Learn the basics of airplane landings and how Newton's laws of motion apply. NASA -- the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, gives this quick, informative video on Newton's laws pertaining to aircraft landings, specifically the approach. The powerhouse of space exploration explains all.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), provides this educational video on how Isaac Newton's three laws of motion apply to aerospace and the climb and descent of an aircraft. The powerhouse of space exploration is one place you should learn these concepts from.
Understand the concepts of drag force and how Newton's laws of motion apply to an aircraft's take off with help from NASA -- the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The juggernaut of space exploration lays everything out on the table for you. Learn from the best, learn from the pros, learn from NASA.
Learn Newton's laws of motion from the utmost authority on aeronautics -- NASA aka National Aeronautics and Space Administration. See how Newton's laws apply to aircrafts from the powerhouse of space exploration. They talk about thrust force as applied to aviation.
The powerhouse of space exploration, NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), sheds light on Newton's laws of motion as pertaining to drag force on aircrafts. This is a great source for any aeronautics major. The infamous government agency breaks drag down for you.
Join NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) as they give the basics on the concepts of weight and balance as applied to aerospace. There's no better place to learn about aviation theory than NASA, the United States government's most infamous agency--the powerhouse of space exploration.
Learn everything you need to know about Newton's third law of motion from none other than NASA. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is the United States government's most infamous agency and powerhouse of space exploration. Why wouldn't you want to learn Newton's laws of motion from them?
The second law of motion. Force equals mass times acceleration. F=MA. Learn the facts about Newton's second law of motion from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, otherwise known as NASA. The United States government's most infamous agencyand the powerhouse of space exploration explains motion theory.
In this how to video we show you how to utilize a pen and paper to conceal a small cheat sheet right under your nose but out of view from everyone else.
In this video we show you how to take a normal eraser and turn it into a cheating device. As usual, we will do this by taking a common object that no one will think twice about and altering it to fit our needs. Cheating on tests is a serious offense - be careful!
Whether your training to be a doctor or a nurse, there is no doubt that this video lesson will help you better understand the procedure for musculoskeletal examinations. Musculoskeletal exams rely exclusively on inspection and palpation and tests using a combination of those techniques. The main purpose of this exam is to identify in your patient any signs of musculoskeletal disease, by way of pain, redness, swelling, warmth, deformity, and loss of function. Watch this video to see the entire...
NASA -- the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the United States government's most infamous agency, the powerhouse of space exploration -- teaches you the basics of Isaac Newton's Laws of Motion. Who better to learn motion theory from than NASA?
Testing products for a living is a bit more complicated than it sounds. You Will Need
This may be the simplest of all the National B License Tests in Gran Turismo 5. It's the eight one (B-8), where you simply find the line through an S-bend. If you haven't already done so, break out your PlayStation 3 and unlock these tests by purchasing your very first car.
Does dentistry sound of interest to you? If you don’t mind spending the day in other peoples’ mouths, dentistry might just be the career for you. In this video, learn what steps need to be taken to break into the field of dentistry.
After months of waiting, the iPhone 11 is here. At an event in Cupertino, Apple unveiled the iPhone 11, 11 Pro and 11 Pro max. You probably have a lot of questions after reviewing the specs sheet, including wanting to know more about the IP68 rating that all three phones have. We're here to clarify.
The AFL-CIO's Transportation Trades Division, which represents 32 unions in the US, has successfully lobbied for the removal of 10,000-lb. and heavier commercial trucks from provisions in bills expected to pass that could allow for millions of driverless vehicles on public roads and streets, Bloomberg News reported.
HIV infections persist despite treatment that successfully decreases viral blood levels to the point where doctors can't detect the virus. But that doesn't mean the person is cured. The virus hides in the body, not replicating, just waiting for a chance to jump out of the shadows and reemerge.
Stakeholders in the driverless industry are anxiously awaiting changes the US Department of Transportation (DOT) is making to self-driving vehicle guidelines.
Could your fever, body aches, cough, and sore throat be the flu? Soon, finding out may not involve a trip to the doctor.
Disengagement report numbers for self-driving car testing in 2016 on public roads in California were just released, and the biggest point we can make about them is that Waymo is very far ahead of their competitors in almost every metric.
Baking powder and baking soda are two staples almost everyone has around that seem to last forever. But a lot of people don't know that they eventually start to lose their potency after enough time on the shelf. If you can't remember when you bought it, it's probably time for a new box.
A continuation of my earlier science testing in Minecraft, I worked on a few things requested and retouched on TNT as there was suggestion of possible (and confirmed) altered circumstances.
Your mother has put up with your crap all these years, so why not repay her with a long-lasting Mother's Day gift? Learn how to make a twisted origami flower that can be turned into a pin or even a hair decoration by watching this video.
This video tutorial from iDeviceTutz shows how to change the SSH root password for iPhone or iPod.When iPhone or iPod is jailbroken it sets its password to default - alpine.Thus your device becomes vulnerable from a network attack that could steal your information or identity. So you need to change your password as soon as possible when your device is jailbroken.For this you'll need Mobile Terminal program on your device and SSH client (Cyberduck or WinSCP) on your computer.First download and...
In Part 8 on the series about Selecting a Tripod, ClickHerePhotography talks about main questions to ask when buying a tripod. First is to ask the dealer what tripod is recommended for the specific brand of camera that you will be using. Then probe further as to why the particular tripod is recommended. Details about the cost of the tripod should be inquired in relation to type of pictures that will be taken. Clarification should be sought on the functions of the tripod - how to adjust it, or...
Basic instructions on how to troubleshoot the heater blower motor of a Saturn S-series. The heater blower motor is located behind the glove compartment of your vehicle. Disconnect the negative and positive power supply. (The black wire is usually the negative.) Using a multimeter set on the Ohm scale, use the positive lead and test the black wire. To check the purple wire for current, use your ignition key and turn it to the run setting, turn the heater power to full power and set the multime...
Fear someone you love might be showing signs of Parkinson's disease? Parkinson's disease is a chronic condition caused by a lack of dopamine in the brain. Diagnosis can sometimes take years; knowing symptoms can speed up the process.
Looking to brighten up your hairdo? Add pizzazz to your hair by giving yourself highlights—at home. In this video, learn how to give yourself the perfect highlights.
It’s an evening of wining and dining and you want your meal to come out perfect. Whether a side dish or main course, please your crowd with pasta al dente.
It's easy to find out if your eggs can be scrambled, fried, or used in a recipe - or if they need to be tossed in the trash. Watch this video to learn how to test eggs for freshness.
This is a great video for mechanics (and possibly do-it-yourselfers) for troubleshooting an emissions problems in a 2003 Dodge Caravan. You'll learn how to do a quick smoke test and find a possible leak in the EVAP (Evaporative Emission Control system). The problem can be as simple as a faulty hose.
In this clip, you'll learn how to use UBCD to test and diagnose hard disk drives on a MS Windows PC. It's easy! So easy, in fact, that this home-computing how-to from the folks at Britec can present a complete overview of the process in just over five minutes. For more information, including step-by-step instructions, take a look.
In this clip, you'll learn how to test your system memory with both Memtest86 and Windiag. It's easy! So easy, in fact, that this home-computing how-to from the folks at Britec can present a complete overview of the process in just over five minutes. For more information, including step-by-step instructions, take a look.
Rest in between long bouts of exercise is recommended, since muscles need time to heal and patch themselves up after tearing (yes, any form of exercise makes micro tears in your muscles that must be healed. These tears are a good thing because once you get patched up, your muscles become stronger than before).
If you use Microsoft Excel on a regular basis, odds are you work with numbers. Put those numbers to work. Statistical analysis allows you to find patterns, trends and probabilities within your data. In this MS Excel tutorial from everyone's favorite Excel guru, YouTube's ExcelsFun, the 92nd installment in his "Excel Statistics" series of free video lessons, you'll learn how to use the TINV and TDIST functions to test a hypothesis.
This video involves beauty tips on how to get rid of chapped lips. The video starts out by listing items needed to take care of chapped lips; the first item listed is chap stick. The video specifically recommends a chap stick that has SPF protection. The other items needed are a tooth brush and a clean towel. The video next explains to rub chap stick on your lips. Next, a tooth brush is used on the lips in circular motions to remove dead skin cells. The purpose is to allow your lips to heal m...
This video solves the problem of getting the right crate for your puppy. You should visualize the size of your puppy after six months and get a crate of that size. If you have a mature dog, get a crate in which the dog can move and turn around easily. The presenter recommends a plastic crate. It is designed well. The door can be opened in both directions. The top can be removed easily and there are holes for the air to come inside. The wire cage is not recommended. Its door is fixed and the c...
The Visual Prototyper is a wireframe design solution that allows you to design a fully functional application wireframe and simulate it.
In this scientific video tutorial, undergraduate students in a forensic chemistry lab demonstrate a forensic DNA test to catch a criminal. Learn how to perform a forensic DNA test! Just like in CSI.