Totally Conduce Search Results

News: Blind Photographer "Sees" With Sound

A couple weeks ago, I attended Photo LA with my mother, a photographer. On our way out, we came across a blind man with a seeing eye dog. It begged the obvious question-- "blind photographer" is about as oxymoronic as it gets-- but, then coincidentally, this morning I came across a video of the same man. Pete Eckert is indeed a blind visual artist, a sculptor and industrial designer in his former life, before being diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa, a genetic eye condition that results in p...

How To: Knock a Holiday Out of the Park: Observing Mom the Homemaker Prepare for Easter

I confess, I’ve always wanted to put on an awesome holiday dinner in a big house that’s mine where I cook everything and it is AWESOME. Since I don’t yet have a house, I’ve only entertained in small ways (college parties notwithstanding, ahem), but watching Mom the Homemaker utterly tame Easter dinner this year gave me some great ideas for holiday entertaining. Check out the helpful tips I learned from watching her!

News: Man Builds Camera as Big as His Dog

Gil Adam, a student of Industrial Design in Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem, Israel, has created a 3:1 scale model of his favorite plastic camera, the Holga. While the camera is just a model (non-operational), it's pretty fun to see the oversized object next to Adam's face, and his dog.

How To: Make Portuguese sweet bread

Want a sweet bread for a nice holiday treat? This Portuguese Sweet Bread will do the trick. Just watch the video recipe to learn how to make it, just like your grandmother used to make. A classic sweet bread treat. You can even use the dough to make Portuguese doughnuts.

How To: Remove Your Name and Profile Picture from Facebook's Social Ads

Facebook is constantly evolving, and lately it seems like a bad thing, at least for its users. First, you had to opt out of Instant Personalization, which shared your personal information with Facebook's partner sites. Then, you had to take drastic measures to secure your home address and mobile number from third-party apps and websites. And now?—Now you need to opt out of Facebook Ads.

News: The Ultimate Prank - End of the World

Got to be convince someone or a few innocent, young by-standers that the world is ending. Could maybe have a small group of student in an interview situation, maybe in a waiting room. Then you could play reports on news brodcast of mass casualties and disasters happening across te globe. Then after being exposed to that for maybe 10-20 mins they could cause a earthquake and outside there could be building crumbled. Pretend car crashes and causualties outside and smoke machines blowing red smo...

Whoa, Dude, I’m Bleeding: A Simple First Aid Experience

This weekend, I was on a trip to Binghamton. In the midst of unpacking my toiletries at the hotel, I found that my brand new razor blade had lost its cap. How did I find that out? Well, when I pulled my hand out of the bag, I found that my right pointer finger was missing a bit of its tip and dripping blood on everything. Thankfully, Nathan G. H. Shlivovitz was with me and knew what to do, but the experience helped me to realize that everyone needs a little first aid knowledge in life. Here a...

How To: Pop and Lock 80s style

We recently discovered a few vintage videos of Dancin' Kim and her Totally Rad '80s Dances. Check it out! In this video, Dancin' Kim shows us the hippest new dance craze, Poppin' and Lockin'! Pop and Lock 80s style.

News: Beef with Oyster Sauce

I have the honor of knowing a woman who lived in Taiwan for a couple years back in the day, as a missionary. One of the things she brought back from her time spent there was the Pei Mei Chinese Cookbook Vol. 1 published in 1969. You can grab a decent used copy on Amazon for about $15. I knew I wanted my own copy after my friend invited me over for a Chinese feast one afternoon, where we sampled no less than half a dozen dishes from the book.

How To: Make an Invisible Piston Door to Keep Your Hideout a Secret

No one likes it when random people wander into your home and mess things up, which is why it behooves you to hide your things from even the most prying eyes with builds like this totally invisible, 2x2, piston-operated door with no visible redstone either inside or outside. The story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears may have gone differently if they would have had one of these babies installed in their home: I did a tutorial for a piston-powered trapdoor and many people wanted to know how to...

Outland: A Polarizing Experience

Sticking with our theme of XBLA games with uninspiring names, we have Outland. This game shares its name with an unrelated sci-fi cult film from 1981, unrelated comic strip from the '90s, and unrelated region in World of Warcraft. Didn't exactly try hard to build name recognition. Other than that, Finnish developer Housemarque has created the best 2D platformer I've seen in years.

Surviving the Stress: 5 Tips for Avoiding the Morgue

So, at this time of the year, everyone seems to be going through a lot of stress - and by “everyone,” I mean, “anyone who has any contact with people who are in schools of any kind.” Still, stress can hit you at any time of the year, whether it’s right before Christmas, or when you’ve let all those little chores pile up, or when omigod all those bills are due tomorrow. When you feel like you’re being pulled in a million directions, it’s easy to want to murder everyone or plan an elaborate esc...

News: Drunk and Wild

My wild prank idea is to have someone disguise themselves as a crazy, drunk and wild, pregnant old lady, and she should be having dinner at a restaraunt or buying lunch somewhere at a cafe. Then while she's ordering her food or sitting at her table just about to leave, her water should braeak and she should totally be unaware of what just happened. Then when people start to notice that her water just broke and there's fluids all around her, she should say that she's perfectly fine and has the...

How To: Modify Your Guitar Pedals

Guitar pedals add character to your playing. However, musicians still say that certain pedals by themselves don’t live up to its promise of a perfect sound. Therefore, instead of replacing your guitar pedals with new and expensive ones, you can modify your pedals using different DIY kits available online and at local music stores.

How To: identify gang graffiti (P1)

Dangers abound in the world of srteet art, however one danger stands out as increasingly dangerous. Gangs around the country use graffiti to mark their terriotory and do not take kindly to street artists. In several parts of los angelos gang members will stop you in the middle of the street and ask you if you have spray paint if you are wearing a backpack or a messenger bag. If you answer in the affirmitive (or if they take your bag and find spray paint or markers) its very likely they will s...