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Zanti: Introduction

I've been doing tutorials on Rasberry Pi and I would like to thank everyone that have both read the tutorials and gave me feedback on how well I'm doing. But now I've decided to take a small break and start a mini series that I'm hoping to be at least five tutorials. This doesn't mean I'm gonna stop posting Raspberry Pi tutorials, but since I'm learning so much at the same time I've decided to share some of that knowledge. Hence this tutorial. Please sit back, relax and read on.

Raspberry Pi: Physical Backdoor Part 2

In my last post I introduced how to use ncat to connect to your Pi remotely, but what's the point to if you can't actually hack? This tutorial I'm gonna show you how to use very simple tools for a much bigger purpose. With that said, boot up our Pi and lets wreck havoc.

Raspberry Pi: Physical Backdoor Part 1

This tutorial is one technique to use the full functionality of your Pi. The small size makes it ideal for inside hacks, but still has the capabilities of a average desktop or computer. I should mention that a tutorial that OTW has done, but I'm gonna take it a step further. OTW made a brilliant article, but only touched on the surface of the possibilities. I hope this article will both show you many the possibilities and also allow you to start causing havoc, but I'm planning on making this ...

Hack Like a Pro: How to Hack Web Apps, Part 6 (Using OWASP ZAP to Find Vulnerabilities)

Welcome back, my tenderfoot hackers! Web apps are often the best vector to an organization's server/database, an entry point to their entire internal network. By definition, the web app is designed to take an input from the user and send that input back to the server or database. In this way, the attacker can send their malicious input back to the servers and network if the web app is not properly secured.

How To: Antisocial Engine

A.E Hi again this is my second post on nullbyte. The first one was on how to make a remote screenshot captor, now I will give you a presentation for a project of mine(I have named It Antisocial Engine) that It is not something extraordinary but will help many guys.

How To: 5 Surprising Uses for Your Coffee Grinder

During my time living in dorm rooms and small apartments, I would find myself in need of many different appliances—a food processor for making hummus, a blender for vegetable smoothies, or even a mortar and pestle for muddling mojito-bound mint leaves. Luckily, there was one tiny, inconspicuous tool that solved all of these problems: the coffee grinder.

How To: Anti-Virus in Kali Linux

Hello fellows nullbyters, first of i will start saying that im addicted to this community, i feel the challenge growing up so fast, all the newbies, amateurs,advanced and professionals hackers around trying their best to help the community, badly but we got some script-kids too but anyway, today we are going to learn how to install and use clanAV in kali linux.. INTRODUCTION

How To: Use Magic Tree to Organize Your Projects

MagicTree is often the go-to tool for data collection and reporting for many pentesters. It organizes data in nodes in a tree-structure which is very efficient at managing host and network data. Reports can be completely customized to meet the user's needs. Also, MagicTree allows you to import XML data and has XSLT transforms for Nessus, Nmap, OpenVas, Burp, Nikto. MagicTree comes pre-installed in Kali.

SPLOIT: How To Build a Peer to Peer Chat Application in Python ( GUI - Linux )

Developing GUI apps in python is really cool. I ask those who understand the language to help convert some of the command-line or console programs or apps ( I mean programs that are useful to a hacker ) to GUI. I know GUI makes us lazy and not wanna learn but we should all know its fast. Today's tutorial is on p2p chat app I developed last week and decided to share it with the community since its kinda cool.

How To: Android Alternatives for Instagram’s New Collage-Making Layout App

Instagram recently rolled out their new Layout app that helps users build photo collages more easily, and it's quick and easy to use with great results. Unfortunately, only those with an iOS device can enjoy Layout at the moment, with the Android version slated for release "in the coming months." Luckily, there are a trove of alternatives that you can use right now, and here are the three we like best.

How To: Make Custom-Shaped Chocolates at Home

It is a truth universally acknowledged that food molded into fancy shapes somehow seems tastier. That's true even with chocolate, which is inherently delicious. Now, while you can buy chocolate that's been pre-molded into fancy shapes, you can have a lot of fun and save a few bucks by making your own specialty chocolate molds. All you need to get started are items you most likely already own.

How To: Replace Your Galaxy S5 Screen

The Samsung Galaxy S5 display can be replaced by most do-it-yourselfers with some basic mechanical skills and a few inexpensive tools. The good news is that once you replace your display assembly your screen will be good as new with no bubbles or dust on the inside. The replacement part is a bit pricey but that is a good percentage of the cost involved with manufacturing this device. Below is a video showing the entire process from start to finish. It's best to turn on your volume for the nar...

How To: Get Started with Kali Linux (2014 Version)

Welcome back, my apprentice hackers! As many of you know, I have been hesitant to adopt the new Kali hacking system from Offensive Security. This hesitancy has been based upon a number of bugs in the original release back in March of 2013 and my belief that BackTrack was easier for the novice to work with.

Hack Like a Pro: How to Conduct OS Fingerprinting with Xprobe2

Welcome back, my novice hackers! I've written a couple of articles on reconnaissance and its importance, and as I've said before, a good hacker will spend 3 to 4 more times doing reconnaissance than actually exploiting the system. If your recon isn't good, you'll likely fail, or worse—end up serving time and becoming Bubba's wife for a couple years. I can't say it enough—recon is critical.

How To: Prank Friends, Cheat Games, & More with Android Bot Automation on Your Samsung Galaxy Note 2

During a contest in 2010 regarding which country Justin Bieber should visit next on his tour, North Korea won by a landslide. Unfortunately, he never went, and that's partly because nobody in the internet-less dictatorship probably voted. Instead, the contest was rigged by 4chan members and a few playful bots that voted for NK hundreds of thousands of times. What this shows is that not only is Justin Bieber an asshole, but that bots can be used as a very powerful tool—not only to cause mischi...

How To: Short Attention Span? Use These Browser Plugins and Mobile Apps to Summarize Long News Articles

Our attention spans have vastly shortened thanks to the Internet and our subsequent procurement of information from it at a rapid pace. It's tough to pay attention to something for a good amount of time, unless it's ridiculously interesting and stimulating. It's gotten so bad for me that I keep checking my phone every ten minutes—I even did it during a midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises.