Terror Attack Search Results

Hack Like a Pro: How to Use Metasploit's Psexec to Hack Without Leaving Evidence

Welcome back, my fledgling hackers! It's been awhile since we did a Metasploit tutorial, and several of you have pleaded with me for more. I couldn't be happier to oblige, as it's my favorite tool. For the next several weeks, I'll intersperse some new guides that'll help expand your Metasploit skills and keep you abreast of new developments in Metasploit, so look for them in the near future.

How to Hack Databases: Hunting for Microsoft's SQL Server

Welcome back, my fledgling hackers! The database is the hacker's "pot-of-gold," as it contains information that is very valuable to both the business and the hacker. In this, the second of my series on hacking databases, we're on the "hunt" for Microsoft's SQL Server. Although far from the most commonly used database (Oracle hold's that title), Microsoft's SQL Server is very often found in small-to-medium sized businesses. Even a few big businesses use it.

How to Hack Wi-Fi: Cracking WPA2-PSK Passwords with Cowpatty

Welcome, my hacker novitiates! As part of my series on hacking Wi-Fi, I want to demonstrate another excellent piece of hacking software for cracking WPA2-PSK passwords. In my last post, we cracked WPA2 using aircrack-ng. In this tutorial, we'll use a piece of software developed by wireless security researcher Joshua Wright called cowpatty (often stylized as coWPAtty). This app simplifies and speeds up the dictionary/hybrid attack against WPA2 passwords, so let's get to it!

Hack Like a Pro: How to Perform Stealthy Reconnaissance on a Protected Network

Welcome back, my fledgling hackers! One of the first issues any hacker has to address is reconnaissance. Before we even begin to hack, we need to know quite a bit about the target systems. We should know their IP address, what ports are open, what services are running, and what operating system the target is using. Only after gathering this information can we begin to plan our attack. Most hackers spend far more time doing reconnaissance than exploiting.

How To: Hack Someone's Cell Phone to Steal Their Pictures

Do you ever wonder how all these celebrities continue to have their private photos spread all over the internet? While celebrities' phones and computers are forever vulnerable to attacks, the common folk must also be wary. No matter how careful you think you were went you sent those "candid" photos to your ex, with a little effort and access to public information, your pictures can be snagged, too. Here's how.

How To: Geek Up Your Holidays with These 10 Nerdy DIY Christmas Tree Ornaments

One of the more enjoyable parts of Christmas (other than opening gifts of course) is going out to find the perfect tree, struggle bringing it into the house, and decorating it. As the years went by, I realized that our tree looked exactly like every other tree in the neighborhood: the same lights, the same angel at the top, and the same red, green and white ornaments.

How To: Perform Advanced Man-in-the-Middle Attacks with Xerosploit

A man-in-the-middle attack, or MitM attack, is when a hacker gets on a network and forces all nearby devices to connect to their machine directly. This lets them spy on traffic and even modify certain things. Bettercap is one tool that can be used for these types of MitM attacks, but Xerosploit can automate high-level functions that would normally take more configuration work in Bettercap.

How To: Discover Hidden Subdomains on Any Website with Subfinder

When approaching a target, having a precise and detailed plan of attack is absolutely necessary. One of the main goals is to increase the attack surface since the more opportunities there are for exploitation, the greater the chances of success. Subdomain enumeration is one method used to increase the attack surface, and we'll be using a tool called Subfinder to discover hidden subdomains.

Locking Down Linux: Using Ubuntu as Your Primary OS, Part 2 (Network Attack Defense)

After installing Ubuntu as your primary OS, you should have protected against USB Rubber Ducky payloads, defended against hard drive forensics, and reduced the overall attack surface against physical strikes. When defending against network-based attacks, you'll want to minimize hardware disclosures, prevent packet sniffers, harden firewall rules, and much more.

How To: Ride motocross bikes

In this series of videos, our expert explains all things motors. If you are a beginner looking to get involved in this sport, watch these informative videos. You will learn how to keep your control while riding the bikes through mud, sand and jumps. Our expert explains the basics, such as changing a tire on the track, suspension set ups and setting yourself up for a jump. If you are already an experienced rider, get tips on jumps and stunts like wheelies from our expert motors rider. Learn ho...

How To: Use a random orbit sander

In this series of instructional videos, expert Jon Olson demonstrates how to use a random orbit sander, including tips on how to create bevels, replace discs and brushes, empty the dust bag and general cleaning, care and basic maintenance of the tool. He also covers tool safety, including electrical safety, personal safety, such as wearing protective eye gear, tips for sanding paint and the importance of keeping your woodworking work space clean. Watch this free online tutorial and you'll att...

Walkthrough Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker on the PSP

Grab your PSP and get ready to ROCK Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker! This video walkthrough guide will take you through every mission, from the main ones to the secondary ones. Follow along and learn the tips and tricks to the gameplay so you can beat the game yourself! Peace Walker is the fifth installment in the Metal Gear series.

How To: Silence Annoyingly Loud Emergency Alerts on iPhone Without Disabling Them Completely

Wireless emergency alerts help warn mobile phone users of imminent threats to life or property, such as extreme weather and natural disasters. These alerts target affected geographic areas and come with a loud sound scary enough to make you want to turn off emergency alerts altogether on your iPhone, but there's a way to keep emergency alerts without the ear-splitting, intrusive sound.

How To: Turn Off Amber Alerts on Your iPhone, Plus Emergency, Public Safety & Other Government Warnings

Amber, emergency, and public safety alerts on an iPhone are loud — startle-you-to-death loud even. They can happen at any time, day or night, and sometimes back to back when you're in a big city. Those blaring sirens can wake you from sleep, interrupt an important meeting, or disrupt an entire movie theater mid-movie, but you can turn most of them off if you're tired of hearing them.

How To: Safeguard Your Data & Privacy with This Speedy VPN

It's a myth that regular users only need the protection of a virtual private network when on a public Wi-Fi connection. First, almost all network connections can be accessed without the proper permissions. Second, ethical hackers also need to think about using a VPN as one step to encrypting and protecting their activity and identity during pentests, phishing, and other actions.

How To: Conduct a Pentest Like a Pro in 6 Phases

Penetration testing, or pentesting, is the process of probing a network or system by simulating an attack, which is used to find vulnerabilities that could be exploited by a malicious actor. The main goal of a pentest is to identify security holes and weaknesses so that the organization being tested can fix any potential issues. In a professional penetration test, there are six phases you should know.

How To: Find & Exploit SUID Binaries with SUID3NUM

File permissions can get tricky on Linux and can be a valuable avenue of attack during privilege escalation if things aren't configured correctly. SUID binaries can often be an easy path to root, but sifting through all of the defaults can be a massive waste of time. Luckily, there's a simple script that can sort things out for us.

How To: Find Hidden Web Directories with Dirsearch

One of the first steps when pentesting a website should be scanning for hidden directories. It is essential for finding valuable information or potential attack vectors that might otherwise be unseen on the public-facing site. There are many tools out there that will perform the brute-forcing process, but not all are created equally.

How To: Hack UnrealIRCd Using Python Socket Programming

UnrealIRCd is an open-source IRC server that has been around since 1999 and is perhaps the most widely used one today. Version was vulnerable to remote code execution due to a backdoor in the software. Today, we will be exploiting the vulnerability with Metasploit, examining the underlying code to understand it, and creating our own version of the exploit in Python.