Typical Two Week Search Results

GENRE JAM: West Side Story (1961)

There's gonna be a rumble.... For this week's GJ article, I thought I would jump right into talking about a mortal-lock favourite of mine: West Side Story. If you haven't seen it (and a lot of folks havent - dudes especially) and you want a lesson in filmmaking craft from a bonafide master then you kind of owe it to yourself to rent this undisputed gem.

News: Cheap Ass Videocameras and Citizen Journalism

The idea that you could buy a cellphone sized video camera that shoots 720p for a hundred bucks would literally seem like nonsense to me five or six years ago, as I sat trying to get a shot worth looking at out of my old Sony pd150. They're here, though, the Flips and iPhones and Kodaks and whatever else and while most of their impact can be measured in the increased frequency of Bieber-tribute videos hitting youtube, having a $100 hd camera also puts me in a mind to go - me a regular old idi...

E3 2010: Kinect Workout Game

A demonstration of Ubisoft's Your Shape: Fitness Evolved for the Xbox 360's Kinect. This was probably the best demonstration for Kinect out of the whole conference. The game will come out around the same time of the launch of Kinect in November.

How To: How high is your landfill?

Think about how many things you truly throw in the trash, and how many times you empty your trash, only to be taken away by the garbage man and out of your sight. Well, the truth is that its not exactly out of your life. Statistics show that on average each person uses 350 trash bags each year, thats 100 billion all together, and the worst part aboput this fact is that it takes up to 500 years for each of the bags to decay. Thats right in your city at your landfill, bags pileing up, polluting...

News: 48 HRs to Stop Monsanto! It takes 1 minute. Start Here!

Hi OLers. Take one minute out of your day and tell your congressman to get to work for you and Food Democracy NOW! Your congrassman has until the end of this week (48 hours) to sign the letter to ask Secretary Tom Vilsack to MAINTAIN the ban on Monsanto's genetically-modified (GMO) Roundup Ready™ alfalfa. You have the power to make the change, make your voice and theirs heard now. Send them this letter today asking them to do what they can to protect organics, farmers and the environment from...

News: Joe Danger on PSN

A cartoony, "Trials HD"-type game being released today. It's multiplayer so you can take on people at home or online. Looks like a lot of fun. You can also create your own levels. Here is an excerpt from the Game Informer review:

News: The 2010 World Cup is upon us.

The 2010 World Cup is upon us and there isn't much that hasn't been said already. All the leagues around the world are finished and champions have been crowned. The media has covered every angle imaginable. Or have they? Or should they? Is this about the sport anymore? What will we remember about this World Cup? A great goal, a new venue, a great comeback, injured players who never made it, a bad call by a referee, a new star rising, overlooked players, 4-4-2, 3-4-1-2, 3-4-3, bad subs, FIFA 2...

How To: Local Cat uses WonderHowTo... and the Toilet

Since WonderHowTo's inception, we have had a preternatural affection for toilet trained cats. The inspiration started with Millenium Y2Kitty and his owner's earnest toilet training lesson. We showed the video to everyone (from ad execs and journalists to our mothers) to showcase what unbelievable information WonderHowTo seeks to promote.

How To: Renew Your Passport

If you are traveling to a different country, whether on a business trip or vacation, you must have an up-to-date passport. Luckily, passport renewal is relatively easy for people living in the United States. All you need to do is mail in some paperwork and photos.

How To: Draw a decent horse

In this video, we learn how to draw a decent horse. First, start with two circles connected by two curved lines. Next, add a sausage for the top of each leg and add a small circle for the front of the knee. Then, add another for the lower part, and add two hoof outlines at the base of each leg. Then, add the back of the hooves. Next, draw two more lines that are far apart at the bottom and narrow at the top for the neck. Then, draw two circles for the top of the head and the muzzle. Join the ...

How To: Get ripped abs with a sandbag workout

In this Fitness video tutorial you will learn how to get ripped abs with a sandbag workout. The circuit will be 30 seconds of work and 30 seconds of rest. First is the half moon snatch. Keep the bag to one side of your body, pivot down, reach out with your hands, power up, over the head and to the other side. Up and over the head and to the other side. Continue this routine for 30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds. The next drill is called round the world. Pick up the bag in front, push with yo...

How To: Fold a frog using origami

Kevin demonstrates how to make a paper frog. Take a regular sheet of construction paper. Fold the outer ends towards the center forming a triangle. Fold a crease at the base of the triangle and cut it out. Open the folds and you can observe two creases. Create two X-shaped creases by bending the opposite corners. Hold the triangles on the side of the X and squash it down such that the other two triangles meet. Repeat the process on the other side. This forms a square with a diagonal cut conta...

How To: Do long multiplication

In this video the instructor gives you sample as of how to SLEP long multiplication. You start by breaking the numbers up to simpler forms. If you have a two digit number that your multiplying by a another two digit number you multiply the first two digit number and then buy the second digit of the second two digit number. You have to remember to carry the remainders. You then add your two multiplicative lines together giving you the sum. this can be done to cover any set of multi-digit numbe...

How To: Tie a paracord river bar bracelet

Learn how to make a River Bar bracelet, which is also known as a Paracord bracelet, by following the steps outlined in this video tutorial. To start your bracelet, you will need to tie a reef knot. This is done by taking two loops (in two different color strings) and then placing one loop within the other, pulling this through the first loop to secure the two loops together. This knot creates the end of your bracelet. To actually make the River Bar design, bend the two colors of string so tha...

How To: Multiply binomials with the FOIL method

Multiplying polynomials is a distributive property. If you are given with two binomials and asked to multiply them, you need to apply the distributive property and multiply the terms of binomial with the terms of second binomial. To do this first take a term of first binomial and multiply it with the second complete binomial. Now take the second term of first binomial and multiply it with the second binomial adding or subtracting it from the previous result depending on the sign between the f...

How To: Find the sum of reciprocals of complex numbers

In this tutorial the instructor shows how to calculate the sum of reciprocals of complex numbers. If you have to find out the sum of the reciprocals of two complex numbers first you will have to find out the least common multiple of the denominators. To do this multiply the numerator and denominator of the first fraction by the second complex number. Similarly multiply the numerator and denominator of the second fraction by the first complex number. Now you will have two fractions whose denom...

How To: Easily make an old fashioned cocktail

The Old Fashioned cocktail is a classic cocktail in the sense that it contains a spirit, sugar and a bitter. Start with a quarter of an ounce of nice two to one simple syrup, this allows you to focus on the spirit in this drink. You then add two dashes of bitters and then a nice wide piece of orange, you can use lemon if you prefer, but orange goes well with bourbon. Then, gently press out the oils from the orange with a muddler, just press out the oils and leave the orange peel intact, then ...

How To: Compare fractions

A short video teaching you how to compare fractions. Starting with two fraction like three fourths and two over twelve. You cross multiply the denominator or the bottom number of three fourths which is 4 with the numerator or the top number of the second fraction which is 2. So the 8 that you come up with goes under the two twelfths. Now you do the same for the two fraction this time multiplying the denominator 12 with the numerator 3 coming up with 36. So now you have 36 under three fourths ...

How To: Make sweet & sour soup

In a pan being heated over medium heat add one tablespoon of vegetable or peanut oil. Add one teaspoon of chili paste and two minced garlic cloves. Add one quart of chicken broth and two tablespoons of fish sauce. Next add two tablespoons of tamarind, two small tomatoes chopped up into chunks, one tablespoon of sugar, and two tablespoons of lime juice. Bring the soup back up to simmer and let it boil for about five minutes. Add about one half pound of chicken cut up. Let the mixture boil for ...