Truck Cease Search Results

How to Hack Wi-Fi: Build a Software-Based Wi-Fi Jammer with Airgeddon

Airgeddon is a multi-Bash network auditor capable of Wi-Fi jamming. This capability lets you target and disconnect devices from a wireless network, all without joining it. It runs on Kali, and we'll cover installing, configuring, and using its jamming functionalities on a small, inexpensive Raspberry Pi. When done correctly, it will deny service to a wireless network for up to several blocks.

When Uber & Lyft Go Driverless: Why Transportation as a Service Means You Might Never Own a Car Again

The private automobile has been an intrinsic part of our lives for around a hundred years. But over the last decade, car sharing has gained a very small but growing part of the mobility market. The more recent rise of companies like Uber and Lyft is witness to a more dramatic shift in mobility and car ownership. Private vehicle ownership to a transportation-as-a-service model has already started, and high capability SAE Level 4 vehicles will complete this trend.

How To: Turn a Finger Board into a Mini Snowboard

Unscrew the trucks from the bottom of your board.On the deck of your fingerboard you will see two groups of screws. These screws attach the trucks to the board. To unscrew the screws use a mini screw and wrench used to change trucks and wheels on finger boards.Unbolt.The trucks consists of two parts - one is the part that holds the wheels, and the other connects the trucks to the board. The only thing connecting the two is a tiny bolt. Unscrew the tiny bolt and the pieces should fall apart. Y...

How To: Pull a truck

There are a number of unconventional training methods which can be used to improve strength. The truck pull is one of them. When performing this exercise, the speed at which the vehicle can be pulled is very slow. Thus, it is ideal for building strength in the lower body.

News: Can't stay away from food trucks!

The folks behind culinary phenomenon Kogi BBQ are at it again. This time they have food trucks operating in LA and NYC, allowing you to enjoy street food and watch the World Cup in HD with them! Tonight the LA truck will be in La Puente. Follow them on Twitter!

News: Port-Able-Pot

have a port-a-pot on a fork-lift. Hide the forklift behind the port-o-pot for the time being. When someone (probably England) goes to shit, use duct tape to tape around the door locking them in the port-a-pot. Then, forklift the port-a-pot onto a truck bed and drive down the highway. At some point in time cut the tape and let him out to see what just happened.

News: Elon Musk Tweets—Telsa Model 3 Is Coming in July

We've had to resort to actual spying to get information on the highly anticipated Tesla Model 3, but today Elon Musk himself gave out some exciting news. The Model 3 is going to be officially unveiled in July, according to Musk's Twitter. Musk also revealed that Tesla will unveil their electric semi-truck in September. It will be interesting to see if Tesla plans to add Autopilot to that truck and get themselves in the autonomous truck game with Otto.

News: Self-Electroshocking as Art, Live

Daito Manabe is awesome. Last we heard of him, he was setting up Japanese school girls with glow-in-the-dark grills. Before that, he was playing himself like a human drum kit. And before that, he was just plain old electroshocking himself. In his most recent appearance, he takes his electro-pulsed facial twitches to the stage, with fellow artist Ei Wada, before an audience at Berlin’s Transmediale Festival.

Adrenaline Rush vs. Death: The Science of Risk

For some, adrenaline beats out every time. Though I've seen countless videos of base jumping, the sport never ceases to amaze. The video below, Last Walk Around Mirror Lake – Boom Bip (Boards of Canada Remix), is no exception to the rule. Shot in Norway, FroschYankee's footage is nothing short of stunning. *For more info, check out Adrenaline Rush (The Science of Risk), the film which this clip was featured in.

How To: Replace a diesel fuel filter

Changing a diesel fuel filter is just like changing oil or any other fluid in a vehicle. If you own a diesel powered car or truck, watch and see how to remove your old fuel filter, drain the diesel fuel and replace the filter with a new one. Now, be careful not to spill fuel everywhere and definitely don't smoke while replacing the filter! Replace a diesel fuel filter.

How To: Install an AMP research power step

Check out this instructional video that shows you how to install the AMP Research Power Step, the ultimate retractable running board for your truck or SUV. This tutorial provides all the information and tools you need to know. Just follow the simple step by step instructions and learn how to install the AMP Research Power Step. Install an AMP research power step.

News: Electrode ball buzzers

Hi Guys! I am Sara...I got run over by a truck (drunk driver, not on purpose) and one of my physical therapy tools is a TENS Unit- it sends electric shocks, level and type to be decided by user, to body parts via electrodes. When I first got it, I was using it and accidentally turned it WAY UP instead of off! I sends a crazy intense shock. My first thought, after I stopped laughing my electrified ass off, was of you Jackass guys :) SO...