Trustworthy Environment Search Results

How To: Set Up a Headless Raspberry Pi Hacking Platform Running Kali Linux

The Raspberry Pi is a credit card-sized computer that can crack Wi-Fi, clone key cards, break into laptops, and even clone an existing Wi-Fi network to trick users into connecting to the Pi instead. It can jam Wi-Fi for blocks, track cell phones, listen in on police scanners, broadcast an FM radio signal, and apparently even fly a goddamn missile into a helicopter.

News: Another Reason to Wash Your Sheets—Deadly Hospital Fungus Linked to Moldy Linens

Six people have died from fungal infections in Pittsburgh hospitals since 2014—that fact is indisputable. The rest of the situation is much vaguer. A lawsuit has been filed against the hospitals on behalf of some of the deceased patients, alleging that moldy hospital linens are to blame. While the lawyers argue over who's at fault, let's look at how this could have happened.

News: Quanergy's New $250 Solid-State LiDAR Could Bring Self-Driving to the Masses

One of the big hurdles when equipping vehicles with sensors for autonomous driving is the cost. For example, the Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) sensors that power many versions of self-driving car technology are pricey, currently ranging from around several thousand dollars up to $85,000 per sensor—and vehicles often need multiple sensors to see enough of what is going on around them to drive safely.

News: What Are Superbugs? Everything You Need to Know About Antibiotic Resistance

Joe McKenna died when he was 30 years old. A young married man with his future ahead of him, he was cleaning up the station where he worked as a fireman. Struck by a piece of equipment fallen from a shelf, Joe complained of a sore shoulder. Over the next week, Joe worsened and ended up in the hospital. Chilled, feverish, and delirious, his organs shut down from an infection we'd now call septic shock.

How To: Create a Reusable Burner OS with Docker, Part 1: Making an Ubuntu Hacking Container

Containers are isolated software instances representing applications, servers, and even operating systems—complete with all of their dependencies, libraries configuration files, etc.—and they're taking over the corporate world. The ephemeral, portable nature of containers help them stay current and speedy, and they can work on pretty much any computer, virtual machine, and cloud.

News: We're Very Close to the Dark Future of Deeply Augmented Reality in Black Mirror's 'Playtest'

Black Mirror, Netflix's technology-horror anthology, never fails to provide thought-provoking entertainment centered around emerging and futuristic technologies, and the third season's second episode, "Playtest," delves deep into the worlds of mixed, augmented, and virtual reality. While designed to leave you haunted by the end, offering a more "evil" narrative than we'll likely see in our actual future, the episode explores possibilities that aren't as far off as one might think.

How To: OSX VM Image Install Guide

I was on our new #nullbyte IRC channel when someone told me how tedious it is to install an OSX Virtual Machine on Virtual Box (I think it was wawa). We all know Linux rocks (gets acknowledgement from the crowd), but there are morons out there, multiplying at a never before seen rate, who use OSX. We at nullbyte should be prepared for anything and everything. So, in this guide I take you step by step to creating your OSX Yogemite VM.

News: The People at Boston Dynamics Are Going to Kill Us All

I'm starting to wonder if the people at Boston Dynamics have ever watched a Terminator movie. Not just because the robotics company with the oxymoronic name develops machines that are able to move around environments with animal- and human-like agility, but because the people testing them seem to take such joy in openly antagonizing their creations. It's one thing to tempt fate by creating superhuman robots that could potentially end mankind. You've reached a whole new level of hubris when yo...

Hack Like a Pro: How to Evade AV Software with Shellter

Welcome back, my tenderfoot hackers! One key area on the minds of all hackers is how to evade security devices such as an intrusion detection system (IDS) or antivirus (AV) software. This is not an issue if you create your own zero-day exploit, or capture someone else's zero-day. However, if you are using someone else's exploit or payload, such as one from Metasploit or Exploit-DB, the security devices are likely to detect it and spoil all your fun.

Hack Like a Pro: Digital Forensics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 13 (Browser Forensics)

Welcome back, my novice hackers! In this series, we have been exploring how a forensic investigator can find evidence of illegal or illicit activity. Among other things, we have examined the registry and prefetch files for artifacts and have done some rudimentary forensic analysis. For those of you who are seeking career as a forensic investigator or security engineer, this can be invaluable training. For hackers, it might be life-saving.

SPLOIT: How To Build a Peer to Peer Chat Application in Python ( GUI - Linux )

Developing GUI apps in python is really cool. I ask those who understand the language to help convert some of the command-line or console programs or apps ( I mean programs that are useful to a hacker ) to GUI. I know GUI makes us lazy and not wanna learn but we should all know its fast. Today's tutorial is on p2p chat app I developed last week and decided to share it with the community since its kinda cool.

How To: Android CyanogenMod Kernel Building: Monitor Mode on Any Android Device with a Wireless Adapter

Hi, everyone! Recently, I've been working on a pretty interesting and foolish project I had in mind, and here I'm bringing to all of you my findings. This guide's main aim is to document the process of building an Android kernel, specifically a CyanogenMod kernel and ROM, and modifying the kernel configuration to add special features, in this case, wireless adapter Alfa AWUS036H support, one of the most famous among Null Byters.

Hack Like a Pro: Python Scripting for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 2

Welcome back, my fledgling hackers! In an earlier tutorial, I introduced you to probably the most popular scripting language for hackers, Python. To become a professional hacker, you need to have some scripting skills and Python is a good choice if you want to master just one. In this latest guide, I will expand your background in Python and offer you a tidbit of Python code to whet your appetite for all of the hacking to come.

News: What's New in Windows 10 (Plus, How You Can Install It Right Now)

At a closed-door presentation on September 30th, 2014, Microsoft unveiled the latest iteration of its industry-leading operating system. Dubbed Windows 10 (seems as if Redmond isn't too fond of the "9" moniker), this new version brings along with it many UI optimizations and under-the-hood tweaks. With a particular focus on optimizing the interface for traditional mouse and keyboard computers, one of the most noticeable changes is the return of the Start Menu. While touch-optimized devices wi...

Hack Like a Pro: How to Compile a New Hacking Tool in Kali

Welcome back, my newbie hackers! Recently, I "upgraded" to Kali as my hacking platform, despite my preference for BackTrack. I did this reluctantly, primarily because new readers here could no longer download BackTrack from their site. I want to point out here that we all must keep in mind that with any software—or for that matter, any product—that is newer is not necessarily better.