Timeless Consumption Search Results

How To: Create a hair knot

The hair knot, also known as a hair bun or chignon, is a timeless style that can be worn anywhere. It's both traditional and trendy. Celebrity Hair Stylist Robert Steinken shows you how to create the perfect hair knot. Create a hair knot.

News: Gino Cavicchioli Sculptor

Gino was born in Australia, but spent his formative years in Rome. As a child he was fascinated by the architecture, sculptures, fountains and the works of the masters that surrounded him. The craftsmanship and attention to detail was indelibly etched into his own creative expression and his drive to achieve the same level of perfection in his work.

Triathlon food: What to eat

Serious triathlon training involves energy expenditures upwards of 5,000 to 6,000 calories a day. Maintaining the level of food consumption for this kind of output means that triathletes in training are basically eating lots, and eating often. Renowned celebrity chef and Ironman triathlete Rocco DiSpirito recommends eating lots of bananas, peanut butter & jelly, lean proteins, fruits, vegetables and organic chicken stock to get the food intake levels up to that point.

News: Best birthday to date

I turned 30 this year. For my birthday I had a wonderful weekend of cooking. Between 2 days I cooked I think almost 60lbs of meat. this is a shot of the before-pile. I was so caught up in the prep, cooking and consumption that I didn't take any after pictures. But dream with me a little and imagine what this could turn in to.

How To: Use black wrap for film lighting equipment

Mike from the SubStream's "Film Lab" has some tips regarding lighting, gripping and gaffing. Mike's soul screams for Rosco's magic Cinefoil wrap (aka Black Wrap, aka shroud-of-death wrap). Made from black holes. Learn what it's used for and how to use it! It's really just thick black aluminum foil with heat protection. The easiest and cheapest lighting accessory.

How To: 11 Awesome Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide

Commonly found in the medicine aisle in grocery stores near the bandages, hydrogen peroxide is best known for disinfecting wounds, but it's also extremely useful for a number of cleaning and health uses, such as removing sweat and blood stains from clothes, disinfecting cutting boards, removing bacteria from your produce before consumption, and more.

News: BMW Makes Tron Car

Sorry Nissan Land Glider, the BMW Simple makes you look like a Granny car. This prototype truly feels like a car and motorcycle combined (plus it bears an amazing resemblance to the Tron light cycle). 

News: Save Big without Skimping

1. Extend your engagement. A longer planning period means a better chance of getting the best vendors in your price range. Plus, you can typically lock in rates that might increase by the time your wedding date arrives.

News: The Future of the Book Might Work Something Like This...

There are endless possibilities for eReaders, and lots of amazing things are already happening. But wow-worthy visual tricks aside, how can technology really change the way we consume books? In the video below design company IDEO presents three separate concepts for virtual consumption: Nelson, Coupland and Alice. IDEO groups their virtual experiences into three separate concepts: Nelson, Coupland and Alice. Core77 breaks down each concept:

News: Shibumi

In the dojo, what ISN’T said is often as important as what IS said. To most of us who’ve been raised in the USA, the reticence we encounter in the dojo can be off-putting. American society is very “content” oriented. Our legal contracts, for instance, run for pages and pages. Everything needs to be spelled out. In “context-oriented” societies there is far less reliance on such a literal approach. Much more importance is placed on the relationship between the two parties entering into an agree...

News: This game is awesome!

FrontierVille reminds me of FarmVille's land design, Treasure Isle's collectibles, Mafia Wars energy consumption all wrapped up with an Oregon Trail theme. I like very much that when I need energy, it's actually available to find or earn and that there's really very little to wait for. The 5 and 15 minute crops keep you coming back to harvest. The bonus meter keeps you clicking on things as quickly as you can. There's a bit of strategy involved with your space plan and game play. You can real...

Meatless Monday: Join the Revolution

Make My Mondays Meatless! One day a week join in on cutting out the meat! This Presidential initiative revived by The Monday Campaigns in association with Johns Hopkins, rolled out this program to the Baltimore public schools, then San Francisco went meatless and now celebrity chef extraordinaire Mario Batali and his fleet of fabulous restaurants said I'll play too! Now you too can help fuel this fire!

How To: Make a film flow with split edit (L-cut) transitions

Don't know what a split end is? That's probably because it's more commonly referred to as an L cut, which is a basic editing transition in films. Straight cuts tend to make a scene film stiff and unnatural, where the dialogue feels jarring, and that's when split edits come in handy. Rajo from The SubStream's "Film Lab" talks with editor Tom Berger on the basic principles of split edit transitions when editing a movie. After watching this video, you'll have a better understanding of these tran...

How To: How This Newly Discovered Amazonian Bacteria Is the Secret Key to Biodegrading Plastic

Since the rise of private property and industrial production, modern capitalism has been on a undeniable crash course with Mother Nature. It's no so much that we'll end up murdering the entire planet, but just that the planet will quietly smother us with a pillow of famine, heat, cold and hurricanes. We over-farm land and replace the nutrients in the soil with oil. To package our oil-based produce, we wrap them in synthetic oil-based plastics, soon to be discarded in a trash heap or ocean.

How To: Clean Up Hard Drive Space by Deleting iOS Device Backup Folders from iTunes

By now, you probably know that your iPhone secretly tracks and stores the locations you've visited in a backup folder on your computer's hard drive. The files are unencrypted, which means anyone with access to your computer or device can retrieve the information, which is downright scary. But Pete Warden and Alasdair Allan are making it fun with their iPhone Tracker application, which lets you map out everywhere you've been with your smartphone.

News: Kaplan University's Visionary Voices–A Collection of Ideas on Continuing Educa

Kaplan University presents Visionary Voices, a series of interviews that chronicle our goals in regards to adult education and continuing education throughout your life. Kaplan University offers online degree programs designed to expand the way you think and help you develop both personally and professionally. Students turn to us to develop their critical thinking skills, to challenge and prepare them for successful careers.*