Taxpayer Attempts Search Results

News: TSA Brags About Confiscating Can Of Chicken Soup

Anyone who follows the TSA blog, run by “Bob”, will know that from time to time the agency attempts to offset the ballooning negative public opinion directed towards it, and the openly criminal behaviour of its employees, by bragging about “dangerous” items that it has discovered and confiscated from the luggage and persons of those traveling through the nation’s airports.

How To: File a Last-Minute 2010 Income Tax Return: Save Money, Get Free Tax Help & More!

Ever since high school, I've been preparing my own taxes. Each year it gets more and more complicated, which results in me filing later and later, avoiding it until I have the time or just can't wait any longer. I even resorted to using TurboTax online to help do some of the grunt work for me these past couple years, but that hasn't stopped me from being lazy about it. I have yet to file my 2010 taxes, but I will very soon. Tomorrow, in fact—before TurboTax raises their prices.

How To: Prevent Post-Earthquake Nuclear Meltdown in the US

After getting slammed with a crazy-big earthquake/tsunami, the Japanese nuclear plant Fukushima Daiichi might be on the brink of meltdown. Not as bad as Chernobyl, but maybe as bad as Three Mile Island. Nobody wishes such a disaster on anyone...anywhere in the world. In the US, there are about 100 nuclear facilities, about 8 of which are located near hot beds of seismic activity.

How To: Handle and restrain a gerbil for injections

This Animal Welfare Foundation three-part video tutorial is from expert veterinary staff demonstrating the correct procedures for handling small mammals for clinical examination and medication. Its aim is to show that the primary consideration should be for the the welfare of the animal. This video guide will show you practical animal handling for a gerbil.

News: Welcome!

This is my first posting here on Edibles in Jars and I just wanted to say hello and welcome everyone. While I'm at it, I'll give a brief run down on what you can expect here in the near future, and tell you all a bit about me.

How To: Discipline your adolescent

This 1958 video tells story of an adolescent who returns home late at night and neglects his school work, pictures alternate methods of discipline being tried by his parents without success, attempts to determine how much discipline is good for adolescents, and shows the results of both too little and too much parental control. Discipline your adolescent.

How To: Master the lob shot

Tennis professional Francis Ribeiro says that to master the lob shot, you should use the continental grip. You should bring your racket back and keep the racket face open. You have to follow through from low to high. Make sure to hit the ball with enough power so that your opponent cannot smash your attempted lob. Master the lob shot.

How To: Break a board with the jumping front kick

Carlos Martin and Maxi Montiel demonstrate how to break a board with the jumping front kick using taekwon do. You have to prepare and practice before you will be able to break the wooden board. Warning! You should have prior experience in board breaking before attempting. Break a board with the jumping front kick.

How To: Replace your bike's freehub body

If you've found out that your cassette cluster is loose or is getting stiff, it may be time to replace your freehub body. In order to do this you'll need to make sure you have all the right replacement parts and 10mm allen key.

News: Shrimp made Scampi Style

This are photos from the first dish I made which was Shrimp made Scampi style, I made a few mistakes but far less than I had predicted so an overall success for my first real cooking attempt although the shrimps lacked flavor which I believe is due to lack of salt.

News: Shadows of the Dammed Trailer

A new game from the makers of No More Heroes and Resident Evil coming out on 2011 from EA. It looks like something like out of a Quentin Tarantino movie. A third person shooter, it's probably another attempt by creators in Japan to tap into the lucrative shooter market in the US.

How To: Replace damaged asphalt shingles

Your home’s roof is the first line of defense in keeping the elements out. A common problem among both new and old roofs alike is damaged shingles. Wind, falling tree limbs, or just normal wear and tear can damage shingles. It is critical to replace damaged shingles to prevent more expensive damage from occurring.

Rumsfeld: Israel needn't notify US about strike

While US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta attempted to convince top Israeli politicians and security officials not to launch a strike on Iran's nuclear facilities during his visit to Israel last week, his predecessor Donald Rumsfeld, seems more prepared for a possible attack. Rumsfeld: Israel needn't notify US about strike - Israel News, Ynetnews.

How To: Handle and restrain a mouse for injections

This Animal Welfare Foundation two-part video tutorial is from expert veterinary staff demonstrating the correct procedures for handling small mammals for clinical examination and medication. Its aim is to show that the primary consideration should be for the the welfare of the animal. This video guide will show you practical animal handling for a mouse.

10th Time's the Charm: Success and Failures of Making a Jam Jar Jet Engine

I finally got around to trying out this jam jar jet project. The most successful and longest lasting pulse was somehow the only one I did not record. You can imagine how frustrating that probably was, though my tenth and final attempt was nearly as satisfying. But even the failures were fun to watch, especially the blue flame floating, almost dancing, around the jar. I especially liked the small foghorn sound that my first failed attempt produced.

News: Promises

It's soon going to be time for the elections and everyone is prepping up for it. The Republicans are waiting to elect Romney, who in my and many others view will not keep his promises. The Democrats are trying their best (its working) to make Obama as strong as possible against Mitt, who, in their minds, will be easy to defeat. Obama's acceptance polls have been steadily rising in the past few months.