Thermal Wind Search Results

How To: Heave to when sailing in heavy weather

This video talks about the principles of heaving to, which is nothing more than stopping your boat in the water with the sails fully up, without making the boat create much forward motion. There are multiple reasons why you would want to heave to, and one is when the seas are getting rougher and the winds are becoming too strong to safely continue sailing. Watch to learn more about these situations and to see diagrams of everything.

How To: Give Your MacBook's Battery a Longer, Healthier Life with These Power Tips

Apple's MacBook line of laptops is quite famous for their extensive battery life, thanks to various technologies that Apple has utilized. However, all things must pass, and over time your MacBook's battery will degrade. Certain use scenarios can accelerate the degradation of the battery—from excessive usage to high temperatures to overloading the system—and this can all lead to the untimely obliteration of your battery.

How To: Play the harmonica for fun

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to play the harmonica. The harmonica is a free reed wind instrument. Holes 1-3 are the chord holes. To play it, move it side to side. Holes 4-7 are the melody holes. The harmonica has keys of A-G. Do not blow too hard or the reeds in the harmonica can be damaged. Blow the bottom reeds by drawing in. Blow the top reeds by blowing out. To create a vibrato, enclose the harmonica in hands while moving one hand simultaneously. This video will benefit those...

How To: Sail

Today, sailing is usually done for leisure or pleasure rather than traveling or moving cargo. While shipping is still the most viable way of moving goods overseas, with the advent of the airplane, sailing has transformed from a necessity to a sport. Some people put their sailing skills to the test in sailboat races; some just find it exciting to be riding the ocean waves on a non-motored vehicle, using techniques which sailors have employed for thousands of years.

How To: Build a custom PC

In this instructional video series learn from Stephanie Haworth, computer technician with Clayton Computer, as she demonstrates how to build a custom PC from how to choose and install components such as the motherboard, DVD ROM Drive, to applying thermal compound to the computer processor.

News: Dogs Could Be Spreading Antibiotic-Resistant Infections to Their Owners

Our canine best friends could spread our bacterial worst nightmare, according to a recent study. The problem with drug-resistant bacteria is well known. Overused, poorly used, and naturally adaptive bacteria clearly have us outnumbered. As science drives hard to find alternative drugs, therapies, and options to treat increasingly resistant infections, humans are treading water, hoping our drugs of last resort work until we figure out better strategies.

How To: Get Nintendo's Fire Emblem Heroes Game on Your Android Phone Right Now

Nintendo's first ever game for Android has finally touched down (unless you actually count the abomination that is Miitomo). Fire Emblem Heroes, a classic turn-based RPG optimized for mobile gaming, has come out for Android and iOS in Australia, Europe, and Japan, and is due out in North America and other worldwide locales very soon. Due to Nintendo's staggered release, the game isn't available to us in the United States at the time of this writing, but fret not—there's another way to downloa...

News: This Easy Trick Frees Up Lots of Storage Space on Your iPhone

Clearing storage space is a constant concern for people with iPhones, especially since they don't come with expandable storage, limit the amount of free iCloud storage, and still, unfathomably, produce units with only 16 GB of space. Thankfully, Reddit user eavesdroppingyou shared this quick and easy tip you can use to wipe unnecessary files from your phone and potentially free up gigabytes worth of storage.

iPhone Security: Apple Refuses FBI's Demands to Create iOS Backdoor

In a letter dated February 16th, Apple CEO Tim Cook responded to the FBI's demand that Apple create a "backdoor" to bypass the encryption on an iPhone used by one of the perpetrators of last year's terrorist attack in San Bernardino, CA. Cook began the letter by stating that Apple has "no sympathy for terrorists" and has cooperated in giving the FBI all of the information that it has available.

Real Scenarios #1: The New MacBook

You're at your friend's house. All you've heard about all day is his new laptop. He's got a brand new top-specced MacBook Pro, and he won't stop going on about it. It particularly annoys you as all you've got is a 4 year old cheap laptop, even if it is running Linux.