Tracking Consumer Search Results

Deal Alert: Use Android Pay to Get a Free Chromecast & Music

Google announced today that it's offering rewards to Android Pay users, and taking advantage of these deals could land you a free 2nd Generation Chromecast, among other prizes. The Tap 10 promotion is pretty self-explanatory: Tap to use Android Pay 10 times before February 29, 2016, and Google will give you a code to redeem a free Chromecast, free music, or both. You'll also be rewarded for Taps 1 through 9 as well. You'll receive a code for one music track from the Google Play Store for ever...

How To: Make an Automatic Minecart System in Minecraft

Summer is over and autumn is here. Serotonin levels are dropping and people don't have the motivation to be outside as much anymore. So we play Minecraft instead. But walking is cumbersome, so we want minecarts. Remembering to carry one in your inventory or placing one on the tracks might be a bit much to ask for, and don't even get me started on bothering to press a button to make it go.

How To: Adjust a Sliding Door

How to adjust a sliding door. Sliding doors are great when they are sliding but can be a real pain in the bum when they don't. Today's video will concentrate on adjusting the wheels to help alleviate some of these annoying issues. It doesn't matter if it's a robe sliding door, a closet sliding door, a glass sliding door or a patio sliding door, the principle is still the same. Obviously there can be other factors like the sliding door track or the sliding door wheels being in a state of disre...

How To: Clear Dead Tracks from Your iTunes Library on Windows Using Only Notepad

If you've ever mistakenly moved your music files around without relinking them in iTunes, you might now be noticing that you have a long list of tracks asking you to relink them. You could go through them one by one, redirect them to the new file location, then delete any copies. Or you could try to track them all down and delete the old references. But come on, who wants to spend that much time when you can clean up your library using this clever method using only Notepad on your Windows com...

How To: Create Fringe-style floating titles in Adobe After Effects CS4 or CS5

If you're looking for a cool way to add text to your videos, like for an opening sequence to a film where the credits are displayed, embedding the text directly into the scene is the way to go, especially if you like the hit television show "Fringe", who used these kind of embedded title effects in establishing shots. Car adverts use this technique a lot, as well. "Panic Room" also use this effect in the opening title sequence.

How To: Spy on someone using your iPod touch or iPhone

Ownspy is powerful program which can be used to backup your iPhone remotely. This program can be used in both good and bad ways. If you have children you can keep track of them by installing this program on the phone. This regularly uploads the content from the phone to the website. So in this way you can know in what way the phone is being used. Also this can be used by a jealous boy friend to spy on his girl friend. This programs tracks your location, backs up your messages, pictures. It al...

How To: Dumpster dive with freegans

What is a freegan? It's an anti-consumer movement, and a way of getting free food by dumpster diving. Get a crash course in dumpster diving with an accomplished Biology professor who demonstrates the lifestyle of a freegan. Watch this video ecology tutorial and learn how to dumpster dive.

How To: Buy a TV

With all of the new technology out there, consumers have a lot to consider when buying a new television. The Lab Rats, Andy Walker and Sean Carruthers discuss the pros and cons of LCD, plasma, and projection TVs.

News: Will the HoloLens Forget About Gaming?

Microsoft's HoloLens has many applications in the business world, both large and small, but what about gaming? Initial demos gave the impression that we could expect amazing first person shooters, platformers, and even Minecraft. Yet, as Newsweek noticed, the HoloLens was nowhere to be found at E3 this year.