Toilet Requirements Search Results

News: Pushing the First Null Byte Suite Update!

Hello everyone. As many of you know, we've successfully launched the Null Byte Suite for our wonderful community. In addition to the prepackaged tools, there is a dedicated GitHub repository where tools submitted by the community will be pushed to for distribution in the suite. There have only been a couple submissions, and out of them, only one fit the requirements. So, out of anticipation, we've added it to the suite!

Touch, Don't Press: Extend the Lifespan of Your iPhone 5s Home Key

Take a minute and think about how many times a day you press the home key on your iPhone . . . a lot, right? It is quite literally the most important button on your device. If the home key stops working, you won't be able to multitask or back out of apps to go to your home screen, so preserving its life should be priority, otherwise you're stuck using one of these tips for fixing your home button. Luckily, for 5S users, you can add a tweak that will utilize your touch ID sensor, instead of ha...

News: The Shi**er

Have the toilet rigged up so when you push the handle a bucket of shit in the ceiling dumps on them, or have the toilet bowl hooked up to an air compress, so when it is flushed, it blows the shitty water rigt back at them

How To: Do different squash forehand return of serve

Squash is a racquet sports game, seemingly similar to tennis, but played on a small indoor court with hollow rubber ball, much small than a tennis ball. Squash is an intense, high impact sport. This squash tutorial demonstrates how to Do different squash forehand return of serve options.

How To: Prepare Your Child For School

Academically Preparing Your Child For School Many parents are anxious when their child begins school for the first time, especially when he/she is the first child to leave the nest. Is my little one ready for school? What should my child know/be able to do before starting? Unless you have teacher friends or have been given guidelines by the school it can be difficult to know how to get your child ready academically. Here are a few tips to help give your child a good start.

News: Elevator John

Take a normal high-rise building and transform one of the elevators into what looks like a bathroom stall. Then, place cameras on the elevator and on various floors and catch peoples reactions when the door opens and sitting right there a foot away is one of the guys reading the newspaper and taking a shit. You could also split the elevator and have 2 stalls with 2 dudes taking a plop. Make the thing stink to high-hell, add flush sound effects, maybe a toilet overflowing and one of the guys p...

Xbox LIVE Achievement: How to Earn Free Microsoft Points with Social Engineering

Sometimes, paying for the whole Xbox LIVE service might seem like a waste of money. You're constantly experiencing lag, you've got people modding and cheating, kids are being loud and obnoxious over the mic, and your kill-to-death ratio is getting dumped on. Basically, the whole multiplayer experience just isn't cutting it anymore—you want to go back to the classic world of single player. Well, there's always downloadable content—simply known as DLC.

How To: Find Out Who Unfriended You on Facebook

How many Facebook friends do you have? The average person on Facebook has around 140 friends while some hit the ridiculous Facebook friend limit of 5,000. Facebook states that its services are for people you know in person. I don't think anyone has 5,000 friends in person, do you? Personally, I don't even think Megan Fox has 5,000 friends in person, so how could any regular person have that many? But that's beside the point.

News: Block Cell Phone Signals on the Carrier of Your Choice by Hacking a Radio Frequency Jammer

Cell phone jammers, a DIY endeavor for the darker crowd. I'm pretty sure we've all considered having one at some point: whether the obnoxiously loud woman next to you is announcing private bedroom stories to a crowd on the subway, or your kids are grounded from using the phone (and consequently snagged a hidden prepaid phone), sometimes having a cell phone jammer comes in handy.