Thinking Involving Search Results

News: The "411" Film Production Bible Finally Hits Android Devices (For Free)

If you work in the film industry, are currently in film school, or have aspirations of being involved in the movie making process in some way, shape or form, you're probably very familiar with a certain set of books published by 411 Publishing that are commonly referred to as the "production bibles". If you live in the Los Angeles area, LA 411 is a valuable source of information when it comes to fulfilling your production needs. And if you're in New York, the NY 411 book is just as crucial fo...

News: 15 Brilliant Google+ Female Photographers to Circle

In a previous article where I suggested 104 photographers to follow on Google+, I received a lot of criticism because over 90% of the listed photographers were men. While women are currently not a majority on Google+, they are a definite presence, and they are active. Today, I highlight the best female photographers I've found on Google+ so far. This time I'm taking a slightly different approach. Since the best way to get to know photographers is through their work, I've included one photo fo...

Boo Box Challenge: Starvation Is an Ugly Sight

Continuing with my "Animals in Iraq" series, we have a poor little puppy who's succumbed to heat and starvation, but not in your ordinary way. Food is hard to come by for the stray dog population, but there's tons of trash around for them to dig through. This poor pup tried to lick the bottom of a can of corn (maybe it was peas or lentils) and got its head stuck. The area was abandoned, so no one was around to help. It pained me to snap this photo, but I thought it was the perfect example of ...

News: Oscar Cinematography compilations

There was a fantastic compilation of best film moments shown at the Oscars in the late 1980's or so. I had thought it was an ASC or ISC production. As I recall it was set to music and both opened and closed with short segments from Citizen Kane, then proceeded to several hundred other short items more or less grouped by topic (falls, laughter, kisses, etc). It had a title something like Precious Moments or Precious Images or something like that about 5-6 minutes long and really excellent. If ...

News: Enter The World of Catherine

Stuck in a relationship that is going nowhere? Do you wake up and it's nine years later and nothing has changed? Do you also dream of sheep? You know, in the non erotic sense? Well welcome to Catherine, a puzzle game of non-commitment and text messaging.

News: Police Use iPhones to ID Suspects via Face, Iris and Fingerprint Scans

Some cops already have the ability to extract data from your cell phone using handheld forensic devices, but soon police officers will have a new mobile data collection toy to play with—an Apple iPhone. Actually, it's an iPhone-based device that connects directly to the back of an iPhone, which is designed to give law enforcement an accurate and immediate identification of a suspect based on their facial features, fingerprints and even their eyes.

News: Games to Appear in Google+ Stream

Confirmed! Those of you who have been waiting (or dreading) the announcement of social games in Google+ can now look forward to them showing up in your stream. The anticipated games have yet to show up, but Google has confirmed that APIs will be made available for third party developers to access Google+, much like Facebook allows them.

Camera Phone Photo Challenge: Firecracker Buried Underground

While running through a bag miscellaneous leftovers from the 4th of July, I came up upon a stash of firecrackers that had eluded me every previous time I had gone through the bag. I started setting them off and grew tired of them quite quickly, so I thought of creative ways of setting them off. I decided to bury one underground with only the fuse exposed and set it off. It blew all the dirt on top away, but for some strange reason, all the smoke stayed. I quickly pulled out my camera and took...

News: Video Games Deemed Art AND Protected Free Speech!

It's been a great year for video games, kind of. Sure, the AAA release lineup has been a trainwreck and hacking has been a bigger problem than ever. But two things have happened involving the federal government that have made video games more legitimate in the United States than ever before. The Supreme Court ruling establishing that video games were the equivalent of movies and books, not porn, was the more significant decision. But in May, the National Endowment for the Arts made another si...

Splitscreen: A Love Story Shot Entirely on the Nokia N8 Mobile Phone

Splitscreen: A Love Story is an elegant short shot entirely on the Nokia N8 mobile phone, created by director JW Griffiths and director of photography Christopher Moon. The cleverly constructed splitscreen film was selected as the official winner of Vimeo's Nokia Shorts 2011 contest, raking in a grand prize of $10K. So how did they do it? Splitscreen: A Love Story was shot using the Steadicam Smoothee, a hand-held dolly designed for the iPhone 3GS, which the team adapted for use with the Noki...

News: Public Sharing on Google Docs

Yesterday, I got an email from my mom. She asked if there was a way to send her colleagues a bunch of links to online documents, rather than weighing down an email with attachments. I knew that Google Docs had what she was looking for. As I started to write her an explanation, I thought, "Hm, I wonder if Google has one of their handy little YouTube videos on this topic."

News: Whats The Salary

Many people wonder how much money producers make. What is the salary? Well, it is not accurate. Not all producers make the same most make more than others. The websites don’t always give the right information.

How To: Teaching Nerds How NOT to Love with Silver Dollar Games

I am the sort of man whom game companies fall all over themselves to seduce. I'm sweaty, pale, awkward, and spend too much money on video games. There are many of us, especially among XBox 360 owners. We are the most stereotypically "gamer" group of console owners. The XBox 360 doesn't have motion control like the Wii or a blu-ray player like the Playstation 3. It just plays games really well. That's why hardcore gamers like me prefer it amongst all the consoles, and probably why Silver Dolla...

News: The Revolution of the Hacked Kinect, Part 3: Gaming Gets Artsy

Video games and art have somewhat of a sticky relationship. Many video games have large teams of talented artists doing amazingly creative work, and yet the art community is only just beginning to utilize video games as art (sometimes). Perhaps if video games were shown not just as a medium of expression, but as a means of creating great art as well, the art community would be forced to consider it differently. The third part in the Hacked Kinect series will focus on the artistic possibilitie...

Privacy Is So 2001: An Anime Video Game Novel About Social Media

Japanese people are into many things Americans find weird—like YouTube's beloved canine-hosted cooking show or Daito Manabe's light up LED grills or even more insane, a vending machine that distributes live crabs. In light of these cultural oddities, the Japanese phenomenon of visual novels (NVL, or bijuaru noberu), seems relatively normal. A meeting place of books and video games, visual novels are a sort of "Choose-Your-Own-Adventure" for the new generation.

News: Do Real Science. No Degree Required.

What's the next best thing to being an official scientist? Being a non-official one. A new website called Science for Citizens helps you find the science experiment of your dreams, hook up with the scientists involved, and actually take part in the experiment itself. Here are some examples of what you can do:

News: Tweet for free tickets to see Fast Five

So...I really liked the original Fast and the Furious movie, because I think Vin Diesel is awesome. (How could the voice of the Iron Giant not be?) But I hated the subsequent sequels, because he wasn't in them. But in this latest version, Fast Five, Vin Diesel is back! If you live in Los Angeles, follow the hilarious blog YouOffendMeYouOffendMyFamily on Twitter and tell them why you want to see the movie. The most interesting reason wins, so be creative!

News: Battle of the Shaky Cam

Responding to the inexplicably rampant use of faux-documentary techniques in "Battle: Los Angeles", Matt Zoller Seitz of Salon eloquently and hilariously lambastes the "played-out" fad of the shaky cam. Here are just a few nuggets:

News: Of Coyotes and Chickens

In my earlier post about long-term strategies I promised I’d ask some of my neighbors who do what I call factory chicken farming (Let 1000 Chickens Bloom) if the coyotes that have shown up will change the way they play the game. The one guy who replied in any detail said that he wasn’t sure what he was going to do yet, but he thought that he was losing 50 chickens each time he harvested them pressing “Collect Bonus” using a coop.

News: Come on Zynga please reply to my emails

I have had my upgraded storage shed missing for two weeks now. I have emailed many times. You still will not reply to me, what is with this. Maybe if you looked after the people that play you wouldn't need to come up with a silly detective game to get some players back that have had a bad deal from you. This is not very professional . All I want is my shed and all its contents back that I earned by fair means I don't think that is to much to ask

News: New Generation?

The Truth is that the Jackass boys are getting older and are not going to be able to do what they do forever, so why not make a new generation of Jackass? This does not have to happen right now but it would be a great for th future. Personally I would do almost anything that Johnny knoxville has done and there should be a contest or tryouts to see who are the craziest. Critisism is wanted please tell me what you think.

News: Print Yourself in 3D

Since the early genesis of the brilliant Microsoft Kinect hack, inventive applications have been popping up nonstop. One of the most fascinating projects to surface recently falls within the realm of 3D printing. "Fabricate Yourself"—a hack presented at the Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction Conference in January—allows users to pose in front of an Xbox Kinect, which then converts a captured image into a 3D printable file. What does this mean exactly? Think Han Solo trapped in carbon...

News: Print Your Own Photorealistic Gadget Pouches

If you've yet to stumble across Photojojo, it's an awesomely addictive web newsletter for all photography junkies. I'm especially loving their recent photorealistic gadget pouch project because the finished product looks incredibly pro and as Photojojo keenly comments, "We’ve been seeing these little pouches in hipster gift stores that look like tacos, cassette tapes, pizza, etc. And we thought, 'That’s so easy, we could totally make those ourselves!'” Right on. The project is indeed easy to ...

News: Real or Fake? Impossible Wooden Waterfall

It takes a special kind of mind to look at an M.C. Escher drawing and see a blueprint. And yet, looking at this working 3D model of Escher's Waterfall, one gets the impression that YouTube's mcwolles may have done just that! One thing's clear: like Escher's famous lithograph, the video employs some manner of trickery. But what kind? Good, old-fashioned forced perspective? CGI? Do the shadows provide a clue? Let's hear it in the comments.