Trading Lies Search Results

News: DIY Pop Tart on a Stick

Pie on a stick has been good to us, so why not Pop Tarts? (Admit it, Pop Tarts are good- and these are more like yummy pastries without preservatives.) As a tribute to Bakerella, Brooke of Family Kitchen has created a recipe for the latest addition to the lollipop dessert craze.

News: The Fingers Intro Part 2

Hello again ! This is the second part to Fingers from a Hand Analysis perspective.Where as the first Video just covers basic introductions to the Fingers, this part two Video takes things a little bit further and examines ......Finger Shape ;- Length suggesting mental speed, Methodical or Speedy thinker ?Finger Width ;- Suggesting which level a persons interests may lay, Mental or Practical realms ?Finger Prints ;- Amazingly interesting area to explore , Fingerprints do not change.. They star...

How To: Kiss creatively in multiple ways

Want some more adventurous alternatives to the French kiss? This tutorial teaches you many other passionate ways of kissing your partner. Learn the butterfly kiss, the reverse or upside down kiss, the facial kiss, and the dominant kiss. You will be exciting your partner with new ways to smooch.

News: Kibbles And Nuts

Have Pontius lay on the beach with a nice chetah thong on. Make sure he has a good amount of Peanut Butter spread all over his genitala. If the Dick is viewable thats up to you guys, (it works with the thong on as well.) Unleash a horny dog in heat up to Pontius. The dog WILL go straight for balls and dick with Love. Doggy will lick and lick his dick (through the cheetah) No Censorship needed. In front of a crowd at the beach while Pontius is laying down , It will be a laugh riot.. BTW i have...

How To: Transplant Papaya Trees

Papaya trees are very vulnerable to transplantation shock. Seedlings tend to recover slowly and poorly after replanting in a new location under a sunny sky. Many internet articles advise that papaya trees should be transplanted without injury to their root systems. Keeping the root systems intact is next to impossible if the papaya seedlings are too close to each other. However, you would be surprised to learn how a papaya tree with serverely broken root systems can survive a transplantation ...

How To: Market a Self Storage Facility

Self-storage may not be a new industry, but it is one that is rapidly reshaping its operations to suit a progressively more modernized customer base. In order to stay competitive with your self-storage facility, you'll need to keep an open mind, embrace current marketing trends, and most importantly, have a well-defined set of marketing goals. Your main focus should revolve around the following points:

How To: Join Second Life and Create Your Own Avatar

On June 23, 2003, Linden labs created a free client program known as Second Life. This program allows users, or residents, to interact with each other in a virtual world by using avatars. Thanks to this program, residents are able to explore, socialize, and create and trade virtual property, and services with each other. Second Life has become one of the most popular programs used by various age ranges from 16 to 60, but how do you enter this world and get your own avatar?

How To: Divide and transplant an agave

In this tutorial, Jeff Moore shows us how to divide and transplant an agave. First, lay the pot over and hit the side a couple times. Now, the roots and soil will fall out. Now, break the roots and take the pups (baby plants) up. If you don't remove these, they won't grow into larger plants. It may be difficult to pull them out, just wrestle with it a bit so you can pull it out. Now, replant these into a new pot with cactus soil onto the bottom and a drainage hole in the pot. Make sure to wat...

News: Book Review - The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay

The Power of One is one of those books that I really should have read years ago. I’ve certainly meant to read it for a long time so this was a satisfying title to cross off my list. It’s stunning that this was Bryce Courtenay’s first novel. I look forward to reading his others because if this is where he started, he’s a talented writer.

How To: Stop Bike Thieves Dead in Their Tracks! Make a Magnetically Controlled Bike Alarm

Bikes are a great form of transportation. They use human energy more efficiently than any other machine. You can keep it in your closet or hallway. You can even take it on the train in a pinch. However, this portability is also the bike's biggest draw back. If you own a bike in the city, chances are it will be stolen. Locks barely deter thieves armed with bolt cutters and crowbars. Throw the bike thieves for a loop and make a tilt-sensitive alarm. It will hopefully startle your bike's assaila...

KONY 2012: Propaganda At It's Finest?

The most recent viral video on YouTube is just that. A viral video. After seeing all the hype and 'support' that the 'movement' is getting, I want to tell you that this is a misleading video and somewhat of a propaganda campaign. These are strong accusations against such a 'humanitarian' cause, but I'm here to show you why.

News: Obama's Rise

So far, I've talked a lot about what's going on in the world around us, but it's time I come back to politics for a bit. That said, the name of this world is somewhat misleading, in the sense that I talk about everything, not just politics! But I digress again.

The League: Intro

Author's Note: Hi there, some of you may know but most of you probably won't. My name is Semeria and I am an author on the rising. I plan to be posting one of my novels on this website for people to read. Comment and let me know what you think and I hope you enjoy the story.

Know Your Rights: How to Escape Unlawful Stops and Police Searches with Social Engineering

Law enforcement can make a lot of folks cringe. Too often do we hear on the news, and even experience in our own lives, the unjust way that an unacceptable portion of law enforcement treat the very citizens they are supposed to protect. People's rights are violate each and every day by law enforcement, simply because they are timid and uneducated with the laws of society. This dirty trickery shouldn't be played on harmless citizens under any circumstances.

News: Organize Yo'sef! Part One

It’s that time of year (in the U.S. anyway) when people are focused on getting organized -- or rather wishing they were organized. Being organized is great, it affords physical space, mental space and all but insures higher efficiency. But wishing and doing are two entirely different things. Wondering how to achieve the bliss of knowing where your stuff is? It’s easy... if you start small and don’t waste your valuable time watching TV shows or reading magazine articles on “how to” do it.

How To: Conceal a USB Flash Drive in Everyday Items

Technology in computers these days are very favorable to the semi-knowledgeable hacker. We have TOR for anonymity online, we have SSDs to protect and securely delete our data—we can even boot an OS from a thumb drive or SD card. With a little tunneling and MAC spoofing, a decent hacker can easily go undetected and even make it look like someone else did the hack job.