Taxes Return Search Results

How To: Save Battery Life by Activating Doze Mode Faster on Android Marshmallow

Of all the new features in Android 6.0 Marshmallow, an automatic battery-saving function called "Doze" might just be the most interesting. What it all boils down to is that if you set your phone down on a flat surface, the device uses internal sensors to detect that it's motionless and not in use, then responds by drastically scaling back battery-sucking services until the next time you pick your phone up.

How To: Inside Bitcoin - Part 1 - Bitcoin and Anonymity

Over the past decade the Internet community has been witness to the rise of many new forms of online interaction. These new technologies have given rise to anonymous networks (like TOR), black markets within the deep web network (like the Silk Road), and even forms of digital currency, or more accurately crypto-currencies, such as Bitcoin. All of these technological advancements have contributed to securing users around the world and protecting their privacy. Therefore it is no surprise that ...

Real Scenarios #1: The New MacBook

You're at your friend's house. All you've heard about all day is his new laptop. He's got a brand new top-specced MacBook Pro, and he won't stop going on about it. It particularly annoys you as all you've got is a 4 year old cheap laptop, even if it is running Linux.

SPLOIT: How To Build a Peer to Peer Chat Application in Python ( GUI - Linux )

Developing GUI apps in python is really cool. I ask those who understand the language to help convert some of the command-line or console programs or apps ( I mean programs that are useful to a hacker ) to GUI. I know GUI makes us lazy and not wanna learn but we should all know its fast. Today's tutorial is on p2p chat app I developed last week and decided to share it with the community since its kinda cool.

How To: Use Google to Hack(Googledorks)

hello my dear colleagues, I made a visit to nullbyte and found that there is not a complete tutorial about the google dorks, so I felt the need for this tutorial, and seeing that there are many newbies around, so here's a tutorial that will teach you how to use google to hack.

How To: Make Smoked Ice for One-of-a-Kind Cocktails

A long time ago I was reading an issue of Saveur and saw an article about a trendsetting bar in Portland. The bartender at the joint had started making enormous blocks of smoked ice for his cocktails. When a patron ordered a drink that called for the smoked ice, the bartender would chip off a large chunk and place it in a glass with the booze. Then, as the ice slowly melted, the drink would take on more and more smoky notes, and the flavor profile of the beverage would change with every passi...

How To: Cut Corn Off the Cob Easily, Quickly, & Safely

We've all been there: we're enjoying a nice cob of corn, happily covering our face in butter and salt, when suddenly we realize that there's a thread of corn silk stuck in our teeth. We try to dislodge it with our tongue; no luck. We pick around with our fingers; still no luck. That silk is staying there until you return home to your toothbrush and dental floss. And if you think that corn silk is bad for most people, try having braces!

How To: Linux Basics Tips

Hi nullbytes! I've been recently reading the whole Linux Basics for the Aspiring Hacker series and felt like it was missing some stuff I know, so I felt like sharing it with anyone who might find it useful too.

How To: Get Back the Old (& Better) Bookmarks Manager in Chrome

Chrome has been pushing out a lot of new changes lately, but not all of them are as good as they think they are. Earlier this year, there was an update that changed how user profiles worked, which made it harder to actually switch profiles. Luckily, there was a way to get back the old profile management interface, but now there's another "improvement" that you might want to change—Chrome's new Bookmarks Manager interface.

Hack Like a Pro: How to Hack Facebook (Same-Origin Policy)

Welcome back, my budding hackers! This is the initial post of a new series on how to hack Facebook. It's important to note here that each hack I'll be covering is very specific. I have said it before, but I feel I need to repeat it again: there is NO SILVER BULLET that works under all circumstances. Obviously, the good folks at Facebook have taken precautions to make certain that their app is not hacked, but if we are creative, persistent, and ingenious, we can still get in.

Slow Down: Too Much Productivity Can Be a Bad Thing

Our workdays are typically filled with one thought: get as much completed as possible. Whether you face an inbox filled with tasks or just a project or two, both our bosses and our inner workhorses encourage us to knock out as many tasks as we can each day. But is being super-productive the best course of action for our minds and our employers?

How To: Clean Up Liquid Spills More Easily with Flour

Spills happen in the kitchen, and while every good cook knows to clean as you go, not every cook has an endless supply of cleaning materials. Besides, one spill can exhaust your entire stockpile of sponges, paper towels, and rags in a matter of minutes. Particularly egregious mishaps can make everything they touch feel sticky and gross.

How To: Acorns App Makes You a Better Saver Without You Even Noticing

Investing is like exercise—we all know we should be doing more of it, but we often just can't find the time. I mean, really, who's got the hours, inclination, and skill to pour through volumes of data and put together a balanced yet sophisticated portfolio of investment vehicles tailored specifically to optimize their returns while mitigating potential risks. Not me, that's for sure.

News: What's New in Windows 10 (Plus, How You Can Install It Right Now)

At a closed-door presentation on September 30th, 2014, Microsoft unveiled the latest iteration of its industry-leading operating system. Dubbed Windows 10 (seems as if Redmond isn't too fond of the "9" moniker), this new version brings along with it many UI optimizations and under-the-hood tweaks. With a particular focus on optimizing the interface for traditional mouse and keyboard computers, one of the most noticeable changes is the return of the Start Menu. While touch-optimized devices wi...

Hack Like a Pro: How to Hack the Shellshock Vulnerability

Welcome back, my hacker novitiates! Every so often, a MAJOR vulnerability appears that makes millions of systems vulnerable to attack. The most recent, named Shellshock, basically leaves every Mac OS X, Linux, and UNIX system on the planet vulnerable. As nearly two-thirds of all web servers on planet Earth run one of these operating systems (primarily Linux), that's a whole lot of systems out there waiting to be harvested.