Then Speaker Search Results

How To: Make Free Phone Calls Using Gmail

Did you know that you can use Gmail to make free phone calls to anywhere in North America? We're not talking computer to computer, but actual free phone calls to cell phones and home phones. All you need is a Gmail account, a microphone, and speakers plugged into your computer.

How To: Keep your employees motivated

Danny Shader talks about how to keep your employees motivated in this video taken from the Stanford University Speaker Series. First, start by making them feel they are working on an important goal that is more important than any individual. Keep your employees motivated.

News: possession

have everyone in the rubber costumes you use to ook old and go into a church. have the paster say they have a guest speaker today. one of you guys is the guest speaker and yu go on about possession and ask if anyone in the church would like to come up and get the demons taken out of hem. thats when the others in the costumes come forward and yu do some prayer thing and comand he demons to come out. then everone starts acting like they re possessed nd starts ripping off the rubber making t loo...

How To: Make a Foldable, Wallet-Sized Paper Amplifier for Your Smartphone

Are your smartphone's built-in speakers not loud enough? Don't want to fork out the cash for some additional speakers? Instructables user urant's got you covered. He created the Whirlwind—a portable paper stand and speaker that folds up to fit in your pocket or wallet so you can take it with you on the go. The best part about this amplifier is that it's free to make. You can use regular old printer paper, but urant suggests using something a little sturdier for the stand.

How To: Make an optical theremin to play music

Watch as Kipkay from MAKE Magazine shows you how to make something really cool for your music skills, with parts from RadioShack. Everybody's heard of them, but nobody has one or knows how to play one... a theremin. You could be the exception as you see how to build your very own optical theremin to play the air around you. Wait, this is optical which means you'll be making that beautiful music with light, like a flashlight.

How To: Electron Spirographs with a Cathode Ray Tube

In this article, I'll be showing you how to make a cool visual representation of sound using an old cathode ray tube (CRT) television, a stereo, and a sound source. You'll also need a pair of wire cutters, and a few screwdrivers. To properly understand this project, it's a good idea to learn a little bit about how CRT TVs work. Check out this article on how they work.

How To: iOS 13 Has Radically Improved Connecting to AirPods & Bluetooth Devices

Not long ago, connecting your iPhone to Bluetooth devices was a true pain in the neck. Control Center's AirPlay button made connecting to certain devices much easier, but it was with iOS 13 that Apple finally made connecting to wireless acceessories like AirPods, speakers, and keyboards so much better.

How To: Download TED Talks Videos onto Your Computer with the TEDinator

The TED website offers hours and hours of amazing streaming videos, with subjects including why videos go viral and sixth sense technology. With so much great content, it make sense that you'd want to save some of it to your computer, perhaps for a long plane flight or bus ride home. Unfortunately, because TED uses a proprietary video player, you can't use the normal stream downloading sites that you would for, say, YouTube. Luckily, there's a way around that.

Water Music: Conducting with Conductivity

What do you get when you mix water-filled bowls with electrical wiring and human hands? The answer may shock you. Artists Ion Furjanic & Isaac Souweine write, "Electric Tea 1.0 is the first in a series of works that put sound where it doesn't belong. [It] uses porcelain bowls, metal orbs, speaker wire, water, and the conductive power of the human body to create a water based musical controller."

How To: Use effects in Adobe Premiere Pro

This tutorial will give you a brief overview of how to apply different effects to your images or videos in Adobe Premiere Pro. Specifically, they go over applying color effects, but the process is the same for any effect you may choose. You won't need your speakers on to follow along: this video has no sound. Be sure to click video tutorial sections and click on the lesson. Use effects in Adobe Premiere Pro.

Dueling Plasma: Singing Tesla Coils' Shocking Battle to the Death

Tesla coils are electrically satisfying in so many ways. But what happens when a guitar-playing city coil has a run-in with a backwoods, banjo-playing, inbred coil? A musical duel to the death! Watch these two Tesla coils battle it out as they play Dueling Banjos. Shocking. Just shocking. Okay, so it's no secret that Tesla coils can create a wonderful light show of electricity, but by modulating the frequency, they quickly turn into powerful singing Tesla coils—the key to any electromaniac's ...

How To: Make an Electric Cigar Box Guitar for $25

A large number of the greatest musicians to ever shape the history of sound first learned to play on cheap, dirty, and often times even homemade instruments. There is a very unique atmosphere that comes about when creating music with something made by your own hands—out of what was no more than garbage at the start. There is a sense of accomplishment that inspires the maker, and gives motivation to learn the limits of their creation. Those who have the desire to build an instrument are often ...