Tv Audience Search Results

Plex 101: How to Disable Theme Music for TV Shows

Overall, Plex is a great service. You just install the server on your computer, then you can stream your media library to wireless devices with the Plex app for iPhone or Android. But it does have one annoying feature that's enabled by default: Theme music plays automatically when you're viewing the details page for a TV show.

News: Netflix Introduces 'Choose Your Own Adventure' Television — We're Just Waiting for Interactive House of Cards

Have you ever been on a Netflix binge and thought to yourself "man, these characters are so dumb. Why would you go back to the haunted house, Jenny? You know what's in there, and now you're going to die. This whole situation was so easily avoidable, JENNY." If you've ever thought you'd make better decisions than the characters in your favorite TV shows, Netflix has your back.

No Preservatives, Please: How to Make Frozen TV Dinners

Please read the following in Rod Serling's voice. Picture, if you will, a mother. She comes home after a long day at the office, relieved that she took some chicken breasts out to thaw and will be able to make a quick and easy dinner for her family. She opens her refrigerator to get the chicken, but to her horror she does not see it… she forgot to take the chicken out of the freezer after all. What will she make for dinner now? How will she feed her family? She has entered…the Panic Zone.

News: Cast Aereo Live TV Using Your Chromecast

Gaining major consumer support and the ire of Big Cable, Aereo today announced support for the Chromecast through it's Android app. A revolution for cord-cutters, Aereo lets you record and stream live broadcast TV on your computer, smartphone, tablet, or media streaming player (Apple TV, Roku, and now Chromecast).

How To: Connect Your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch to Your TV for the Ultimate Viewing Experience

As we all use our smartphones for more and more things, we constantly want to share and view those items on a larger screen, especially when it comes to media. While phones like the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and tablets like the iPad do make watching Netflix on a portable device pretty legit, bigger is always better. Newer iPhones may have Retina displays, but watching Avatar on your phone is like being forced to drink a delicious mango tango smoothie with a coffee straw. Plus, if you want to sho...

News: Mike Clattenburg Talks About Crackin' Down Hard | TIFF '12

Shorts, learning from your audience and the fundamental plausibility of being hustled in the desert Mike Clattenburg, creator of Trailer Park Boys and Afghan Luke, was kind enough to talk to us from Nova Scotia, where he was hard at work in preproduction, about Crackin’ Down Hard, his short that screens Monday and Tuesday as part of TIFF’s Short Cuts Canada Programme. We picked his brain about realism versus surrealism in comedy, the virtue of shorts, and the virtue of turning negative skinny...

How To: Perform the Jumping Ring Trick

OK, don't use this video to propose to your future wife, but DO try this video to impress your friends and family. You'll need a ring and an audience and you'll be able to show them how the ring jumps off one finger to another. It's magic!

How To: Do freeze transitions in breakdancing

A super cool way to get from move to move while you are breakdancing is by freezing. Learn how to freeze in a stylish way and transition from move to move with this tutorial. Follow along and practice until you get it down pat. Pretty soon you will be a superstar and wowing audiences everywhere.

How To: Create a rotten diseased flesh effect for Halloween

If you want to make a movie with zombies, or the apocalypse, or the apocalypse and zombies, then you are going to have to learn how to create a really haggard-looking, disease-ridden face out of makeup. This video will show you how to do it using Rice Krispies, among other things. The end result is terrifying, and sure to scare your audiences or trick-or-treating targets into doing what you want (buying theater tickets or giving your candy, respectively).

How To: Do an easy card force trick

For the budding magician, the card force is one of the most important techniques, forming the basis for many, many wonderful card tricks. In this tutorial youtube staple The Card Trick Master teaches us to perform an easy behind-the-back card force magic trick that is sure to wow your audiences.

How To: Create a lighting setup for an interview

When shooting a traditional-style interview, one of your jobs as cinematographer is to think about lighting so the viewing audience doesn't have to — that is, the lighting should serve and most not distract from the subject. This free cinematography lesson presents a number of tips for lighting a person whom you intend interview on camera.

How To: Change eye color using Photoshop

This seven minute and three second how-to YouTube video, uploaded by user ranash19195, instructs it's audience to 'Change eye color in Photoshop'. There are two methods that are taught: using a hue/saturation mask or a color change mask. The instructor uses clear and concise language to teach both methods. He takes you on a step by step visual and auditory journey and makes learning to change eye colors (retouching photos) both exciting and extremely easy to accomplish.