Termed 'polyuria' Search Results

See Jane Pwn: A Primer for Internet Slang

Making your way into an online community can be really exciting. Some life-long friendships and lasting romances begin in humble chat rooms and message boards. But for the novice internet user, one of the biggest hurdles can be trying to figure out just what people are saying to one another.

News: 6 Meaningless Claims on Food Labels

Hi OLers read the following article to gain some great insight into the mischevious advertising ways of food labels. Thanks to the New York Times for this great article below. Happy Eating6 Meaningless Claims on Food LabelsAlthough food labels are supposed to tell us exactly what’s in the food we’re buying, marketers have created a language all their own to make foods sound more healthful than they really are.Today’s “Consumer Ally” column on AOL’s WalletPop site explores misleading food-labe...

How To: Encrypt the Windows system partition with Truecrypt

Truecrypt 5.0 adds many new features, most importantly Windows system partition encryption. To put it in slightly inaccurate layman's terms, this means encrypting your entire C: drive. Even if you already write your sensitive data to an encrypted space, files are sometimes squirreled away in unencrypted temp space or in the page file where they may be recovered. Using Truecrypt to encrypt your Windows XP system partition will help eliminate this problem.

How To: Replace Pentalobe Screws on an iPhone 4 with a Pentalobular Screwdriver

You've all probably heard about Apple's attempts to thwart iPhone 4 users from opening up their own devices, thanks to their sly maneuvers in switching out everyone's screws with those funky pentalobular screws. But one thing Apple will never learn— they will never have complete control. Where there's a will, there's a way. And if someone wants to fix their own iPhone or modify it slightly, they're going to do it, regardless of what screws bind it together.

How To: Port Your Mobile Phone Number to Google Voice

Want to stick it to your mobile carrier by porting your cell number to Google Voice? Now you can! On Wednesday, January 19th, Google Voice began allowing select users to transfer their personal numbers to Google Voice for a one-time fee of $20. Though the feature is still in limited release, Google has stated that they intend to make the feature available to all Google Voice users "in the near future." Terrific, right? Not entirely!

How To: Sneak Past Web Filters and Proxy Blockers with Google Translate

Do you need proxy access, but cannot have it for some reason? The most common perpetrator behind the issue is the network you're trying to access the pages from. Some networks will block websites, then go as far as filtering out all of the web queries for terms like "proxy" because it can get around their filter. Quick web proxies can be used for tons of other things, though.

How To: Make a Gmail Notifier in Python

In this article, I'll show you how to make a simple Gmail notifier. Python can do various things in terms of notifications; sending commands to an Arduino unit, playing sounds, opening windows, etc. The code below simply plays some music, but the possibilities of notification methods are endless. If you aren't familiar with python, there are many sites with tutorials like this one, or this one.

News: Mathematical Quilting

I got hooked on origami sometime after Math Craft admin Cory Poole posted instructions for creating modular origami, but I had to take a break to finish a quilt I've been working on for a while now. It's my first quilt, and very simple in its construction (straight up squares, that's about it), but it got me thinking about the simple geometry and how far you could take the design to reflect complex geometries. Below are a few cool examples I found online.

How To: Recover Deleted Files in Windows

Everyone has deleted a file or folder on accident before. Sometimes people even delete stuff on purpose, only to find out that they needed the files after all. If you're experiencing one of these mishaps, don't worry, file recovery is possible in most cases!

How To: Run a Successful Student Council Campaign

Running a successful student council campaign requires hard work and preparation. Whether you’re part of a candidate’s support group or a candidate yourself, you need to focus and give it all you’ve got. As Vince Lombardi said, “Leaders aren't born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work.”

News: Enter the Weird World of Hojamaka Games

Without Japan, video games would not be very fun. Atari's early work was important, but Japanese developers, publishers, and hardware makers were responsible for almost every major advance in video games for the first 25 years of their mainstream existence. In recent years, it has often been said that they have become less relevant than Western developers. In the indie games movement— (our area of greatest interest here at Indie Games Ichiban)—Japan does not have anywhere near the presence th...

News: Flickr Images Corrupted by GlitchBot

The term glitch always seemed best suited for computer programs, video games and electronic equipment, where a slight irregularity in the device or system would create a temporary malfunction with annoying, sometimes even amazing unexpected results. Only the effect was never really considered artistic—until now.

News: DIY Mojito Alchemy

It's just what the doctor ordered: the perfect hangover cure. A time-proven, age old trick, commonly referred to as the "Hair of the Dog", asserts that downing more alcohol the morning after is scientifically proven to ease a painful hangover—well, for the short term, at least (read more here).

News: Scientists Grow World's First DIY Eyeball

DIY is a far-reaching term—though culturally it tends to refer to hacks, mods, crafts and constructions, its meaning can also extend to the ongoing trials and tribulations of the evolution of mankind: astonishing developments in technology, desperate acts of self-preservation or as in today's topic, discoveries in science that truly move the needle.