Thermal Wind Search Results

How To: Make funky yarn pom poms

This video demonstrates how to make a funky yarn pom pom. Take a yarn of your choice that matches your scarf. Take one end of the string and start winding it not too tightly around your fingers. Leave back enough string for the pom pom for the other end. Cut the string using a pair of scissors and set it aside taking care not to mess the ball. Cut another piece of string with appropriate length that goes around the ball of string kept aside. Place the cut string over the table and place the b...

How To: Buy a wig or hair piece and look stylish

If you have thinning or short hair and are looking for a change, you may want to try a wig. There are many types of wigs today, different styles made up of different materials. Watch this video to find out information on buying a wig or hair piece so that you don't wind up looking like you have an animal on your head.

How To: Make Tight Loops When Fly Casting

When casting a flyrod, in most cases, tight loops will allow the fly to travel farther, more accurately, and with less effort. To cast these tight loops, the tip of the rod must travel in a straight line path, slack must be eliminated, and there must be a constant acceleration to a sudden stop. The most common mistake is using the wrist to move the rod which causes the tip to travel in a half circle or windshield wiper type motion.

How To: Want Detailed Flight Data for Your Backyard Rocket? Use Your iPhone

Rockets will always be cool no matter what age you are, and building your own rocket is even better. If you have an iPhone that you aren't afraid to blast off into the sky, then you can try and build your own iPhone Rocket to record and analyze flight data, like Byte Works did. The list of parts is a little hefty, but their blog provides you with all of the information you need to make sure you have everything. The most important thing you need is the sensor tag, so that you can record the am...

News: HoloLens Can Give Tank Crews 360-Degree X-Ray Vision on Missions

As a commercial and potentially consumer product, one might assume it very unlikely to see the Microsoft HoloLens in the military marketplace. And that assumption would be completely wrong. One company from the Ukraine is currently working on using the mixed reality head-mounted computer for 360-degree vision inside armored tanks. If a tank crew could see the entire battlefield there are in, they would likely have a better chance of accomplishing their mission and avoiding damage. Tanks are l...

Food Tool Friday: Keep Drinks Cool or Warm with Whisky Stones

Connoisseurs of hard liquor always face a dilemma: how do they chill their spirits without diluting the flavors? After all, if you've shelled out big bucks for a bottle of single malt, you really don't want to mess it up with an ice cube that has freezer burn. (As for refrigerating whisky, most people recommend against doing that: it can cause the whisky to "haze," or look clouded.)

How To: Split an Apple in Half with Your Bare Hands

Have you ever looked at a piece of fruit and thought to yourself, "you suck, fruit, sitting there all smug and happy, I wish I could just destroy you here and now?" If so, read on—your favorite Fat-man is going to show you how you can get your revenge on that happy smug fruit sitting in your fridge by breaking an apple in half with your bare hands.

Hands-on: Acer Windows Mixed Reality Dev Kit & Datascape

One thing that I got more and more excited about as we got closer and closer to the Microsoft Build 2017 developers conference was finally learning about the new Acer Windows Mixed Reality head-mounted displays (HMD). Brandon Bray, Principal Group Program Manager at Microsoft, had teased us a few weeks earlier at the Vision Summit event in Los Angeles, California, and said there would be a lot more information at Build. Fortunately for us, he was right.

How To: 10 Unique & Practical Ways to Repurpose Your Old Hard Disk Drives

At one point in the '90s, about fifty percent of the CDs produced worldwide had an AOL logo. About fifty percent of the CDs in my home still have that AOL promise of 500 free hours on them. Though they never got me to join their internet service, I did get a lifetime supply of coasters. Thanks to the rise of high-speed internet access and bigger and better hard drives, there's no reason for companies to snail mail any more of those obnoxious plastic discs.

How To: Create a grip with paracord

When is a knot not a knot? When it's a grip. The knot outlined in this video isn't a knot per se but a way to wrap objects to increase their grip and also to store extra paracord. Specifically, this video demonstrates how to County Comm Micro Widgy Bar, which is a miniature pry bar. It’s made from hardened D9 steel and is around 3? in overall length.

How To: Crochet a Christmas holiday tree

Place slip knot on hook. Hold yarn taut with 2 sets of 2 of fingers placed about 1½” apart, with tail in other hand. Create loop that crosses over bottom of 1st strand with loop toward right side. Fold loop over main strand going past tail. Insert hook below at tail strand. Pull up a loop using main strand for this loop. Pull 2 ends of yarn taut while leaving slip knot on hook. In 1st chain work 1 single crochet. Skip 2 chains; work 1 double crochet in 4thchain. Picot stitch by chaining 3 & a...