Typically Practiced Search Results

How To: Dance the lindy hop

If you've never heard what the lindy hop was, you would probably think it's some interesting type of candy. In fact, it's actually a dance that is based on the popular charleston and was popular during the 1930s and 40s. The dance have a triple step and a rock step incorporated in them. So see if you have what it takes to learn this dance from professional instructor Nina Ortega. Good luck, practice, and enjoy!

How To: Do swing dance moves

If you're looking for a dance that is very energetic and fast, then look no further than swing dance. They can be very fast and goes along with the music and is pretty easy to learn. If you're interested in learning the basics, this tutorial is perfect for you. You'll be taught by professional Nina Ortega as she takes you through the steps when it comes to swing dance. So good luck, practice, and enjoy!

How To: Improve yoga step-throughs with pendulum exercises

Pendulum exercises will help you to perform step-throughs in yoga practice. When you are in tabletop position, on the floor, extend your right leg back. Bend you knee and bring your leg in to your chest. Tuck your head down and attempt to bring your knee to your nose. Then, extend it back again. Flex your foot, when you extend your leg back, and point your toe, when you bring your leg in to your chest. Repeat this ten times, before you switch to the other leg.

How To: Perform a 5 minute daily morning yoga routine

If you only have 5 minutes to practice in the mornings, string together the four warrior poses. Begin in the Downward Facing Dog position. Push into Plank pose. Transition into Cobra pose. Then, push back into Downward Facing Dog. Lift right leg up, swing it through into a lunge. Transition into Warrior I pose. Open from Warrior I to Warrior II. Then, transition into Reverse Warrior pose. Then, Open up into side angle pose.

How To: Do a yoga upward facing two foot staff pose

In this video, we learn how to do a yoga upward facing two foot staff pose with Dina Prioste. You will need two large blocks and make sure your body is warmed up. Now, line your head up with the blocks and take the palms of your hands onto the floor pointing towards your feet. Your shoulders should stay in line with your hips. Now, lift your hips up and keep your elbows in, don't let them go wide. Practice keeping them in as you deep breathe. Release back down, then get into the same position...

How To: Do a yoga revolved side angle pose

In this tutorial, we learn how to do a yoga revolved side angle pose with Dina Prioste. First, come to a low lung with your right leg forward. Put your hips down so your left thigh gets closer to the floor. Deep inhale and exhale while twisting to the right. You can stay upright or lean down with your elbow on your knee. Keep breathing deeply and find your center while concentrating and relaxing. You can come to a full lunge if you are confident in your strength, or stay in the pose you are i...

How To: Deepen your yoga pigeon pose

In this tutorial, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a stretchy pigeon yoga pose. Make sure you properly warm up your body before attempting to do this pose. First, start off in a pigeon pose with your front foot as far forward as you can place it. Keep your back toes tucked under and lean forward with your elbows and forearms to the front on the ground. Inhale while sending the back heel back. Do this three times, and exhale while you go back in. Do this on both sides, then place the foot on th...

How To: Do variations of the squat and crow yoga poses

In this tutorial, Dina Priost shows us how to do variations of the squat. Begin in a standard squatting position, and deep breathe 3 times. Now, place your hands on the ground and crouch down, placing one leg off the floor one after the other. The knees should be placing the arms around where your elbows are. The next move will start with a squat, and place the right arm on the ground with the left raised in the air. Do this with both arms while deep breathing. Place arms on the floor again w...

How To: Overcome shyness quickly

In this tutorial, Peter Murphy tells us how to overcome shyness. The first step to do this is to build an unstoppable self-confidence in ourselves. The second skill is to develop excellent communication skills. This isn't just being good at talking to other people, it's by learning to improve each and every day. If you put attention on becoming more confident, each day you will find that shyness becomes less of an issue for you. If you practice being more outgoing and meeting new people in di...

How To: Kiss your boyfriend/girlfriend for the first time

Nothing is more exciting and nervous than a first kiss. Whether it's with a boy or girl, many people want to make sure they're able to give off the perfect kiss that will not only relax and excite the partner, but keep em coming back for more. So in the tutorial above, you'll find out how to kiss your boyfriend/girlfriend for the very first time. Oh, and please don't try practicing with a mirror or doll. That's just gross! Enjoy!

How To: Draw sexy lips in Photoshop

Do you feel that you could use more practice with drawing in Adobe Photoshop? This 2 part video tutorial will show you how to draw beautiful, gorgeous sexy lips in Photoshop. Step by step, ipaintgirls shows you the correct way to draw some appealing, attractive lips with the right tools in Photoshop.

How To: Tune a ukulele using a digital tuner

There's no getting around it: if you want to get good at playing the ukulele or any other instrument, you'll need to practice. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in free, high-quality uke lessons, like this one from Ukulele Underground. This particular tutorial provides a detailed, step-by-step overview of how to put a ukulele into standard (GCEA) tuning with a digital tuner. For more information, and to get started tuning up your own uke, watch this helpful how-to.

How To: Gain confidence and build your self esteem

Boosting your self esteem can be difficult, especially if you are not a naturally confident person. In this tutorial, get some helpful advice from Quinson Thomas on how to improve your quality of life by upping your self esteem. Self confidence often makes all the difference when we meet new people and try new things. Did you know that just by appearing confident, you can control a whole room? You will look 1000 times more beautiful and successful, even if you don't feel that way inside, if y...

How To: Do a cartwheel for beginners

In this how to video, you will learn how to do a cartwheel. It is recommended to be able to do hand stands before attempting this, as it will be easier. When you are coming down, you want your front foot to come straight down. The hand will be pointing the opposite way. The other hand will come around at shoulder width. The other foot should come around. The point is to have your body come completely over where your hands and feet are. Make sure you throw your body in the direction knowing yo...

How To: Teach your dog to balance and sit pretty

In this tutorial, we learn how to teach your dog to sit pretty and balance with Adam G. Katz. To do this, teach the dog to stay sitting back and balance instead of standing up by giving him treats in mid-air. This will help larger dogs learn their sense of balance by repeating this over and over with treats so they understand the idea of what they are doing. They will also get used to distributing their weight a different way than just standing fully up. Their sense of balance will improve ov...

How To: Draw DragonBall Z Goku

Anime is a very cool, fun form of animation. In this tutorial, learn how to draw one of the genre's most famous characters. This video will take you step by step through the process of drawing Goku, a character from DragonBall Z. This very cool Manga character is not too difficult to draw once you get the hang of it. Japanimation takes a bit of practice, because it is a much different style from more Western cartoons, but is not difficult to master.

How To: Catch a football step by step

This how to video shows you how to catch a football properly with Vinny. This will be useful if you always drop your catches when tossing a football around. First, you will want to keep your eye on the ball. Next, extend your arms towards the ball. From there, make a target for the thrower. This will make it easier for them to throw the ball to you. Next, tuck and run once you catch the ball. Practice these steps all together until you can catch the football each time you are thrown one. This...

How To: Perform a varial kickflip

In this Outdoor Recreation video tutorial you will learn how to perform a varial kickflip. Varial kickflip is a combination of pop shove-it and kickflip. The video initially explains the position of both the feet by hands and the movement of the board is also explained by moving it with hand. Place your front foot like in kickflip, the position may vary from person to person, and the back foot like in a normal pop shove-it. You pop first and flip forward so it’s concave, comes around, spins...

How To: Do a backspring

In this how to video, you will learn how to perform a back spring. This is also known as a back hand spring. Start on a wedge mat and have a qualified spotter present. Next, swing your arms back and keep them locked at all times. Bend with your knees when you jump back and up. When in handstand position, push up with your shoulders and snap your legs down. Keep trying until you get comfortable with it. Once your are, move down the wedge and keep practicing the move. Now try the move without a...

How To: Play drums using the push pull technique

This how to video will teach you how to perform the push pull technique on drums. If you want to throw a double, you can start with a single and get an accent on the double for an inverted double. Just push and grab really quick. For a double, use a controlled rebound. For the inverted double, start with a single and dig out the second stroke of the double. A french grip is useful for performing this technique. This is good for ghostings and shuffles. For shuffles, you can use a controlled re...

How To: Train a labrador puppy in two days

In this video, we learn how to train a Labrador puppy in just two days with Adam Katz. First, the "no bark" technique is taught. You will need to first teach your dog hot to sit properly by giving it treats whenever it listens to you properly. After this, you will teach your dog how to walk properly on a leash and not pull away from you. Next, you will teach your dog how to lay down by pulling the leash down with your dog and giving it a treat every time it listens. Housebreaking your dog wil...

How To: Add fractions with unlike denominators

Watch this video to learn how to add fractions with different denominators. Use the least common denominator method to add the different fractions together. After watching this 2 part video, you'll be more than satisfied with your ability to do this simple math trick! Put it into practice, and pretty soon you'll spit out answers in seconds!

How To: Throw a football the correct way

In this video, we learn how to throw a football the correct way with Steve Hand. First, get a good grip on the ball using your throwing hand. Put your hand on the laces, not the spaces. Now, get the proper foot position by squaring your feet with your shoulders. Put your weight on your back food then step into the throw. Finally, cock your back and step into your throw and release the football. Make sure you keep your elbows to the side of you and they are not facing too far down or too far u...

How To: Play "Learning to Fly" by Tom Petty

If you want to play "Learning to Fly" by Tom Petty on acoustic guitar you should first pay the chords, F, C, Am and G. These same four chords will be played over and over again to complete the song. The strumming pattern is as follows: When playing F strum down up. When playing C strum up up down. When playing Am strum Down up and finally when playing G strum up up down. You'll want to repeat this through the song. First, you should start out slow then increase in speed with practice. For the...

How To: Throw a football step by step

In this how to video, you will learn how to properly throw a football. You will need a football to do this task. First, position your feet parallel to your shoulders while you are getting ready to throw. Place one hand on the lace and the other on the opposite side. From here, pull your elbow and the football behind your ear ready to throw. Now, put each step into one quick motion to complete the throw. Keep on practicing this to get the perfect throw down. This video offers great advice in s...

How To: Cut and paste on your computer

In this tutorial, Jonathan shows us how to cut and paste on a computer. To do this on a mouse, you will see the left side clicker is the left click and the right is the right click button. To practice, go to a random website and highlight some text, then right click and a drop down menu will appear. Click on "copy". Now, open up a Word program and right click again until you see the drop down menu. Click on "paste" and you will see the text you just copied appear before your eyes! This is a s...

How To: Practice your finger speed on the piano

This video teaches how to build up finger speed on the piano. First they start off with simple exercises. The five note scale starts with middle C, and plays the five notes up to G and back down. The key to building up speed is to start off slow. Make sure all of the keys are the same volume and then go faster. Now use your other hand. Then use both hands to make the high f octave scale. Change it up by adding a blues song scale, this is useful for playing a blues song and adding a fun sectio...

How To: Fish using rubber worms

Using a rubber worm with a lead cast you must first understand how it fells in the water. The lead cast will allow the bait to travel to the bottom. When the lure is at the bottom you will know because the line goes slack. Next is to lift the line up and let it rest on the bottom again. Do this twenty-five times to really get the feel of the weight and lure. When casting for real the practice will come in helpful because the Bass will look at the lure on the bottom and strike at it when it is...

How To: Do a center floor ballet routine

In this video, learn how to take exercises from the barre and take them to the center floor. Ballet dancing incorporates several positions and steps that combine to make interesting choreography. Learn a ballet routine from an expert: Lynda DeChane-Audette is the founding artistic director of the South Florida Ballet Theater and was born in Boston. Learn more ballet from this expert by searching WonderHowTo! You're only practice time away from ruling the dance floor!

How To: Dance hip hop style

So, you want to be a hip hop dancer? Well, you need two things according to this expert: swagger and confidence. It's important to project these two qualities when hip hop dancing. Find out what else is takes to dance hip hop style with guidance from these two pros: Bliss & Zetta are professional hip-hop dancers and choreographers. Learn more dance moves from these two by searching WonderHowTo! You're only practice time away from ruling the dance floor.

How To: Layer techniques to create a belly dance routine

Get started on the dance floor creating belly dancing routines with the help of layering. When layering various techniques and moves in belly dancing, perfect each individual movement before combining them together. Get closer to master a belly dancing routine by layering movements with this instructional video conducted by an expert: Yasmeen began dancing at the young age of 3 and studied ballet, flamenco, folkloric, hip-hop and modern dance styles, as well as tribal fusion belly dance and O...

How To: Do tap dancing shuffle combinations

In this free intermediate tape dancing lesson, several combinations of tap shuffles are gone over including the three-shuffle, front-side-back shuffle, and the shuffle ball change. Learn how to do these combos with help from an expert: Bonnie Gray is an award-winning choreographer in dance and musical theatre and here to teach you the basics of tap! Learn more tap dancing dance moves from this expert by searching WonderHowTo! You're only practice time away from ruling the dance floor!

How To: Moonwalk

The moonwalk has been written in history and will go down as one of the most well-known dance crazes next to the Macarena and the jitterbug. In order to moonwalk like Michael Jackson, it's important to focus on the pivot and push of the feet and legs while sliding. Make your moonwalk smooth with the tips and tricks given in this free dance lesson.

How To: Do exercises to increase vertical jump

If you are having trouble with your vertical jump, check out this tutorial. In this video are two exercises that will increase your vertical jump. We start off with Hand MB Depth Jump which when landing off of the box overloads your body eventually helping you to gain more power in your vertical jump. The second exercise is the Box Jump which is simple and will also increase your vertical jump. Remember to keep the rep range low so, you can give maximum effort with each jump.