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News: It's contest time! That means FREE stuff!

Hello fellow farmers, I'm so excited to be your new admin for this fabulous site that I'm going to be giving away some great goodies for your farm! I've been to 7-11, and I'll go again if this is a big hit, and picked up a bunch of Zynga's 7-11 promotion items.

How To: Your New Year's Eve Survival Guide

Going out on New Year's Eve is not for the faint of heart, especially if you live in a big city. Follow the New Year's Eve survival guide below to make sure you are prepared for worst-case scenarios that can range from losing your phone to figuring out how to quickly remove a vomit stain from your friend's new carpet.

Old Magic: A Rant

Running this World has prompted me to think about MTG on a deeper level than I ever have before. In attempts to contextualize it, explain it, research it, and understand the parts of it that I don't yet understand, I have come to an unexpected conclusion: I'm old.

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