Tech Savvy Viewers Search Results

News: Rabbit Ears = Free HDTV

The New York Times reports on the perks of opting for digital TV antennas vs. paying for cable TV. With the exception of the occasional spotty signal, young viewers are finding antennas are the preferable choice, considering savings add up to half the usual cost for cable TV and internet access.

News: Vote Now to Electrocute This Artist

Oleg Mavromati's latest project, Ally/Foe, allows online voters the chance to electrocute the Russian artist at a mere fifty cents a pop. From November 7th to November 13th, viewers of Mavromati's livestream can pay to vote “innocent” or “guilty.” 100 guilty votes result in the artist voluntarily shocking himself in front of the camera, live, with his homemade electrocution machine.

Do Not Try This At Home: The Human Torch

PopSci's Gray Matter demonstrates again and again what the layman should absolutely Not Try at Home. Which is precisely what makes Gray's experiments so fun. Remember when the mad scientist fully submerged his hand in liquid nitrogen? Today's demonstration also plays with what is (quite reasonably) assumed to be extremely dangerous and painful: torching the human hand.

News: Are North Korean World Cup Fans Really Chinese Actors?

World Cup World asks: "How'd North Korean fans get to the game?" Fair and valid question. It's seeming IMPOSSIBLE for any North Korean citizen to get a visa to leave the communist regime (not that they could afford it, anyway) to attend this past week's game. After much initial speculation on whether these fans were the real deal, the mystery has been resolved by multiple news sources.

How To: Tie the crochet braid knot

This is a tutorial on tying the knot for the crochet braid. Tying the knot is so second nature to me, that I am not very skilled when it comes to explaining how to do the procedure. That, I think, is very apparent in this video. I am kind of fumbling through this experiment and am not really quite sure I accomplished what I set out to do. I hope the one thing this video aids the viewers in is trusting yourself to trouble shoot the problem. Get creative with finding a solution, so that you can...

How To: Disable Autorun

Hello, Hackers/Viewers, Today's topic is going to be based on how to disable autorun for Removable Disks and Drives. Doing that is very easy, i you read the below!

How To: Privacy? What Privacy? Quora Now Publicly Shows the Posts You View: Here's How to Disable It

In an effort to help posters see the various ways that people discover their posts, Q&A site, Quora has decided to make who views each post, public, along with information on how each viewer came to see the question (ex: through an email, a followed tag, or other public stream). This would probably be an interesting, helpful, and universally liked feature, except for one thing...