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How To: Treat hirsuitism or excessive female facial hair

Women who suffer from excessive facial hair (or hirsuitism) can feel extremely self-conscious, but the condition is not uncommon and affects up to 15% of women. In this exclusive video guide, Dr Harper discusses the symptoms and causes of this condition, as well as the best treatment options available. Excessive facial hair can be embarrassing, but there are plenty of ways to remove it, either temporarily or on a more permanent basis. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to treat hirsuitism.

How To: Bake Apple Crunch Muffins

These muffins are a quick, yummy breakfast or a light, delicious mid-afternoon snack. This easy recipe provides you with moist, light muffins every time! This recipe makes 12 large muffins.

How To: Do pilates exercises while pregnant

Just because you're pregnant, doesn't mean you still can't exercise! Pilates is a great method of conditioning the body during a pregnancy. Common Pilates exercises for pregnant women include pelvic tilts and other adduction exercises, which strengthen abdominal muscles. Get some great advice from Pilates expert, Ann Arnoult, in this video.

How To: Field dress a deer using only a knife

So you shot a deer, now what? Time to field dress the animal and make the most of your prize. Throughout the process it is important to keep your incisions precise, so as to avoid any messy mistakes. This instructional video will also teach you how to tell the age of the deer by the condition of its teeth.

How To: Clean a Curling Iron

It’s inevitable – the sticky, messy buildup accumulating on your curling iron. Use any of the methods in this how-to video to de-gunk and get on with the business of beautifying. Your curling iron will work better, last longer, and make your hair look nicer when the curling iron is clean and in good condition. Check out this video and learn how to keep your curling iron and hair in styling shape.

How To: Wash a car showcar style

Learn how to wash a car in flawless condition and keep it that way. It's all in the technique. Anyone can do this with any car to keep it looking its best! See how to wash your car like the pros in this automotive maintenance video.

How To: Frost a cupcake with a 1M tip for a stacked appearance

Learn how to frost a cupcake using a 1M tip or large tip. The supplies you'll need are cupcakes and a bag with the frosting and the tip. First, squeeze the bag to remove any air bubbles. Take your cupcake in your hand and start at the outside and work your way in. Then, in one motion, go over the first layer to create a stacked second layer of icing. This method gives you a pretty ice cream cone type effect on your cupcakes. Next, you'll learn how to make your cupcakes look like roses. Using ...

How To: Get Dark, Sultry Lips

How to Get Dark, Sultry Lips with Adriane In this video Adriane shows you how to create dark, sultry lips with a few of her favorite products. She takes you through each step to help you create one of this year's hottest looks.

How To: Reseat the hard drive in an iPod classic

First, get out a Swiss Army Knife and clean your hands. Then, take out the main blade. Next, on the right hand side of the IPod, stick the blade through between the gap to open the casing of the IPod. Then, turn the ipod upside down, so that the display side is facing the ground. Cautiously open the case, being careful not to damage the attachment in the top corner. Once the case is open, carefully detach the the hard drive from the bar "thing" connected to the top of the hard drive. Next, ta...

How To: Use the star tip to decorate a cake or cookies

Decorating Tips demonstrates how to use the star tip to decorate a cake or cookies. Use a medium consistency icing and position the bag at a 90 degree angle. Hold the tip 1/4 of an inch above the surface of the cake or cookie. Use the count squeeze, stop squeezing and stop to create a delicate star look with a size #13 star tip. With a size #18 star tip, shorten the count and put the icing stars right next to each other to fill in a cake. Use different colored icings as accents. You can also ...

Tasker 101: How to Create an Exit Task

When you create a profile in Tasker, it will run a task as soon as all of the conditions in your profile are met. But what happens when the profile's conditions stop being met? By default, nothing will happen, but if you create an exit task, the automation tool will run that instead.

How To: Properly care for an indoor saintpaulia flowering plant (African violet)

Taking care of houseplants is a tough job, especially if you have more than one kind, because the proper, healthy growing conditions can become muddled. If one of your houseplants is a African violet, which is a saintpaulia flowering plant, then this video will help you take care of it for a thriving plant that will surely brighten up any room. Learn about picking the right environment, watering, fertilizing and keeping pests away.

How To: Use a pilate reformer

Get that body toned and conditioned for a balanced life with the help of Pilates! In this Pilates tutorial conducted by expert, Ann Arnoult, learn how to use a Pilate Reformer. The Pilates Reformer builds on the idea of mat exercises, adding new levels of resistance with weight-bearing exercises. Improve the quality of movement, posture, flexibility and range of motion with help from a Pilates specialist in this free video.