Trouble Falling Search Results

Scrabble Bingo Weekly Roundup: Guisard, Reaphook and Veronica

There's only a few week left until costumes and candy take over the streets, which means they'll be more and more seven-letter words in the Scrabble Bingo of the Days that relate to the Fall season, horror movies, and of course… Halloween. Below you'll find bingo words relevant such films as Halloween, Children of the Corn and The Wicker Man.

Quick Start Guide: How to Set Up Your Canon 5D Mark II in 10 Easy Steps

Before jumping right into becoming the next James Neely or Moose Peterson, you're going to have get situated with your new digital SLR. No matter if you purchased the Canon EOS 5D Mark II body and lens separately or together, you've got everything you need to get started except the CompactFlash (CF) card. If you plan on shooting in RAW or capturing HD video, I suggest getting an 8GB or larger CF card. If you can afford it, maybe even opt for a high-speed UDMA card.

Apple's iCloud: What You Should Know

As I was listening to Apple's WWDC conference today, what ran through my mind the most is if there were ever a time to switch to the world of Apple computing now is it. Today's WWDC keynote presentation was chock-full of new and updated iOS mobile software—too much to cover in this one article. But the most "new thing" coming from Apple this Fall is iCloud, a file sharing and streaming service that requires no wired connections.

Minecraft: Her Crushed Dreams

What happens when a person who has never played a building sandbox game tries it for the first time? Reality happens. The harsh reality of human nature. You would think playing with friends in a creation game would be utopia, but in truth it's more like being stuck with people that would walk all over you if it provided a softer path.

News: Birds as the Ultimate DIY Architects

The widely used expression "free as a bird" intimates an enviable existence: delicate, yet mighty wings transporting to destinations no human could so breezily venture. But despite their fanciful, superhero ability, in truth, the avian race leads one of the most difficult existences in the animal kingdom. Yes, birds have existed for eons—they likely evolved from small dinosaurs of the Jurassic period—but for these creatures, life can be ruthless.

News: The Who Owns My Heart lyrics by Miley Cyrus

Here we have a unique piece of work. Miley Cyrus, the girl that started out as a 12 year old acting on Hannah Montana, is now 17 and showing some skin. Do we care? Apparently, parents do. So it seems as if if Cyrus wasn't able to do what she wants in her music videos because of these complaints parents are making. Of course, those complaints are natural, I mean, 8 year old girls look up to her, which really pressures her being a role model.

News: Hacking MAC OS X

Warnings i cant be held responsible for any illegal act done by anyone but myself and there are copyrights so notise that taken the trademarks or copyrights are strigtly prohibeted by law and will be punshied by law and i or my partners cant be held responsible for sudo cammands plz notise that sudo commands are harmful both pysics and fyskel

How To: Snorkel

Why the Love? Every one has a reason for loving something. Mine was that it was the only thing I had. That one sure thing. I loved it because I had nothing, and it cost me nothing. At times I had no idea what was going to happen to me, or where I was going to be. The shore is always there! Rain or shine( the water is always calm beneath the surface), day or night( bring a waterproof flashlight).

News: theiving pirate

My idea was to dress like a pirate and pass out those chocolate coin candys to random people. then my friend would walk up behind me and ask for candy without talking. hand motions, i would say no and turn away. i forgot to add that the other person would have a bag with him. then he would pull out a bat or a fucking club. anything that will hurt like a bitch and hit me in the back of the head. i would fall to the ground and he would calmly take my candy and walk away. maybe piss on me. depen...

News: He was one of the great ones..

So basically what i thought would be hilarious, would be to have a skit where weeman goes bungee jumping, only the catch is they first film weeman waving and then jumping. Then make a second video with a dummy that looks like weeman falling to his "death" as the line snaps. The camera crew shows the footage to the others. and they would be so emotionally torn up. They also would have to cancel the movie because they would have to attend his "funeral" then as one of the cast goes to say there ...

News: I hope this prank isnt going too far, but I have more.

Ok, so my friend Nathan and I play pranks a lot and a lot of them on his cousin Justin and we think Jackass might be able to help us pull the ultimate prank on him. He'll cry, piss, and shit his pants for sure if you help us do this. I hope this idea isnt going too far. This is a must read though. Read it all!Ok, so it will start off by us telling him that we have some movie part in California(he'll fall for that) and that they're flying us out there and they want him to come too. You guys wi...

How To: Find the Best Black Friday Weekend Sales Online

Yesterday was the biggest shopping event of the year— Black Friday— the day after Thanksgiving. Most waiting in huge lines, getting swallowed up by commercialism on its biggest profit-turning day, and there's still tons of shopping to be had on Saturday and Sunday, with many stores continuing their sales across the weekend. But if you're not interested in bouncing heads with a rush of angry holiday shoppers, you can still get the same deals online, from the comfort and safety of your own home.

News: Hit N' Run

Hey guys, here is two small pranks you can do. Act dead in public. With blood and everything... go all out. Or go to a pubic pool and dive in with blood in your mouth and act like you hit the bottom of the pool. But here is the big one i thught of...have a cast member drive a ca into another car and have him fall out of the car get up and start running and yelling stuff... like i didnt do that... But what doesnt know is that the rest of the crew contacted the local cops and fire department ha...

News: Basic Math Operations

It was brought up a while back in a Community Call to Arms that *math* is handy for encryption (and let's face it, everything) so let us go over things you just have to know. "In its simplest meaning in mathematics and logic, an operation is an action or procedure which produces a new value from one or more input values."[source]

News: Book Review - 2666 by Roberto Bolano

It’s hard to know where to start talking about a book like 2666. That’s partly because, in some ways, it’s actually five books. Published posthumously, the book begins with “A Note from the Author’s Heirs” explaining that, before his death, Bolano stipulated the book be published as five separate works. Instead, his friends and family opted to publish Bolano’s novel as he originally would have – as one single volume divided into five parts. Ultimately the five parts belong together. They shar...

Don't Get Doxed: 5 Steps to Protecting Your Private Information on the Web

If you follow the Anonymous, Occupy, and IT security scenes, you have no doubt heard about a dox release. What is it? How can it hurt you? And most importantly, how can you protect yourself from it? Some of these steps might seem common sense, while others will be an ah-ha! moment. Your private info is both your biggest weakness and your biggest weapon in your battle to remain anonymous. You must learn how to use it as both.

Tor vs. I2P: The Great Onion Debate

In my recent Darknet series, I attempted to connect the dots on the Deep Web. I covered the two largest anonymity networks on the Internet today, Tor and I2P. While my initial four articles were meant as an introduction, I ended up receiving a lot of interesting comments and messages asking the technical differences between the two. I'd like to thank all of you for letting me know what was on your minds, as you should always!

Dungeon Defenders: Heaven for Hardcore Gamers

Dungeon Defenders is the most exciting craft game on the Fall 2011 release schedule. I got a chance to play it at PAX in August and interviewed developers Trendy Entertainment last month. After more than a year of publishing difficulty and delay, the game finally came out on PSN, XBLA and Steam. I put about 20 hours into the XBLA version over the past weekend, beating all the campaign maps and racking up a huge pile of in-game money. It is not a perfect game. But it is a huge, challenging, an...

News: Netflix DVD Rentals Becomes Qwikster… Now What Are Your Alternatives?

It's been a long journey for Netflix users. At first, it was a rough ride as Netflix struggled to find its place in the homes and hearts of movie watchers everywhere. Once monthly subscriptions bumped off the pay-per-rental charges, Netflix soared to great heights, known for their flat-fee unlimited rentals without due dates, late fees, or shipping and handling fees. And it was smooth sailing when streaming services were incorporated into monthly plans, with customers being able to rent DVDs ...

News: Bastion Joins the Pantheon of All-Time Great Downloadable Games

If you follow indie games at all, you've probably heard of Bastion. During its development, it took home numerous Best in Show prizes from E3 and other game conventions while building up an incredible amount of buzz in the games press. Part of what is intriguing about Bastion is its cool art design, which in the last couple months, peaked my interest more so than the gameplay or the much-ballyhooed narration.