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Modular Origami: How to Make a Truncated Icosahedron, Pentakis Dodecahedron & More

Last post, the Sonobe unit was introduced as a way to use multiple copies of a simply folded piece of paper to make geometric objects. In this post, we are going to explore that concept further by making two more geometric models. The first is the truncated icosahedron, which is a common stitching pattern for a soccer ball. The second was supposed to be the pentakis dodecahedron, but through systematic errors last night, I actually built a different model based off of the rhombic triacontahed...

New Promo Code: Gobbler Tranformation

Sorry, I posted way too late, but:Get a free Gobbler transformation with the promo code: gobblegobble. Enter it at the Wizard101 site, where you log in and then type it in in the "Redeem Card or Code" "Promotional Codes" section.WarningThis promo code ends at midnight TODAY, so enter it quick!

News: Electrode ball buzzers

Hi Guys! I am Sara...I got run over by a truck (drunk driver, not on purpose) and one of my physical therapy tools is a TENS Unit- it sends electric shocks, level and type to be decided by user, to body parts via electrodes. When I first got it, I was using it and accidentally turned it WAY UP instead of off! I sends a crazy intense shock. My first thought, after I stopped laughing my electrified ass off, was of you Jackass guys :) SO...

How To: Recover Lost Files and Images

You've had a massive hard disk failure.. ...in your PC or laptop and like a large number of people who think it will never happen to them...you did not have a backup of those 2000+ family pictures, those hundred of important Word documents, those family videos that you downloaded from the camera then erased from the cameras disk...the inevitable "I'm Screwed!'

Bits Modeling Bits: Video of a Hyperrealistic Physics Engine

There are two sorts of bits out there: The sort used by computers (zeros and ones) and the sort you come across when interacting with the physical world (grains of sand, clods of dirt, droplets of water). The clip below demonstrates a new physics engine that takes the first type of bits and ends up with the second. No small feat. Previously, Wave-Shaping Pool Puts Poseidon to Shame.

How To: Download movies and TV shows in iTunes 9

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to download and movie shows in iTunes. Begin by opening the iTunes program and select iTunes Store. Browse through the files by clicking on links or find a specific file by typing in the name in the search bar. Users are able to watch a free preview of any items. When you're ready to purchase, the download will start immediately. Users are also able to pause downloading files and rearrange file downloading orders. This video will benefit those viewers...

News: Not another show review..

Instead of taking the standard approach of writing a show review about how amazing or horrible a band played, I thought I'd turn around and review the crowd for each show that I go to. I'm interested in the types of people and demographics each artist/band attracts. In the end, crowd response is pretty clutch.

News: Free Writing Tool

Here is a great tool to work on free writing. Get one word and let the others flow out of you. Free writing is an important skill because it opens up the way for creativity and innovativeness. Just let your fingers do the typing!!!

News: Elena Kagan & Monsanto

This is not the type of news I like to read, but the headline popped up like a glaring alarm. While Solicitor General, it appear pending Supreme Court Justice candidate Elena Kagan may have enabled the defense of Monsanto in its fight for GE control of alfalfa seeds in the US.