Telephone Tracker Search Results

CES 2015: Monitor Your Dog's Activity All Day Long with FitBark, a Wearable Health Tracker

Animal lovers, especially dog owners, know that pets are a part of the family, but it's often incredibly frustrating to know if and when something just isn't right with our furry companions. If you're out and about most of the day, your dog will be so happy to see you when you come home that you may have no idea they were tired and listless all day long, which can be a sign of health problems for your pup. This is where FitBark comes in.

How To: Trap a Tracker

As a hacker or an aspiring one, You need to be careful and anonymous if your doing anything illegal. But you slipped up. Now someone is tracking you! Well luckily you read this post ahead of time and have a backup plan!

How To: Get your official SAT score from College Board online

The SATs are a very valuable college entrance test and could determine if you're accepted or denied to your favorite university. So, once you've learned to ace the SATs and have already taken your test, get your scores as soon as they're out! Don't sit in dreaded anticipation— go to College Board and get your SAT test results now!

How To: Stop your dog's excessive barking

In this how-to video, you will learn how to stop your dog from barking excessively. Dog's bark naturally. It becomes a problem when your dog barks too much. First, determine the reason why your dog is barking in the first place. From this, you can determine the next step. If your dog looks like he or she is barking at nothing, the dog is definitely barking at something because of heightened sense of hearing and smell. You must communicate to your dog what is acceptable behavior. Never reward ...

How To: Fold and fly a tumblewing walkalong glider

The science-fiction author, Arthur C. Clarke, once said, "That any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". Who would have thought that we could create a wave of air with a piece of cardboard, and fly a folded sheet of telephone book paper on the wave of air? With this three-part video tutorial, you can find out how you can fly a piece of paper, making it surf on a wave of air. See how to make an origami tumblewing glider.

How To: Send a text message with an Android cell phone

With the Android platform on a large amount of mobile phones today, chances are you have one. Sometimes messaging on the phones can be a little confusing, but there's a simple explanation for texting your friends and family. Best Buy has answers. The Best Buy Mobile team explains how simple it is to send a text message on your Android enabled cell phone.

How To: Stop Sites from Tracking You on Your iPhone with Firefox Focus

When you do an internet search, you'll see ads that are relevant to your query mixed in with the rest of your results. Nothing surprising there—it's how the internet is funded. But then, when you click one of the search results, you'll also see ads that are related to your initial search. Now that's a bit creepy, because it demonstrates that one webpage knows what you typed into a different webpage.

How To: Learn How Elliot from Mr. Robot Hacked into His Therapist's New Boyfriend's Email & Bank Accounts (Using Metasploit)

Social engineering is a pretty important item in a hacker's toolkit. In Mr robot there was a time, we saw Elliot using social engineering to gain access to his therapist's boyfriend's email and bank accounts by calling him and pretending to be someone from his bank, then Elliot asked him for some info that were really useful to gain access to his account, the target believed to be someone from the bank and gave him the info Elliot was looking for. But How Is It in the Real World?

How To: Make an international telephone call

Making international calls have always been tricky and confusing. There's access codes, different digit formats, and unsupportive telephone operators. But in all actuality, making an worldwide phone call is relatively simple, but there are some numbers that you need to know. The access code, country code, city codes, and the telephone number. Once you have this down, you'll have more successful connections abroad.

How To: Dial phone numbers (with letters) on a Blackberry

A lot of phone numbers these days use letters so that you can remember them easier. For example, 1 800 BEST BUY or 1 800 FLOWERS. On a normal touchtone telephone, you would associate these letters with numbers on your keypad. With a Blackberry, however, this poses a problem. Blackberries do not have the traditional letters above the numbers.. so how are you supposed to dial?

News: Top 9 New Safari Features in iOS 12 for iPhone

If there's one strength of Apple's that iOS and Android fans can agree on, it's the company's dedication to user privacy. With each new iteration of iOS, Apple builds upon these foundations, enhancing and increasing each iPhone's ability to protect its user's data. In iOS 12, Apple has added many new features to Safari, most of which have their own unique way of keeping you safe online.

How To: Your Phone's Biggest Security Weakness Is Its Data Connection — Here's How to Lock It Down

After numerous scandals like the Equifax data breach and the 2016 US election, cybersecurity has become a significant issue for Americans. Unfortunately, anytime we use our devices, we're open to a cyber attack — especially when we browse the web. However, there are ways that we can make it harder for hackers and data miners.

News: Verizon Caves to Demand for Unlimited Data Plans, Makes Customers Happy

Verizon has long been king in the wireless provider market, but recently it has had to step up its game in the data department. A limited data plan — with supposedly superior service — was no longer cutting it for customers. Many of whom left to take up the sweet, sweet offers of competitors like Sprint and T-Mobile. This past fiscal year, Verizon had a net loss of customers in the first quarter. Something that has never happened to them before.

How To: Don't Wait for Google—Get Night Mode Right Now on Android Nougat

It's now common knowledge that the blue light emitted by phone screens makes it harder to get a good night's sleep. Apple's Night Shift in iOS and its steamrolled predecessor, f.lux (still available for desktop computers), are attempts to combat these harmful effects by limiting the amount of blue light from the screen at certain times of day (nighttime, say). For Android users who installed the Developer Preview build of Android 7.0 Nougat, the included "Night Mode" feature was all set to do...

News: Pokémon GO's Nearby Menu Is Lying to You—Here's Why All the Pokémon Have 3 Footprints

The easiest way to see which Pokémon are close to your current location in Pokémon GO is by checking the Nearby tracker in the bottom-right of your screen. At least this was the easiest way up until a few days ago. Initially, the Pokémon in the Nearby screen would be marked with between zero and three footprint icons—the more footprints, the further away a Pokémon is from your location. Pokémon with zero footprints should be visible to you.