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How To: Hide your IP address using IP Hider 4.0

IP Hider masks the real IP of a user, allowing him to browse all kind of pages without ever worrying that the ISPs or any other marketing tool is monitoring your surfing habits or spammers are attacking your computer. The simplest way to do this is to have traffic redirected through anonymous proxies.

News: City of Las Cruces Shuts Off Water, Sewer for Photo Ticket Nonpayment

With more and more vehicle owners simply deciding refuse to pay red light camera and speed camera tickets, private, for-profit companies and municipalities are growing increasingly desperate. America’s second-largest city shut down its photo ticketing program last year largely because residents who could not afford the $500 citations did not pay them. On Monday, Las Cruces, New Mexico announced it would shut off the utilities of city residents who refused to pay Redflex Traffic Systems, the A...

How To: How Red-light Cameras Work

As you may have seen in your city or town, red light cameras are on the rise in the United States. In many instances in my area, these cameras have sprung up seemingly out of no-where, and mostly without any reason. Over use of these systems can make privacy (even on the road) a fleeting possibility.

How To: Use Content For Promoting Websites

This article is all about creating content. This is a very important concept to grasp because the content that you create for a website is going to be the basis for how you will advertise and promote that website. Content, meaning articles, videos, and even podcasts is now really the new advertising. Instead of traditional types of advertising and instead of the traditional separation between editorial content and advertising, that has gone the way of the dinosaur.

News: Paid to Promote Yourself

Make money promoting yourself, build links and drive traffic. Yes thats is right you can get paid to promote yourself by using free to join sites that let you share revenue, I have included a list of sites that will allow you to build links to your online content or sites. this will aid in building your site authority as well as let you make some revenue to help you pay for your hosting fees ect.

News: Travel Writing Websites

A prolific travel writer can always consider starting his own travel site. If you know a country or a city inside out then you really can start your own site, work on drawing traffic and make money from ads. Not much money, maybe but something. And you get read.

News: Cheater Caught at the 2012 National SCRABBLE Championship!

Whoa. Someone just got caught this weekend cheating at the 2012 National Scrabble Championship in Florida. He was holding on to some blank tiles, which dropped on the floor mid-game. How did this kid even think he'd get away with hiding blank tiles? Wouldn't it be a little suspicious once his opponent got a third blank tile from the bag? It was the first time anyone has been caught cheating in the National Scrabble Championship, though that can't be said for club, regional, or world tournamen...

How To: Find and Observe the Garradd Comet

If you haven't seen one, a comet is one of the most spectacular astronomical objects in the sky, partially because it is so close to Earth. At the closest, it is only 1.3 a.u. (194,477,400 kilometers) away from Earth. Comet C/2009 P1 Garradd was discovered by Gordon J. Garradd on August 13, 2009. It never comes closer to the sun than Mars's orbit. Usually, a comet moves fast, but it has stopped moving so fast recently, making it really easy to observe. It can be observed by a telescope or wit...

News: "The Ice Cold and Gold for Tots Trick"

Here's a winner! You have to go to kind of a backwoods ass town where Jackass might not be too known to make this believable. You set up sort of a small "village bar" in the middle of town where there's a lot of foot traffic.You'll bring a gathering of kids with various heights and let them in on the stunt. The "bar" has to be set at just the right height to where some kids can see over the bar counters and some can't. The stunt is to set up an outdoor village "beer bar" that is only served d...

News: Building Links With Onlywire

This article is all about creating content and using it to build links to your website. Content, meaning articles, videos, and even podcasts is now really the new advertising. That’s because people go to the internet to look for information, not look at advertising. So you need to create compelling content about your business, your industry in general and any topics connected to your entire field that people will want to read, listen to or watch.

How To: Chain VPNs for Complete Anonymity

Big name individual hackers and hacker groups everywhere in the news are getting caught and thrown in jail. Everytime I see something like this happen, I won't lie, I get a little sad. Then I wonder, how are these guys getting caught? If a group like LulzSec, with all the fame and "1337-ness" can get caught, I think my hacker comrades are doing something wrong.

How To: Hack Together an Accelerometer-Aware Mobile Website by Accessing Motion Sensors in JavaScript

Christian Cantrell, Adobe's Air Product Manager and Evangelist, has released a video to demo websites that take advantage of the motion sensors in a mobile phone, tablet, or laptop via JavaScript. Now, let's take a look through the code and break down the core pieces that you'll need in order to build your own sites that can determine the 2-axis tilt, 3-axis gyroscope, and compass direction of the mobile device it's being displayed on.

How To: Safely Log In to Your SSH Account Without a Password

SSH is amazing, and we praise its existence on Null Byte for many reasons. Notably, it allows us to reroute our traffic through encrypted ports on our local host to be sent to its destination when on the go. You can even control your home computers remotely over a secure and encrypted connection. This is handy for a multitude of reasons.

News: Get Inspired! 30 Festive Holiday-Themed Photos Taken with Cell Phones

It's the most wonderful time of the year. Christmas lights are up, stores are crowded, tacky knit sweaters are making an appearance, and there's the constant smell of something delicious baking in the oven. In this week's Phone Snap Challenge, spread some holiday cheer by showing us your holiday-themed cell phone photos. Post your image to the corkboard by Monday, December 26th at 11:59 pm PST for a chance to win a set of fun Photobooth Props from Etsy store LittleRetreats just in time for th...

News: Play BF3 Today! (1 day early)

Battlefield 3 officially comes out tomorrow but people have figured out a way to play it today if you have it downloaded (digital pre-install). All you have to do is fake an ip to make it look like your timezone is ready to play. I'll try this when I get home, in the meantime:

Realm of the Mad God: A Free Indie Browser Alternative to World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft has been on top of the world for seven years. No other MMO has come close to challenging its dominance of the genre, and it has generated billions of dollars for Blizzard. They have spent a lot of money adding more and more content, to the extent where the full game with all the expansion packs takes up 65 GB of hard drive space. It is a beautiful game; well balanced, and a milestone in the history of the medium.

News: Digital Picture Frame Snatches Photos from Public Wi-Fi Networks

You're sitting in your favorite café enjoying a hot cup of joe, then you open up your laptop or turn on your tablet computer to get to work, but as always you get sidetracked and head straight for Facebook. Someone just tagged you in a photo, so you check it out, then you see it out of the corner of your eye—your Facebook picture digitally displayed on the wall in a nice, neat digital photo frame.