Typically Practiced Search Results

How To: Create Collaborative Reminders on Your iPhone or iPad

Reminding a spouse or roommate to pick up some last-minute groceries is typically done with a quick message that can easily go unnoticed or unseen. Your feeble attempt of a reminder won't work unless it's conveniently sent at the right moment, like when they're on their way home. Chances are, you'll forget to text them and they'll forget the earlier reminder you sent.

How To: Set Separate Sleep/Wake Volumes on Your Samsung Galaxy S4

When I'm not actively using my Samsung Galaxy S4, I typically crank the volume up all the way so I can hear it in my pocket or if I'm in another room. But when it's in my hands and I'm using it, I don't want the ringer to blast at full volume, or any volume at all. Either I'll see a notification come in, or a quick vibrate will call my attention to any pertinent alerts.

How To: Clean and Maintain Your Tape Measure

Recently I was working outside forming a driveway in the rain. Working in and around the wet sand was not friendly on my tools, especially my tape measure. About halfway through the day my tape measure would need "encouragement" in order to retract to the closed postion. Not too much later, with force applied, it would remain standing out at 1ft. and the problem progressively got worse.

How To: Peel hard boiled eggs in five seconds

The man in the video shows us how to peel an egg open in 5 seconds by slamming the egg down on the counter (not to hard but at a sufficient speed) and rolling it for a bit then peeling it off with ease. As shown with the comments on the video's page, this task is not as simple as the title states. It takes a lot of practice to crack the egg just right without smashing it, but if done correctly, gets you that perfect, out of the shell, hard-boiled egg. This video teaches you that practice make...

How To: Awaken your kundalini

Awakening the female energy that resides in the base of your spine is not a process that can be done in an afternoon but is something you work towards though lots of work in kundalini yoga and work toward an enlightened state of being.

How To: Practice Karma yoga

Karma yoga refers to the universal principle of cause and effect. Learn how to practice Karma yoga in this video lesson. In karma yoga you should prioritize service & action, let go of ego & materialism and stress selfless service to others. With this how to video you will be able to practice karma yoga.

How To: Practice Raja yoga

Raja yoga tries to control thoughts through meditation and yoga poses. Learn how to practice Raja yoga in this video lesson. First, control focus, then distinguish real & unreal, and quiet your thought-waves. With this how to video you will be able to practice Raja yoga.

How To: Get a hotel upgrade

Okay, Mr. Thrifty, you reserved the least expensive hotel room that you could. But your inner Donald Trump doesn’t want to settle for low-frills. Go ahead, it never hurts to ask. Watch this video to learn how to get a hotel upgrade.

How To: Multiply math fractions

Math is one of those subjects in school where you either love it or hate it or just don't get it. But math is nothing to fear, because it's a part of our everyday lives, and ifs something everyone should know the basics of. Don’t let math intimidate you. Whether you’re multiplying two fractions or a fraction and a whole number, solve the problem without a calculator in just a few steps.

How To: Decorate a cake by shaping artistic chocolate pieces

Chef Francois Payard shows some innovative cake decorating tips in this video. He says that all you need to make a beautiful cake topping is just a little chocolate, some practice and a lot of imagination. A cold slab of marble,approximately an inch thick and which is kept in the fridge for 3-4 hours, is required for shaping the decorations. Chocolate should be melted and it should be hot, not boiling. A large spoonful of chocolate should be poured on the marble and spread nicely and evenly. ...

How To: Do a somersault

If your a kid or adult it's never too late to learn how to do a somersault, although it might be a little more difficult for the latter. Somersaults are one of the first and easiest things you can learn in gymnastics. If your ready to turn your world upside down, then get somersaulting.