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Steampunk R&D Podcast 05: Roundtable Discussion with the Emperor

The Emperor of the Red Fork Empire, aka Justin Stanley, joins us again on Steampunk R&D. This time the subject matter is a little more meandering than last time when I interviewed him about his background as an artist, maker, and performer. If you want, you can check out that podcast first before listening to the latest one below. In this podcast, we talk about current events in the Steampunk world, such as TeslaCon 3 & 4, defining Steampunk, Lantern City, the TSA, and more. We may or may not...

The 5th Wheel: An Ingenious Parallel Parking Hack

A clever driver from Cairo, Egypt has revolutionized parallel parking with a fifth wheel built into his car. The extra wheel in the rear is perpendicular to the others and under the trunk (which looks like it's actually stored in the trunk compartment), and can be raised and lowered for easy parking in tight spots. You can even ditch that old, rusty tire jack and swap out a rear flat tire in record time.

News: Obama supports drone attacks

In a recent address, Obama supports drone attacks against people 'on the list'. He talks about the people on the list being known of 'going to attack Americans', and who have a 'track record of terrorism'. Let me tell you, targeted strikes will, 90% of the time, have civilian casualties. There is no such thing as a clean strike. But I'll let you decide.

News: Understanding Usage Adjustments

Sometimes your bill may not be correct- your TDSP may record your usage either higher or lower than it really is. In some cases the mis-read may not be noticed right away but sooner or later you'll get a usage adjustment. This video will explain to you what usage adjustments are, and how to understand one should you get one on your Bounce Energy bill.

News: Now this is dedication to your craft

That's not Super Mario Bros., but rather a Konami clone. Who even knew these existed? Dr. Sparkle is going to play every game in the Nintendo Entertainment System, Famicom and Famicom Disk System. In chronological order. He's even recording videos with commentary and review.

HowTo: Ace a Free Throw

Larry Silverberg and Chau Tran of North Carolina State University tested more than 100,000 3-D simulations of free throws to come up with this HowTo for you. The two engineers have determined the perfect trajectory. Check out their strategy below, via Wired's How-To Wiki.

How To: Build a home recording studio

In this series of video clips you’ll learn how to build a music recording studio in your own home. Expert musician and studio engineer Arie Pytel shares tips on the various types of microphones, monitors, headphones, and computer recording software that are available. He takes you step-by-step through the process of connecting the mics, MIDI components and other devices you’ll need to start recording your own music. By following the simple steps in these free videos you can build a home recor...

How To: Play blues on an electric guitar like Buddy Guy

If you're a musician in need of some lessons, there's no better way to learn than with MusicRadar's so-called "Tuition" instructions. Although the title tuition is misleading, this video class is anything but costly, because it's free, right here. Whether you're looking for help with your voice, bass, electric guitar, drums, guitar effects, piano, Logic Pro or production techniques, Music Radar is here to show you the way.

News: Latest VPN Review

We all know that VPNs may or may not keep logs, and may or may not tell the whole truth when asked about what records they do keep. With this in mind, here's the latest review of VPN services from those lovely folks at Torrentfreak.

News: World's Fastest Clapper

Behold, Kent "Toast" French, the Guinness World Record holder for fastest clapping. You might say, fast clapping? What kind of feat is that? Well, just watch. The video below gets pretty intense... Kent can clap 721 times in 60 seconds. That's 12 claps per second.

News: Gigantic Bubbles

According to the Telegraph's interview with world record setting bubbleologist (who knew such a thing existed?!) Samsam Bubbleman, "It's all about having the right bubble solution. If you have the right mixture then your tools don't matter..." 

News: Sleeveface

Favorited by our man Crow. Submitted by user God. How could I not be tempted by this tutorial?    A perfect combination of old school retro, arts & crafts, and hipster cool.    Just take an old vinyl record sleeve, cover a part of your body, and snap a photo.     Proof once again that the how-to imagination of the internet has no bounds.

How To: Save Snapchats Without Getting Caught on Your iPhone — No Jailbreak Required

Snapchat doesn't prevent you from taking screenshots of snaps received, but the other user will get an alert either as a prominent push notification or a subtle note in the app. Snapchat has improved its screenshot detection abilities over the years, so it's much harder to circumvent its technology for truly undetected screenshots — but not impossible.

How To: Choose Which Microphone Your Phone Uses When Recording Video in Fimic Pro (To Capture Clearer Audio)

When shooting video on your phone, you have two cameras at your disposal, the rear camera and the selfie camera, and you can switch freely between the two. As for microphones, you may have more than one but, unlike with the cameras, it's not easy to switch between them. Filmic Pro solves this problem by isolating the mics so you can choose the best option for the audio track.