Termed 'polyuria' Search Results

News: Tarragon Aoli

Aoli is a term for a flavored mayonnaise. Typically all Aolis will start with garlic and lemon and your imagination is the limit for the flavoring from there. Making an Aoli is a simple and tasty way to spruce up a sandwich or canapés. I have also used a spicy Aoli with Quesadillas that was great. I like a flavor herbaceous flavor for sandwiches so here is my recipe for Tarragon Aoli:

News: Urban Gardening

One of the best Flash games inspired by urban gardening. One simple way of alleviating food shortage or rather minimizing your food expenses: Planting your own food. Of course this won’t literally save you from a zombie apocalypse but this could surely save you some extra bucks.

News: Long-Term Strategies

Long-Term Strategies for FrontierVilleWhen you first start to play FrontierVille, after you’ve cleared a bunch of trees and brush and started to build a schoolhouse or a barn and you’ve added a few neighbors, you look up at the people around Level 90 or Level 100, and wonder how they play the game and how they got that far.There’s a book (or a series of four books) you may notice – FrontierVille Tycoon Guide – that promises to tell you the secrets of the high level players. You can buy it on ...

News: 6 Hours of Sleep Not Enough Say Scientists

Scientists have good and bad news for hard-driving people who boast they need only six hours of sleep a night. The good news is a few may be right: Researchers at the University of California-San Francisco have identified a family with a genetic mutation that causes members to require only six hours sleep a night. The bad news? The gene is vanishingly rare in humans, found in less than 3% of people.

News: Watch Johnny Knoxville & Jimmy Fallon Play Operation For Real

If you missed the Late Night With Jimmy Fallon episode last night, no worries! We've got it covered. This life-size Operation Board is amazing to behold, and be sure to watch Johnny Knoxville go for the "bread basket". We've always wondered what that was referring to. Turns out it's a slang term for the stomach, and it'll net you 1000 points! Tell us how you thought this Operation in Real Life turned out!

How To: Use QuickBooks assistance

In this video, we learn how to use QuickBooks assistance. The assistance gives you answers to problems that you may be having with their software. This is a great way to learn the basics, like individual tasks that are on the home page. The coach was made for someone who is brand new to QuickBooks, so the information may be introductory instead of advanced. You can also go to a QuickBooks user chatroom where you can get information from other users. You can also look the information up on the...

News: Why Does America Call it Soccer?

Nobody anywhere calls the sport "soccer". But here we are, the only ones in South Africa that do not call it some variation on foot and ball. And of course, if you've pondered this before, you are probably equally befuddled that the game we call football is not even played with one's foot in the first place. American football ought to be called handball...

News: Vincent LaForet's "The Cabbie" - Shot on 7D

There's an old joke that shooting with available light meant using every light available on the truck.  Fortunately, with Canon's new generation of HD capable DSLR's, the term "available light" means what it ought to.  Vince LaForet's work with HDDSLR cameras is a great example of using both ambient and specular light present at locations in order to not only expose an image but effectively telling a very visually compelling story. Check out "The Cabbie", the first in the installment of Canon...

News: The new art of creating a Living Movie Poster

With the advent of the iPad and large inexpensive monitors, movie posters have not only gone digital but they have gone moving as well.  Now we are not talking a trailer, we are talking moving Key Art or what is now known as a Living Moving Poster.  This term is similar to a motion graphic Title card that has a "Living Hold" which simply means, the title is resolved but there is still movement in the background and lighting effects. Here is the final results. These same guys are now pushing i...

News: Roadkill Carcasses Go Couture

Aspiring Scottish fashion designer James Faulkner brings all new meaning to the term upcycling.  Faulkner uses wings, feathers and furs of actual roadkill for his headgear line. He line employs a variety of taxidermied vermin, including foxes, magpies, rabbits, wood pigeons, pheasants, mallards, crows and peacocks.

How To: Link text in Quark Express

Don't you hate it when you go to print your term paper or document and find that paragraphs or sentences are cutoff? Well, this tutorial will show you how to link text together using Quark Express so each page will start and finish just where you want it to. A must for any page layout, magazine or project. Make sure you click on "video tutorial sections" in the top left corner and pick the lesson. Link text in Quark Express.

How To: Treat Chronic Inflammation

Inflammation in your body is not a bad thing if it is localized and temporary, as it is your body's natural healing response to an injury or illness. When the inflammatory response does not turn off and becomes chronic, that is when your body's healthy cells and tissues are in danger of long-term damage.