Unintentional Weight Search Results

Review: My 6 Months Using the 12.9-Inch iPad Pro

The 12.9-inch iPad Pro was released in stores on November 11, 2015, and a couple days later I went to an Apple Store and to check it out in person. I had mixed feelings about the tablet, but was intrigued overall—so much so that over the next few weeks, as I found myself hearing more and more about the device, a thought began to take hold in the back of my mind—I really want one. At the same time, I was hesitant about dropping roughly 10 Benjamins for a tablet!

How To: Read tarot cards for beginners

Ready to stop going threw life blind? Try to get a glimpse of the future or at least a use these as a reflection of what’s happening in your life with your own tarot cards. Tarot cards can provide endless hours of entertainment.

How To: Climb Mount Everest

Eeverst isn’t for armatures. If you have the ambition of climbing Mt. Everest you will have to do a lot of preparations including physical fitness work, travel arrangements, not to mention putting aside thousands of dollars to make your dream a reality.

How To: Play the detache bowing technique on the violin

Detache is French for separate bows, not to be confused with the English "detached", with space between the notes. With this tutorial you will learn to play the detache bowing technique on the violin. The detache technique helps build a consistent and confident sound, improves projection and improves control of the entire bow, especially at the very frog and tip. Play as loud as possible. Bow next to the bridge (Control the "Sounding Point"). Keep the bow straight and flat. Use the entire upp...

How To: Race mountain bikes

Our mountain biking expert discusses the correct way to get over, around and through any obstacles you may encounter on your adventures. He also demonstrates proper weight distribution and riding techniques, and discusses modulation and braking theory. If these topics sound sophisticated, that's because they are, a veritable master's class in mountain biking physics. So get your degree today!

How To: Make Chain Mail Armor from Start to Finish

This article is a guide for making Chainmail Armor from start (simple wire) to finish (a finished chainmail shirt). We will be using the European 4 in 1 weave, as this is the most common weave. This is the weave that you usually see in movies. There are several sections to this guide: Materials, Making the Rings, Weaving the Rings, and Making the shirt.

How To: Share Your iPhone's Medical ID with First Responders When Placing an Emergency Call or Text

In the event of an emergency where you can't answer for yourself, trained professionals can view your Medical ID on your iPhone to learn about your medical situation, granted that you have created one. But that's not all your Medical ID can do. With a new feature, iOS can share your Medical ID data automatically with first responders when you place an emergency call.

How To: 'Quick Add' Calories for Snacks in MyFitnessPal to Keep Yourself Accountable for Every Tiny Bite

It's only normal to snack on a few french fries every once in a while when you're on a diet, but it's still important to hold yourself accountable, even when you cheat just a little bit. MyFitnessPal, for both Android and iOS devices, has a database of nutritional information to help keep track of the meals you eat, but it also has a way to add calories on the fly without digging for data.

News: How Calcium Sets Off a C Diff Infection

Unfortunately, the very places we go to receive health care put us at risk for becoming infected with superbugs, bacteria exposed to so many antibiotics that they have become immune to their effects. Clostridium difficile (C. diff) is one such bacteria. It causes inflammation of the colon and rampant diarrhea that can have life-threatening consequences. Part of its virulence lies in the tough spores formed by the bacteria. They are responsible for starting infections in the colon and for spre...

News: Strep Bacteria a Deadly Participant in Development of Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer — cancer of the colon or rectum — is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in the US. To reduce the chances of a diagnosis we are all urged to stop smoking, keep our weight down, decrease our intake of alcohol and red meat, keep active, and get screened for colon cancer. But, new research has found something that participates in the development of colorectal cancer that might not be as easy to control: A strep bacteria that promotes tumor growth.

News: Livestock Antibiotic Use Increases Threat of Resistant Microbes to Humans

Antibiotics used to prevent diseases in livestock are creating a world of hurt for humans and the soil we depend on for food. Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a global health issue. The overuse, underuse, and poor use of these life-saving drugs is rapidly removing them as a treatment option for serious infections in humans—plus bacteria are naturally adaptive.

News: BlackBerry Unveils the KeyOne—A New Security-Focused Phone with a Physical Keyboard

BlackBerry has formally announced the arrival of its flagship, the KeyOne, during Mobile World Congress 2017 in Barcelona. The all-Android KeyOne looks distinctly BlackBerry, with its 4.5" screen and physical QWERTY keyboard. Here's the lowdown on this elegant handset that hearkens back to BlackBerry's heyday, which had previously been known by its code name, the BlackBerry Mercury. Aluminum Unibody with Physical Keyboard