Thank You Writing Inspiration Search Results

How To: Write the letter Q in calligraphy copperplate

In this Fine Art video tutorial you will learn how to write the letter Q in calligraphy copperplate. Hamid Reza Ebrahimi shows you how to this using a Brause & Co No 86 nib, Persian traditional black calligraphy ink, Brause marbled penholder and Persian leather pasteboard and Steinbach pasteboard. To write the capital "Q", dip the nib in to the ink, then starting at the 2nd horizontal line, write upwards touching the top line. Then continue writing downwards till you touch the 4th line and no...

How To: Write the letter G in calligraphy copperplate

This video demonstrates the procedure involved in writing an uppercase "G" and lowercase "g" in Copperplate. You will need a writing utensil and something to write on. In the video, a nib and black ink were used on lined paper. The letters should be written slowly and carefully to avoid errors. The video may be useful for people who want to learn how to write a "G" or "g" in Copperplate style. After watching this video, a viewer would know how to correctly write a "G" or "g" in Copperplate.

How To: Fold an origami phoenix

Once you have mastered how to fold an origami crane, you are ready to try the phoenix. A phoenix is a mystical bird that rises from the ashes and is very powerful. They are a great inspiration to have around you. Check out this tutorial for a step by step on folding your own origami phoenix bird and feel inspired.

How To: Write a great timed essay in class

Getting nervous about a timed essay coming up in school? In this six-part video of a writing class discussion, learn from Fullerton College professor Mark Fullmer some tips & tricks on how to write a "damn good" effective essay while being timed in class. Time management, essay structure, presentation, introductions, support, conclusions, vocabulary, and critical thinking are discussed over each of these six videos.

How To: Write a letter

It might seem easy to a few, but some of us out there grew up with email and consider "the letter" an artifact. However, writing a letter is the ultimate in class and shows someone you took the extra time to get in touch with them. Whether you are writing a business letter or a friendly letter, these tips will guide you in properly writing that letter to a special someone, friend, or client.

How To: Make writing left-handed easier

This video tutorial offers advice and demonstrations on writing left handed for parents and teachers of left handed children. This comprehensive, educational left-handed writing guide covers the challenges for left-handers, writing problems, writing solutions, and helpful equipment. Check out this video teaching tutorial and learn how to make writing left-handed easier for the south paws in your life.

How To: Prank wrap a gift

The Slighty Mad Scientist teaches you how to prank someone by making their gift extremely difficult to open. All you need is some styrofoam and a little chemistry. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!

How To: Write left handed

Left handed writing style is not as common as right handed so many people are not sure how to do it neatly. Check out this tutorial for advice on how to improve your grip and posture to make your handwriting perfect. Left handers face many challenges. First of all, most teachers will teach children writing skills more suitable for their right handed classmates, also there are not many left hand specific products on the market, and left handers often have posture problems as they are pushing t...

How To: Write the Japanese character, "hito" meaning "human"

Writing the word “human” using Japanese characters or writing (also known as kanji) is deceptively easy. It can be completed in as little as two downward, curving strokes. Beginning from the top, draw a line downward, curving the direction of the pen or pencil slightly to the left as you go. Next, find the halfway point of the line you have just drawn. Once you have found the halfway point, draw a line from the halfway point downwards and curving slightly to the right. The end result will loo...

How To: Write on someone's wall from your Facebook fan page

In this tutorial, learn how to use your Facebook Fan Page to comment and write on other people's walls like you would a personal account. Your fan page is linked to your personal page, and sometimes you don't want to use your real identity to write messages. Check out this clip and get the hang of a FB glitch that will allow you to "tag" your friends so you can write on their walls.

How To: Write the letter Z in calligraphy copperplate

Hamid Reza Ebrahimi demonstrates how the Z and z are written in copperplate. For this video, Hamid used a Brause & Co. No. 86 Nib Persian black calligraphy ink. Also, he used a Brause marbled penholder along with a Persian leather pasteboard and Steinbeck pasteboard. Hamid writes the letter Z at 6 centimeters tall and the small z at 2 centimeters. The video shows how the Z is written, starting off with a loop from the top line on a ruled paper and moves on a slant to the left down to the bott...

How To: Write in cursive

In this video, we learn how to write in cursive. When you are writing in cursive, you will want the angles of your letters to flow together so you can connect one letter to the next without stopping your pen or pencil. The capital letters and lower-case letters will all look different from one another. Practice writing out each of the betters with their upper and lower-case to get a feel for how to write them out correctly. Once finished, start to write easy and simple small words and make su...

How To: Knit with color

In this video, we learn how to knit with color with Brandon Mably. Get inspiration from the world around you to get different colors and make out different patterns. Carry your colors around the item that you are knitting to make a nice pallet that you love. You can use inspiration from the outside, different states, stores, plants, and anything else that you love! Once you find something you want, get started knitting and find a way to knit that works for you. Use the color range that you ar...

How To: Write a solid screenplay

This is a video by Indy Mogul. For making a script or screenplay, first write a short heading about the situation and where the characters are to be at that time. Then write the actions the character must do. Then the dialog the actor must tell along with the emotion. Now write the dialog the another actor must say. Like wise write all the dialogs. Time must be ascertained for each dialogs. Dialogs must be written according to the time.

How To: Write a great essay for the SAT test

In this four part video tutorial series, learn how to write a 12 score essay for the SAT test in just ten days. The SAT essay is designed to measure your abilitity to develop a point of view on an issue presented in an excerpt, support your point of view using reasoning and examples from your reading, studies, experience, or observations, and your ability to follow the conventions of standard written English. Follow these steps presented in this video, and score at least a 10 on your SAT essay!

How To: Write an argument essay thesis

In this three-part instructional video hosted by English Ryan, learn how to write an effective thesis for an argument essay. In an argumentative essay, one not only relays information about the topic or position they are trying to argue, but also presents an argument with the PROS (supporting ideas) and CONS (opposing ideas) of the argumentative issue. One must clearly take a stand on either side of the issue and write as if persuading an opposing audience to adopt new beliefs or behavior. In...

How To: Write a bid letter for a job

Do you think you're well in your business venture but you can't get clients and don't know why? Perhaps the issue isn't in your work itself, but how you present it. Knowing how to write a great bid letter is a valuable weapon in that cutthroat business world. This video from Freelance Writing will show you how to write a bid letter for a job.

How To: Write poetry with the help of Percy Bysshe Shelley

The famous poet, Percy Bysshe Shelley, wrote a poem about how to write poetry. This video covers the poem from beginning to end. In the poem, Shelley writes about being able to get ideas to paper, about finding the right words, about the ability to match syllables and rhyme and about the different types of writers. If you have ever had a problem writing a poem for a class project or a loved one, you will smile over the issues that this famous poet had with writing poetry. This poem is read be...

How To: Write an argumentative research essay

Writing a research essay or an argumentative research essay can seem like a major challenge to students. All the work, all the writing all the deadlines! Simplify the entire process by learning how to gather information the correct way, namely using the resources at the school library and, more importantly, how to fill those pages. This video will show the easy way to write argumentative research essays.