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News: suprize

You have Chris aka Party Boy, go to some event, cheerleaders there would be better, and them have him sitting in the crowd and then when the music starts playing you have him rip his clothes off and do his dance. Dance until he gets kicked off or whatever.another way is to have the jackass guys start a football game and have chri sit and watch the game and a couple of minutes in have him burst into party boy (make sure you don't tell any of the jackass guys then it will be really funny it wil...

News: Fireworks Show

For this prank it will be required to take place within a crowded area, where there are porto potty's frequently used by the public. Under the toilet seat where the you open the lid different types of fireworks need to be placed at the bottom to go off at different times, (When different people come in to use the loo.) You also need to have smoke canisters at the top of the roof of the porto potty to go off to dazzle and confuse the unsuspecting victim and then light one batch of the (non let...

News: the swearing granny

johnny knoxville or one of the other jackass's could get dressed up as old granny then walking into places like shops and swear her dead off demanding stuff and just being a jackass to everyone in the store, they won't expect that behaviour off a dear old granny so the reactions should be funny.

News: Electric Dog Collar Olympics

Five events: 100m dash, long jump, shotput, hurdles and high jump. Each participant has to wear electric dog collars around their various bodily parts, ranging from neck to wrists, ankles and potentially genitalia (for a special elimination round in case of ties or boredom).

How To: Understand jump starting a car

A car that needs to be jump started is going to make a clicking noise but things such as the lights and radio will not turn on. To jump start the car first you need to line the cars up so that the batteries are in line with each other. You will need a working car to jump the car that has the dead battery and a set of working jumper cables. Make sure both cars are completely turned off. Make sure that you keep the two sides of the jumper cables a part. You don't want the two sides of the cable...

News: Fake airplane CRASH!!!

You guys should play a prank on the the whole cast and load them on a fake airplane,but the plane has to look legit! as they take off everything seems to be going to plan but then all of a sudden a little bit of turnblence occurs then red hazzard light and alram start going off the plane begings to tilt downward! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the pilot says over the intercom were GOING DOWN WERE GOING DOWN!!! THE PLANE IS SHAKING OUT OF CONTROL AHHHH AHAHAHAH what i would give to see the look on the...

News: the Ski jump

you must find a huge tree or bridge or build something clost to a water fall. so you get some one to put on some water skis and rope swing with them on from a high place to get tons of speed. the rope swing will be long enough to put the skis just abve the water that guy lets go, and skis to a jump that is off the water fall. (mind you this water fall is like 20 ft or so high) that guy falling after the jump lands on a blob and throws some one like jeff t into the air. water ski man would be ...

News: the trip course

however this is a race the loser has to kiss everyones bare ass and the winners get nothing. every time one of them swears or fall over they all get an electric shock off the dog collor so they will all be yelling at each other and swearing and so stands at, johnny bam steveo preston and dave, while chris ryan wee man and danger get to press the botton every time someone falls or swears. i have loads of random ideas . . .

News: Zamboni Drifting

Put a 2 or 3 of the guys in the hull of a Zamboni with a couple cameras and some lights . . . then close the hatch and start drifting on a filthy ice rink. All of the snow and ice and dirt and shit gets blown into the hull . . . so not only are they getting covered in crap they are also being tossed around like a rag doll as the Zamboni does doughnuts and 180s all over the ice. And they will be freezing their asses off. Then at then the end, they get dumped out with all of the snow and ice in...

News: "Smurf Shower Power"

Unscrew the showerhead and insert several tablets of blue dye. Easter Egg dye might work, but you want to make sure that it’s very concentrated. Also, if possible, find a dye capsule that takes a couple minutes to dissolve before releasing the dye. That way, in case the victim turns on the water until it heats up, they won’t notice the color. Then, when the dye is released, it will cover them head to toe in blue dye that shouldn’t wash off for a day or two. If you’re lucky, they’ll have their...

News: scared sh**less

my prank is take some browine mix with some laxatives bake them and give them to your friends, while their eating away go and rig the bathroom door so that way only the person outside the door can lock the person in. then when someone has to crap follow behinde them till they get in the crapper aka bathroom and wait till you hear them going after about 30 seconds have someone grap the snakes and spiders and throw them in the bathroom and turn off the light then quickley lock the door and hear...

News: Surprise Party

Get Bam to come to a party for the Jackass 3 movie. When he gets to where the party is have him enter the location and be greeted by many non poisonous snakes and lock the door but only for a little. When you unlock the door and he comes out give him a nice doce of paint balls and for even a little more shock outside of the door have one of those mats when you step on it a very loud alarm goes off and fire crackers. (for even more amusement tell him its a black tie occasion and get him to wea...

News: The Griswold Jump

This stunt is meant to be a parody of National Lampoon's Vacation with JACKASS fixins. The "Holiday Road" song will be playing in the background as the entire cast is stuffed into this beautiful Lime Green 80's wagon. The wagon should be padded inside with as many male and female blow-up dolls, dressed as "leather boys" and "bondage girls", as humanly possible. The hood ornament on the station wagon must be a sculpted version of the DICK HOUSE rooster in vibrant color. On top of the staion wa...

How To: Recharge a car battery

In this tutorial, we learn how to recharge a car battery. To restart a car battery that is dead, you will need to have another vehicle parked in front of it with the hood facing towards it. Now, you will need to take jumper cables out and place them on the battery of each cars. Make sure both vehicles are turned off while you are placing these on. After this, start both cars and the battery of the other car should start after this! If the car doesn't start, make sure you have the cables clamp...

How To: Make a sonora hotdogs

In this tutorial, we learn how to make sonora hot dogs. You will need: tomatillos, chicken broth, refried beans, queso, dried cilantro, hot dogs, lemon juice, bacon, tomato, garlic, jalapeno, mustard, ketchup, and mayonnaise. First, place the cilantro and jalapeno and place into blender with lime juice. Next add in your chopped onion and chopped tomatillos and start to blend while adding in the garlic and chicken broth. Next heat up a large pan with lard, and once it has melted add the sauce ...

News: jackass guys

Jackass guysI have been laughing my ass off watching you since episode 1. I have many prank ideas for you but the best one is to have vallet parking for bam and return his car to him in horrible condition, possibly a different car, only to find out he was set up. Im sure we can adjust this idea to perfection.I'm a college student in michigan and I turn 21 in 2 weeks on october 6, but can't afford to go to vegas as planned, and spending my 21st birthday with all you guys would be an experience...

News: Thumbtack troubles!

well I don't know how funny you think it is but I found it hilarious! I had a friend staying with me and he had his own bedroom, well for some reason he put a rug outside the door to his room. We were always playing tricks on each other so one day I picked up his rug and stuck flat sided thumb tacks up through the rug and then put it back down, ( about 20 in all). That was a funny site seeing him trying to get up off of that rug with it stuck in his feet! We always pranked each other and we n...

News: Scaredive

You start a casual conversation about skydiving with someone afraid of heights, you suggest to them a good prank would be to dive from a plane blindfolded and find your friends (who are also falling) so they can put on your parachute guided via a radio headset. While they tell you about how much they think it is a bad idea your buddies pounce from behind, blindfold them, tie them up and make out like your going to try the stunt.

News: Ex-Lax Challenge

To start off with, you need to have an activity to do while the challenge happens (poker, running, something....I prefer a poker game because it forces everyone to be near each other and bathrooms nearby) Everyone takes a laxative, wears an adult diaper and eats taco bell, and sits around playing poker. There are enough bathrooms for all but one person. The loser is the person that poops first, and as soon as they do everyone else can go relieve themselves. Afterwards, the loser can't change ...

News: "Jello-Pool"

Find a friend’s pool in either late Spring or early Fall (need a cool night, but still want swimming to be an option). Unbeknownst to the friend, turn off the heater mid afternoon, allowing the water to cool during the evening. Overnight, fill the pool with Jell-O packets. An average-sized swimming pool (15’ x 30’) holds approximately 20,250 gallons of water or 324,000 cups. Therefore, you will need 92,571 packets of Jell-O or 259,200 if you want to make it one gigantic Jell-O Jiggler. You ca...

News: Wrecking Water Balloon

To Start Off I'm 16 So I Know I Won't Be Able To Win But I'm Hoping That I Could Inspire You Guys To Do This Prank But It's Okay If You Don't Want Too. Anyways The Prank Is That Someone Stands Out On A Ledge Of A Bridge Over A Body Of Water Then A Crane Picks Up A Giant Water Balloon And Crashes Right Into Them Causing Them To Fall Into The Water. That's Pretty Much It, It Sounds Stupid But I Think It Would Be Funny. Thanks For Reading, I Appreciate You Taking The Time To Read My Entry.

News: speed boat tug, gryo race

preaty simple get 2 speed boats an maybe a 150 ft bungie rope tie one end to me an the other end to one of u guys an have the boats go as fast as possiable in opposite directions... laugh ur ass we start out in one of those gryo machines that go every witch way for ten mins an make it crazy fast so were extra dizzy... the start of the track will be the rope bridge with some type of nasty substance (ur choice) under that. seconed part will be hurterls over barb wire should leave a mark ...

News: HypnoMindFreak

This will not be cheap. The mark attends a show by Criss Angel, or David Blaine, Derren Brown, the Amazing Kreskin, whoever. He's brought onstage to be hypnotized. Seconds later, the audience and all the mark's buddies are laughing their heads off and applauding wildly, the house is coming down.