Toxic Materials Search Results

How To: Fuse plastic bags into a laptop case

Recycle plastic bags! Watch this video to learn from Threadbanger how you can turn those wasteful and polluting plastic bags into something useful. Upcycle them into a laptop case. It's convenient and something you'll always have a need for. So why not? Watch this video and you can see how to turn this toxic product into something beautiful and utilitarian.

How To: Make a miniature ceramics mold using resin

This video demonstrates how to make a miniature ceramics mold using resin. The object being made is a small saucepan for a doll house. A product called "AMAZING Mold Putty" is used. It is non toxic and can even be used for food. It comes in two tubes. One is yellow and one is white. Take a blob from each tube and make sure they are of equal size. Blend the two blobs together. You must work fast because the material becomes completely hard in 30 minutes. You probably have only three or four mi...

How To: Make wheat paste

Wheat paste is a cheap and easy way to attach posters around town. All you need is flour, water, sugar, non-toxic glue, a pot, and pot. Get started wheatpasting and get your message out there. Watch this video graffiti tutorial and learn how to make your own cheap wheat paste at home.

How To: Do waterless lithography

This video walks you through the steps of how to do waterless lithography. Waterless lithography is a lithographic process that does not require heavy or expensive presses or too many toxic chemicals. It is based in the idea that water and silicone don't mix.

How To: Make nitric acid

Watch this science video tutorial from Nurd Rage on how to make nitric acid. They show three ways to make nitric acid based on two different chemical approaches, both of which can be done using easily accessible materials.

How To: Make iridized glass

Learn about ancient iridized glass and a method for creating iridized glass surfaces. This video is part of the exhibition "Reflecting Antiquity" at The Corning Museum of Glass (February 15 - May 27, 2008). Note: the method portrayed uses stannous chloride fumes, which can be highly toxic. Do not attempt this without proper protective equipment.

How To: Make homemade kitchen cleaners

With these recipes and tips to mix safe, non-toxic, homemade kitchen cleaners, you can stop worrying about how your store-bought supplies are harming your home and the environment. how to make your own kitchen cleaning products using a few, inexpensive ingredients you can get at the grocery and health food stores.

How To: Control snails & aphids

In this video, Extension Horticulturalist Curtis Smith talks with Master Gardener Marsha groves about controlling harmful pests that are damaging to plants throughout the year in both outdoor garden and greenhouse environments. The first part of the video covers the issue of plant eating snails, and how they might best be dealt with. Smith explains that there are a number of non-toxic methods which one can use to rid a plant of snails. The process of introducing predatory creatures such as tu...

How To: Decorate a star design Christmas cake

Learn how to make a beautiful & easy star-designed Christmas cake in two-part cake decorating tutorial with Women's Weekly cookery editor, Sue McMahon. You will need a square fruit cake, apricot glaze or jam, marzipan, white & blue sugarpaste or frosting, and non-toxic edible cake glue. Impress your Christmas guests with this exceptional looking cake next holiday season.

How To: Do trigger point massage

Trigger point massage is a good technique to bring immediate relief to conditions like frozen shoulder, stiff neck, tennis elbow and headaches. Trigger points form whenever a muscle or joint is stressed beyond its capacity to recover. They are usually believed to be the result of an accumulation of toxic waste around a nerve ending. Active trigger points will create pain and discomfort.

How To: Create napalm

This video illustrates how to make napalm. You will need a petri dish, gasoline, and styrofoam to create napalm. Combining the styrofoam and gasoline in a petri dish you allow the styrofoam to dissolve and become a semi-solid substance. It will have the consistency of chewing gum and it will be highly flammable. This substance will be sticky and if lit it should be lit outside and at a distance from anyone as it will produce a gas that is toxic.

How To: Polish out aluminum

In this DIY video tutorial, learn how to polish aluminum using greasless and greased abrasives. It is extremely important to have the right equipment and a well-made breathing respirator as this process can be very dangerous and toxic. The products and tools used in this video to polish a piece of sand blasted aluminum, can be found at

How To: Become a fruitarian and eat a healthy raw fruit diet

Fruitarians eat only raw fruit and seeds, both for their health—they think cooked food is toxic—and for the environment’s, since they believe that eating vegetables “kills” the plant. This is similar to raw foodist idealogy of eating all live vegan diet. Try it out and you might find you have more energy and lose weight. It's also high in anti-oxidants. They also eat primarily organic and non- GMO (genetically modified foods). This is an eco-friendly diet that uses less energy to get nutrients.

How To: No Knife? Use Your Credit Card to Cut Food Instead

Believe it or not, you can put your money to use very efficiently in a new way: your credit or debit card can serve as a blade in desperate situations. (It might even be handier than dental floss as a brilliant substitution for specialized kitchen tools.) While I wouldn't take bets on it slicing a New York strip steak, there are definitely many other foods it will easily slice through. What Is It Made Of?

How To: Kill a cockroach kindly

In this tutorial, we learn how to kill a cockroach kindly. If you currently use insecticides to kill bugs and insects in your home, rethink it! These fumes can be toxic to your health and the health of your family. To help avoid getting cockroaches, make sure you dust and sweep often, throw away food around the house, and keep it clean! If you do have these bugs, you can first pour some beer in a glass, then put bread in the glass along with some petroleum jelly. Next, you will set this on yo...

How To: Make sodium bromate & potassium meta-periodate

This video tutorial is in the Education category which will show you how to make sodium bromate and potassium meta-periodate. This experiment uses toxic chemicals and releases harmful gases. First you have to make a saturated sodium bromide. To this solution then add a small amount of potassium dichromate. The solution now becomes concentrated. Then make the circuit as shown in the video. You need a 3 - 5 ohm resistor in order to reduce the current. Then let the cell run for around 6 hours. S...

How To: Make elemental sulfur (sulphur)

This video tutorial is in the Education category which will show you how to make elemental sulfur (sulphur). The chemicals you need are nitric acid and sodium thiosulphate. The reaction produces toxic SO2 gas so keep it coved with a watch glass. Put 12.9 grams of sodium thiosulphate in a beaker and dissolve it in minimum amount of water. Pour about 15ml of nitric acid in to the beaker. Let it sit in a warm place for a couple of hours and the sulphur will settle at the bottom of the beaker. Th...

How To: Evaluate a women's body toxins

In this video, we learn how to evaluate a woman's body toxins. The best way to do this is to evaluate your life and your career. Different careers can expose you to toxicity. Another thing is test that your doctors can give you, that look at urine, blood, and saliva for toxic substances. These are not for everybody, just a certain population. But, the accuracy of these tests have not yet been proven scientifically. Not everyone needs to go on a detoxification diet, but it certainly can help y...

How To: Dispose of batteries properly

You may or may not know it, but getting rid of old batteries is a problem nowadays. Buying alkaline batteries from the store can be bad news, since these cannot be reused or even recycled. They end up in land fills and can pose serious toxic threats. Buying recycled batteries from the store is a better way to go, since these guys can be recycled and of course, reused. So check out this tutorial for some more adivce on properly disposing or your batteries. Good luck and enjoy!

How To: Make a simple ping pong smoke bomb with one ball

This video demonstrates the easiest and fastest smoke bomb that a person can make. Supplies include aluminum foil, standard ping pong ball, a pen or pencil, and a flame lighter. Wrap the ping pong ball with foil, being extra careful not to tear the aluminum foil. Use the pen to create a funnel shape with the foil. Remove the pen. Now, light the bottom while holding the top. The smoke is toxic, so don't inhale. Make sure the smoke bomb is on a non-flammable surface as it gets very hot. Also, w...

How To: Use gravimetric analysis to analyze sulfuric acid

This video is based on a chemistry experiment. This video is going to explain to us how to use gravimetric analysis in order to analyze sulfuric acid. This experiment should not be done for those who do not have a fundamental knowledge of chemical compounds, reactions and chemical safety. He explains first what he is about to do before he does it. Sulfuric acid is acidic and can be toxic if ingested or in contact with the eyes. Take extreme care with this experiment.

How To: Use "Instead" menstrual cups

A menstrual cup is a potential alternative to possibly toxic tampons or cumbersome sanitary napkins (pads). Instead is a readily available menstrual cup, but many women are unfamiliar with how to use it. This how-to video shows the procedure to using the Instead menstrual cup. It may require some practice, it may not be for everyone, but some women might find it preferable to their current method of feminie hygiene. Check out this video tutorial and learn how it's done.