Unhealthy Cravings Search Results

How To: Prepare homemade hash browns

Yes we know that there's been a huge food revolution (thanks in no small part to Jamie Oliver) championing growing your own sustainable food and eating fresh and well. However, how can you deny that your tongue doesn't salivate when you walk past an In-n-Out?

How To: Find the most nutritious frozen foods in your market

Frozen foods are becoming more and more popular dinners for busy families. These microwave meals can be a great alternative to cooking when you are short on time, but sometimes they pack hidden unhealthy additives like sodium, and excessive calories. Check out this tutorial from Ask Amy and know which frozen meals are the best for your family. Learn to keep an eye on things like preservatives, sodium, calories and fat, and to stay away from artificial junk foods. This way, you will not only b...

How To: Prune a peach tree & trim raspberry plants

Curtis Smith, Extension Horticulturist, and Rick Daniel, Bernalillo County Horticulture Agent, demonstrate how to prune a peach tree and trim raspberry plants. If a branch is in the way and causing problems or if it is unhealthy, cut it off at anytime. Cut outside of the bark collar when pruning branches. Make three cuts by first making an undercut on the bottom side so the bark doesn't strip off too far. Put on gloves when working with raspberry bushes. Cut the bushes down to the ground each...

How To: Make healthy corndogs

Corn dogs are a great staple of boardwalks and summer. Unfortunately, they're also incredibly unhealthy. If you're on a diet but simply cannot live without corn dogs, make this healthier alternative from Rachel Ray.

How To: Make healthy lamb kebabs with hummus

We love Moroccan restaurants. The communal handwashing, the savory salads, the soups, the braised lamb appetizer, the pigeon pie, the baklova - oh, and there go our diets. Moroccan food is known for having a very rich and spice-ridden flavor that many foodies enjoy, but the more we let our appetites go at the restaurant, the more our waistlines go with them. But there is a way to make Middle Eastern food without turning into a piggy.

How To: Stop overeating on a raw food diet

Just because you are following a healthy raw diet, doesn't mean you are exempt from weight gain. A lot of times when people first transition to a raw lifestyle, they overeat because they are not used to the different types of food. While this is better than say, binging on unhealthy snacks, it is still not good to bombard your system with too much.

How To: properly mow your lawn and use different mowers

This video gives you several important do's and don'ts when it comes to mowing your lawn. It starts out by going through a couple different types of mowers, including a manual mower, which has blades on the bottom that are turned from the motion of pushing the mower. He then gives you a tip for how high to keep your grass. Make sure you only take off 1/3 of the length of the grass at a time or it will leave your grass very unhealthy. After you cut your grass, if you've only taken that third o...

How To: Make warm and buttery croissants

Whether you're planning a special breakfast or are craving a buttery treat, these croissants are quick and easy to whip up. You will need water, evaporated milk, butter, eggs, salt, sugar, bread flour and active dried yeast. When finished serve with butter, jam or jelly.

How To: Make basic whipped cream

In this tutorial, we learn how to make basic whipped cream. First, combine heavy whipping cream with 1 tsp of vanilla. Beat these together in a mixer that has been placed in the fridge for around 1 hour. Beat this slowly at first, then go up to high speed. Beat this until it's thick and you see peaks starting to form. once finished, spoon this out and you will have some rich and thick whipped cream! This not only tastes great, it is a lot healthier than buying from the store, which has a lot ...

How To: Make peanut butter cookies for dogs

Buying dog treats can be somewhat fun for you and, of course your dog. But the bad thing about it is that treats nowadays can be a little bit pricey. And if you opt for the treats that are less expensive, chances are they are worse for your dog and can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. So what do you do next? Make your own dog treats of course! In this tutorial, you'll find out how to make peanut butter cookies for man's best friends from scratch. It's simple to do and will make them happy. Enjoy!

How To: Make a raw pumpkin pie

Don't know what to do with your Halloween pumpkin guts? Well, make a raw pumpkin pie. This video shows you everything you need, and what you need to do to make this interesting pumpkin pie. This is also a great alternative to store bought pumpkin pie, or those unhealthy recipes. This is a healthy all natural, completely raw pumpkin pie, using all the pumpkin's insides. Of course, you'll need some cinnamon, and nutmeg to spice things up a bit. It's delicious, yummy, healthy, and perfect for an...

How To: Deal with on again, off again relationships

Youtube user Vanae, the self-proclaimed love and dating coach, answers subscribers relationship questions with passion and careful insight. This near four minute edition focuses on the oh so complicated on again, off again relationship. Vanae instructs participants in these arrangements to seriously consider the pros and cons of continuing this indecisive coupling. She addresses common characteristics of participants in on again off again couplings. Vanae also counters fears that often encour...

How To: Make Cream Cheese Brownies

On the Fourth of July, we like to celebrate by consuming lots of rich, savory (and unfortunately, belly engorging) food, including barbecued meats, hot dogs, and chips. So when it comes time for dessert, you're usually craving something less flavor-popping and spicy.

How To: Make Japanese yakisoba with pork with Mark Bittman

Yakisoba is one of the most popular fast food dishes in Japan. Yeah, we know what you're thinking. Fast food in a nation known for minimalist healthy couture like edamame and salmon rolls? Well, the Japanese often have a craving for fried stuff just like us, but rather than chowing down on artery clogging burgers and french fries, the take a higher route to get their fried food fill.

How To: Make a lasagna with non-traditional béchamel sauce

Tired of the same old family recipe? Then spice up your family lasagna with a new twist — béchamel sauce. Adding béchamel sauce (a rich white sauce made milk, herbs, and other goodies) will satisfy you family's craving for a new tasty dinner dish. The OriginalNakedChef shares his recipe for his lasagna with non-traditional béchamel sauce and beef. If you're a pasta and lasagna fan, it's definitely worth trying out. Watch the video for the full recipe and ingredients.

How To: Make Indian papdi chaat with Manjula

Craving authentic Indian food? Then tune into this Indian cooking how-to video with Manjula. Follow along with this video lesson as Manjula shows you how to make papri chaat. Papdi or papri chaat is a snack served in most Indian homes. Make some for your home tonight and serve it with a tamarind or mango chutney.

How To: Cook Indian style gujia with Manjula

Craving some delicious Indian desserts? Then you've come to the right place, follow along with this cooking how to video as Manjula takes you into her kitchen to show you how to make gujia. Gujia is an Indian stule puff pastry filled with an aromatic nut mixture. Gudjia are traditionally made for special holiday, try making some today.

How To: Bake a French crepe cake with chocolate filling

Crepes, like guys who go jogging without their shirts on, only exist to make us happy. They're there for us when our sweet tooth urges overpower our diet and when our PMS cravings send us autopiloting toward the nearest bakery and patisserie. And we never thought that crepes, in all their godlike perfection, could ever be improved upon until now.

How To: Make a healthy no bake cheesecake

If you're craving cheesecake, but wish it wasn't so fattening, this next tutorial is for you. In the video, you'll find out how you can make a healthy no bake cheesecake in less than a day. Most of the ingredients in the recipe are of low-fat quality and has half the calories od traditional cheesecake. It's easy to make and tastes so good, you'll be wanting more. So good luck and enjoy!

How To: Make paneer tikka masala

In this video, Chef Vah teaches you how to make a delicious paneer tikka masala. Full of spices and tons of flavor, this is a great dish to please all your vegetarian cravings. This is very similar to the chicken masala, with a few alterations. Chef here gives you a play by play of everything you need to know and do to achieve this great dish for an authentic Indian meal. Full of tips, and thorough instructions of how to make this, your mouth will be watering before you even begin your own pr...

How To: Build confidence with improved presentation skills

Do your presentation skills need a little work? Being in front of a crowd or some potential clients may be one of the hardest things you will ever do, but staying confident makes all the difference. Losing any bit of confidence will result in your presentation falling flat and killing your self-esteem, and perhaps even risking your job. So, being confident is a must.