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Hack Like a Pro: Digital Forensics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 5 (Windows Registry Forensics)

Welcome back, my aspiring hackers! As I mentioned in earlier posts, the best hackers (or at least those not behind bars) have a keen understanding of digital forensics. If I am tasked to intrude upon an enemy's file server to retrieve war plans, such as in this tutorial, it is essential to my country's (and my own) well-being that it not be traced back to me. Understanding digital forensics helps us to leave without a trace and never have a trail back to us or our employer.

How To: KitKat Leaked! How to Install the Latest Android 4.4.2 Build on Your AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note 3

The @DesignGears guys have been busy today, leaking an unofficial KitKat build (Android version 4.4.2) for the AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note 3. The latest is a peek into what the international variants are beginning to see, although this build is far from official. Still, if you want to give it a shot, I'll show you how to install it, but make sure to check out the details below the how-to to see what you can expect, good or bad.

Hack Like a Pro: Linux Basics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 1 (Getting Started)

Welcome back, my hacker trainees! A number of you have written me regarding which operating system is best for hacking. I'll start by saying that nearly every professional and expert hacker uses Linux or Unix. Although some hacks can be done with Windows and Mac OS, nearly all of the hacking tools are developed specifically for Linux. There are some exceptions, though, including software like Cain and Abel, Havij, Zenmap, and Metasploit that are developed or ported for Windows.

How To: Ingress, Google's Awesome New Mind-Hacking AR Game for Android Phones Now in Beta!

Google has just launched a new revolutionary augmented reality game for Android called Ingress. Their new mobile game centers around the fight for control of the minds of everyone here on Earth. It's a freaking worldwide fight—from your smartphone! While augmented reality in is nothing new in the smartphone gaming world, it has never seen the likes of this. With an almost Halo-like storytelling, Ingress seeks to bring out gamers all across the globe to perform physical activities by transform...

How To: Bring the Classic Start Menu Back in Windows 8

Microsoft's most anticipated OS has finally arrived, and there's no doubt that all of you out there who snagged a copy of Windows 8 are excited to see what's new. But while Windows 8 has received plenty of rave reviews, some users are upset about one controversial change—the missing Start menu. The implementation of the new Metro interface has rendered the old Start menu unnecessary, but some folks just want what they're used to. If you're one of those users who wants the classic Start menu i...

How To: See Who's Clogging Up Your Wi-Fi Network with These Free Mobile Apps

Android has released a new application called ezNetScan, which is a free app that scans the wireless network you're connected to and gives you a full log of all of the devices connected to that network. This isn't new for smartphone users, let alone Android users. Fing has been around for a while and does practically the same thing that exNetScan does. It gathers information such as the IP and MAC addresses, device vendors, and ISP location. But while Fing is a great program, it does lack a f...

How To: Stay Focused and Be Productive Online

The Internet has had a huge influence on many areas of our lives, but, in particular, has resulted in nothing short of a revolution in the way we work. The web has offered the sort of flexibility to the individual that few people would have dreamed of just a couple of decades ago. And where once a global marketplace was available only to a handful of multinational corporations, today thanks to the Internet, we can all access it.

How To: What Is Wordpress ? [Beginner]

WordPress started in 2003 with a single bit of code to enhance the typography of everyday writing and with fewer users than you can count on your fingers and toes. Since then it has grown to be the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world, used on millions of sites and seen by tens of millions of people every day.

How To: Twist a monkey balloon animal holding a banana

This be a little challenging for beginner balloon sculptors, but if you have some skills, then twisting this monkey balloon animal should be a cinch! The Balloon Bandit shows you how to twist your balloons into this wonderful and kid-friendly primate. you'll need 6 balloons for the monkey (4 mocha brown, 2 blush) and a piece of yellow balloon for the banana.

How To: Make eco-chic wedding invitations

This how-to video demonstrates how to make unique earth-friendly wedding invitations that only look expensive. Learn about chlorine free paper, translucent velum, and how to use natural embellishments for your wedding invitations. Start making your own wedding invitations today.

How To: Speed up gameplay by opening NAT on your Xbox 360

This video teaches us the procedure of speeding up gameplay by opening NAT on your XBox 360. Firstly, we will open NAT for XBox 360. We must access the setup page of the router in order to open the NAT for XBox 360. Open the command prompt and type 'ipconfig'. Note the default gateway and type it into the Internet Explorer. Put the username and password. The username is 'admin' without the quotes. Click on the administration tab in the resultant window. If the UPnP is set to 'Disable', set it...

How To: Make toy robot scorpions

This scorpion toy was constructed by Make Magazine with a Twitchie Robot Kit. If you're afraid of real life scorpions this friendly toy might help you get used to them. His plush body is made from some fabric aiming to make him look like an Arizona bark scorpion, which are tan/yellowish/translucent. Twitchie is Arduino powered and comes pre-programmed, so it's an excellent kit for beginners in robotics, because no programming is required! You can download and modify the code if you want, and ...

How To: Insert a reusable menstrual cup

Learn how to insert a reusable menstrual cup with this feminine hygiene tutorial. The menstrual cup is a great alternative to disposable tampons and pads. It is very cost effective and friendly for the environment. With regular sanitizing, the menstrual cup can last years. This video is specific to the Mooncup menstrual cup, although most menstraul cups are inserted in the same fashion. Watch this how to video and maybe you will decide to use a menstrual cup during your next period.

How To: Build an Earthship home

See these videos on making an eco-friendly home. Earthships are a passive solar home made of natural and recycled materials. They are thermal mass construction for temperature stabilization. The renewable energy & integrated water systems make the Earthship an off-grid home with little to no utility bills.

News: What Is Sketch Heroes?

SketchHeroes is a great new website for anyone that loves to draw. Our goal is to allow our users to teach each other how to sketch. With thousands of tutorials available on our website, our users can add their own tutorials, or just watch and learn from what is already there. Whether it's learning how to draw Mickey Mouse, Spiderman, or Katy Perry, we have a tutorial for you!