Termed 'polyuria' Search Results

News: A New Ink & Paint!

Ink & Paint was originally intended to provide a place for the sharing of graffiti and street art related news and the spreading of the street art culture. However in recent months I have noticed a distinct lack of "lowbrow" art in the WHT community. Don't get me wrong though, I'm a HUGE nerd. I love null byte, I love the Minecraft world, and all the tech posts that are becoming increasingly more common. It's awesome. However the nerd in me and the artist in me both want to see more comics, s...

News: A Few Helpful Google Search Tips

One of the things I consistently notice amongst fellow internet users is that many people don't know how to properly search for stuff. Google may have served you well in the past, but I'm going to share a few little tricks with you to help make your search results even spiffier.

News: Shibumi

In the dojo, what ISN’T said is often as important as what IS said. To most of us who’ve been raised in the USA, the reticence we encounter in the dojo can be off-putting. American society is very “content” oriented. Our legal contracts, for instance, run for pages and pages. Everything needs to be spelled out. In “context-oriented” societies there is far less reliance on such a literal approach. Much more importance is placed on the relationship between the two parties entering into an agree...

How To: Perform simple reflux in the chemistry lab

The Interactive Lab Primer (ILP) has been developed as part of the Royal Society of Chemistry Teacher Fellowship Scheme, one of the themes of the Chemistry for Our Future program, and initiative which aims to secure a strong and sustainable future for the chemical sciences in higher education. The aim of the ILP is to address the diverse range of experience and skills students bring with them to a university by offering a resource to support their transition from school to the university chem...

How To: Perform reflux with addition in the chemistry lab

The Interactive Lab Primer (ILP) has been developed as part of the Royal Society of Chemistry Teacher Fellowship Scheme, one of the themes of the Chemistry for Our Future program, and initiative which aims to secure a strong and sustainable future for the chemical sciences in higher education. The aim of the ILP is to address the diverse range of experience and skills students bring with them to a university by offering a resource to support their transition from school to the university chem...

How To: Create a string figure Owl

Did you play Cat's Cradle as a kid? Well, there's more to string figure art than just Cat's Cradle or Jacob's Ladder. This string art video demonstrates how to make a string figure owl. Song: King Crimson - In the Court of King Crimson.

How To: Create a string figure Moth

Did you play Cat's Cradle as a kid? Well, there's more to string figure art than just Cat's Cradle or Jacob's Ladder. This string art video demonstrates how to make a string figure moth. Song: Warhorse - Woman of the Devil.

How To: Create a Drybrush Painting of Bob Marley

I usually do step-by-step drawing tutorials, but I found drybrush technique to be fascinating and possibly superior to pencil drawing. Pencils are limited tools because they can only be applied with a point of some sort (with the exception of a graphite stick), while paintbrushes allow artists to think in terms of shapes instead of lines. If you look around the room that you are currently in, I guarantee you that you will not see anything that resembles an edge that a pencil gives you; the wo...

Understanding Electricity: Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla In my opinion, one of the most neglected inventors of all time. The names Edison and Marconi come to mind as familiar, but Tesla? Most think of a car. Few know that Tesla is responsible for alternating current, florescent lights, radar, remote control, generators that preform efficiently, the spark plug, and many others. The U.S Supreme Court declared in 1943 that Tesla, not Marconi, was the true inventor of the radio.