As a result, around $280 billion is estimated to be lost in tax revenues. In other words, the multi-trillion dollar banks and elite families are avoiding any taxation while forcing United States citizens to foot the bill. Amazingly, the $32 trillion stashed away represents the overall GDP of the United States...

News: Australian Government Finally Comes Around on Video Games—Well, at Least a Little

The Australian government has a dysfunctional history with video games. Any regular Yahtzee Croshaw follower can attest to that. The Parliament has established a series of unfortuante regulations that make games both highly taxed and overregulated in price. Bringing any goods all the way to an island in the bottom of the world is expensive to begin with, and new games in Australia can tip the scales at $80 or more.

How To: How Do You Handle Payroll?

There is a difference between what is possible, what should be done and what an owner manager may want to do. Decide how you want to handle payroll then determine if your desires and best practices are in agreement. Before I point out the decisions that need to be made, let me make two points. First, all personnel for your business do not have to be employees. Some entities can be run with all non-employee personnel or a combination of both. This is one of the reasons why doing a business pla...

How To: Drain and fill the coolant in an Infiniti G35

Infiniti is like no other car, it has emotion, it has soul, it inspires. There's a difference between being physically transported and emotionally moved, and you can tell them apart when you sit inside this magnificent automobile. Although the Infiniti is like a dream car, it has its problems just like any other brand of vehicle. There's maintenance, minor repairs, major repairs, needed replacement parts, oil changes, headlight adjustment, low tires, transmission and everything else you can t...

The Witcher 2: First Impressions

Do you have an awesome rig that is able to run anything you throw at it at 60 fps with maximum settings? Prepare to be humbled. The Witcher 2 is the first game in quite some time to tax your system the same way Crysis did when it first came out.

News: Getting the best deal on Laminate Flooring

Getting the best deal on laminate flooring can take a little time to research all the choices on the market these days. The two basic choices you have these days are buying online or buying in your local market. Online merchants don't tend to carry the high overhead cost as your local flooring store. There are pros and cons when buying your laminate flooring from either place.

WTFoto News Scoop Sundays: Wrath of the Religious Roommate

The angry New Yorker stereotype sure doesn't miss anyone. A woman from New York is suing her former Catholic college for not doing 'enough' for her while her dorm roommate was having too much sex. We're not entirely sure if the college even handed out ties to hang on doorknobs, let alone provide each room with a humidifier that has 3-4 different soothing sound loops for stress relief and relaxation.

News: Rule #1 for Surviving Somali Pirates: Lay Off the Doobie

Though it's unlikely you'll ever have a need for hostage survival skills, it never hurts to take in a few tips on what to do in the event of being accosted by Somali pirates off the Horn of Africa. Wired has tracked down a HowTo guide that addresses such a scenario. Though most of the advice is fairly general, one important point addresses the dangers of lighting up with the enemy: