Toilet Hygiene Search Results

News: Portapotty Blowout

First you rig up a portapotty or a regular toilet so when someone sits on it to take a dump, water shoots up at high speeds. If you do it in a toilet, they'll get more wet and it would be easier to get away with. But if you do it with a portapotty, you'll have all the pee and poop go up and get all over the victim. I'm not sure what would you use to shoot up all the "liquid" so ask a scientist or something on that one. Have a pressure sensor or heat sensor on the toilet. And to make sure some...

How To: Make an Electric Cigar Box Guitar for $25

A large number of the greatest musicians to ever shape the history of sound first learned to play on cheap, dirty, and often times even homemade instruments. There is a very unique atmosphere that comes about when creating music with something made by your own hands—out of what was no more than garbage at the start. There is a sense of accomplishment that inspires the maker, and gives motivation to learn the limits of their creation. Those who have the desire to build an instrument are often ...

News: The 5-Second-Rule Is BS, Say Scientists

There's no reason to waste a perfectly good Cheeto just because it dropped on the kitchen floor, right? The "5-second-rule" makes it fair game if you can swipe it up fast enough (this doesn't apply for liquids or foods with floor fuzz stuck to them.) But, is that errant piece of chocolate really safe after it's mixed with the bacteria-laden mud from your shoe?

News: Haunted House

When bams parents are out get a crew to go in the house and rig it all up all over the house to make it seem like its haunted. later when bams parents get back, they get back to everyone pretending to do the ouiji board or something and get april to get all worked up about spirits and everthing. then when they go to bed after everone else leaves slowly activate one at a time the hauntings, like the door opening then voices or the tv turning on to the white static and have wee-man in some kind...

HowTo: Make Kitty Crack

As a non-cat owner, catnip is a mystery to me. So, people essentially... drug... their cats? Weird. Google catnip, and you will find a whole slew of incredible images related to the topic...

How To: DIY Cat Toys You Can Find at Home

Cat toys can be unnecessarily expensive. Using items you already own, you can provide your cat with new and fun ways to play. Look around, you may have dozens of potential cat toys that will occupy your cat for days to come!

News: The King of Upper decks

For this one we get preston or phil. Its really simple. we put a hidden camera in a hotel's bathroom and then phil or preston will dump in the top part of the toilet to the extent to where it wont work anymore. upon calling housekeeping up they come in to find the most foul and disturbing thing in the toilet. or get the entire group to fill a toilet up with fecees and call up housekeeping

How To: Gain control over sleep problems

Once people thought that help for poor sleep only meant sleeping pills that left you foggy. That's all changed. Now there is a range of options. Sleep hygiene aims to change poor bedtime habits and improvements in medications can not only provide natural sleep but also avoid next day side effects. Gain control over sleep problems.

How To: Understand and Provide Indirect Care for CNA Certification

What is Indirect Care? Does it affect the CNA's exam result? Indirect Care entails your behavior in terms of how you communicate with the resident, valuing residents' rights and residents' safety and security. Indirect Care is absolutely important because: (1) it is a graded performance, (2) it has separate score ratings, and (3 )it greatly affects the testees' overall performance during the clinical skills exam.

News: exploding toilet poop

Ok look find a restroom that all the Jackass cast would would use...then replace it with a non working toilet.and the idea is that when a jackass member has to use the restroom they will sit down and poop,but inside the toilet there will be some poop hidden and that poop will explode on them and will be really gross but a great prank, and they will have poop from another jackass member.hehe sounds like great idea to me.oh yeah and it can only be one victim or maybe more who knows you guys try...

How To: Assemble a Survival Kit

I am writing this quick post in response to the recent earthquakes and tsunamis that are affecting Japan. As soon as the news broke, and we began to hear of tsunami warning for our area, I immediately realized how under prepared I was for a natural disaster. The thing that drove this point home even deeper was the number of people asking me for advice on what they could do to prepare for the possibility that we are hit by one of the resultant tsunamis. Many thoughts raced through my mind, and...

News: Fight For Your Hygiene

Fight 1v1, 2v2 or an all out free for all for the flag they must avoid sharp shooters holding plastic bb guns and get the flag without being knocked off by other players or the swinging hammer. If they fall off they land in a big pool of cow dung. The winner gets to take a shower.

News: The Shi**er

Have the toilet rigged up so when you push the handle a bucket of shit in the ceiling dumps on them, or have the toilet bowl hooked up to an air compress, so when it is flushed, it blows the shitty water rigt back at them

How To: Dropped Your Phone in Water? The Quick Response Guide to Saving Wet Electronics

It's no secret that water and electronics don't mix well, but somehow, people always manage to combine the two. I've had my fair share of water-damaged electronics, everything from cheap headphones to a desktop computer. My devices are getting dunked in water so much, it's like doughnuts in coffee. And I know I'm not the only one. That jam session with your favorite song will end really quick when your iTouch is chilling in the toilet bowl.

How To: Prepare Your Child For School

Academically Preparing Your Child For School Many parents are anxious when their child begins school for the first time, especially when he/she is the first child to leave the nest. Is my little one ready for school? What should my child know/be able to do before starting? Unless you have teacher friends or have been given guidelines by the school it can be difficult to know how to get your child ready academically. Here are a few tips to help give your child a good start.

News: Elevator John

Take a normal high-rise building and transform one of the elevators into what looks like a bathroom stall. Then, place cameras on the elevator and on various floors and catch peoples reactions when the door opens and sitting right there a foot away is one of the guys reading the newspaper and taking a shit. You could also split the elevator and have 2 stalls with 2 dudes taking a plop. Make the thing stink to high-hell, add flush sound effects, maybe a toilet overflowing and one of the guys p...