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How To: Punch the ball properly in soccer

The goalie in soccer is unarguably the most important player on the pitch. Their skills are unique, and they have to perform well every game in order for your team to be successful. This video features an MLS goalkeeper offering instruction on one important of goalkeeping, punching the ball. If you can do this properly, you can utilize your hands

How To: Utilize the crossing over piano technique

Playing parts that require more than five fingers on the piano is one of the first challenges that beginning players must learn to overcome. This video by David from Piano Play It teaches us how to use the crossing over technique, in which one crosses their fingers over and under one another without moving the hand. This makes it much less challenging to play seven and eight finger melody and bass parts without leaving the hand out of position.

How To: Clicker train your dog to take a bow

Clicker training tutorial on teaching your dog to take a bow. This tutorial utilizes BF Skinner's methods of operant conditioning. This will create a well regulated training schedule between you and your dog or other pet. Operant conditioning is great to get an animal to do bizarre tricks.

How To: Do a kickboxing sidekick

Check out this instructional kickboxing video that demonstrates how to do a kickboxing sidekick. It's more a like a snapping kick, and you utilizing the blade of your foot. Try a sidekick next time you're in a kickboxing jam. Learn the skills of kickboxing in this video on competitive kickboxing moves.

How To: Shimmy a hula hoop up to the neck from the waist

This penguin like move utilizes the movement of the arms to lift the hoop up from waist or hip level up to the shoulders and neck. Safire, expert hula hoop dancer, walks through the simple steps of doing this stunt, breaking down each movement to exact body positions and also thoroughly explaining any of the hula hoop choreography terminology she uses. Watch this video hula hoop tutorial and learn how to perform the waist to neck shimmy move.

How To: Reduce water and energy while doing laundry

Here are a few simple solutions to help you save money and reduce your water and energy consumption. By washing your clothes in cold water you can save ninety percent of the energy normally expended in doing a load of laundry. If you do laundry before 9am or after 9pm you can allow energy companies to utilize more efficient renewable energy.

How To: Care for a neglected apple tree with a pruning saw

Pruning a neglected apple tree is not difficult. Unless the tree is seriously post-mature, diseased or very badly situated, a few simple principles and a sharp saw will see it right. In this video, yet another installment in the Fruitwise apple pruning tutorial series, learn to utilize a pruning saw to remove whole branch systems that are diseased, too low, too crowded or crossing while leaving the rest of the tree alone.

How To: Use the Selection Tool in Adobe Illustrator CS4 or CS5

Need some assistance figuring out how to utilize the Selection tool in Adobe Illustrator CS4 or CS5? This clip will teach you what you need to know. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular vector graphics editing software or a seasoned professional just looking to better acquaint yourself with the program and its various features and filters, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this free video guide.

How To: Utilize the MVC Pattern in PHP programming

The "Model View Controller" pattern, or MVC, is a paradigm of programmatically organizing an application into three parts: the Model, the View and the Controller. This video tutorial from JREAMdesign summarizes the purposes of the various components and how they interrelate with the program within this pattern. Several options for working with MVC are also highlighted.

How To: Use SimpleXML to load XML into PHP

Learn to utilize SimpleXML in this PHP tutorial to load and access XML from within PHP. This video shows how to load an XML file into a PHP array variable and get values from within that array. This informative video from JREAMdesign shows you step by step.

How To: Consolide all of your social feeds with Flavors.me

Looking for an easy way to combine your Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, YouTube, LinkedIn, Etsy and Foursquare feeds? Need some help figuring out how to utilize the Alchemy feature when selling things on Etsy? This brief video tutorial from the folks at Butterscotch will teach you everything you need to know. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started using Flavors.me yourself, take a look.

How To: Deal with an overbearing, domineering employee

Sometimes, the most talented people can be the hardest to deal with because of their tendency to dominate the situations that they are involved in. This video features an executive coach outlining strategies for managers to deal with overbearing, domineering employees in a way that utilizes their talents while keeping them from impinging on the productivity of the rest of your team.

How To: Employ vertical jigging with a slab lure while fishing

Fishing ins one of the most complicated forms of outdoor recreation. This video provides instruction on what should be one of the simpler aspects of it: using vertical jigging with a slab lure to catch a fish. That is a combination of a simple technique with a simple lure, but many fishermen utilize it improperly, and this video is here to correct your technique and enable you to catch many more fish much more easily.

How To: Play The Beatles "All You Need is Love" on the piano

All You Need is Love by The Beatles was featured as part of the first worldwide satellite television broadcast in history, and is a great song besides. It can be a handful to learn, however, as the verses are in the seldom utilized 7/4 time signature. This tutorial breaks it down quite well, and the handy chord graphics make learning this piece on piano about as easy as it is ever going to be.

How To: Use the Adobe Photoshop CS5 brush palette

Take full of Photoshop CS5's retooled brush palette. Whether you're new to Adobe's Creative Suite or a seasoned graphic design professional after a general overview of Photoshop CS5's most vital new features, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial from the folks at Brusheezy. In it, you'll learn how to fully utilize Photoshop's new brush palette system.

How To: Grow taller by improving your posture

You might not be able to grow anymore, but you can still take some measures to utilize your natural build in a better way. You might have stopped growing, but doing simple stretching exercises can do wonders for your posture and make you appear as much as two inches taller. It can be easy hanging off a bar or stretching down to your toes and you will see noticeable improvement and be standing up straight as an arrow.

How To: Make a loom and a scarf with Threadbanger

Ever thought your neck was going to freeze off it was so cold outside ? Well worry no more...Threadbanger shows you how to not only make your very own loom but how to utilize all that scrap fabric you got lying around and make a scarf with it. Thanks to Barbara from Bobbi Clothes for hooking it up.

How To: Utilize Scrum in Axosoft OnTime 2008

OnTime is such a flexible tool and it can be used in a variety of ways, with completely different methodologies. One of the methodologies that works well with OnTime is Scrum. This week we walk through a quick demonstration of setting up a new OnTime database for use with a Scrum methodology.

How To: Use Remote Server in Axosoft OnTime

Remote Server is a very handy tool for users wishing to utilize OnTime Windows and OnTime VS.Net without having direct access to SQL Server. This installment from Axosoft's own series of video tutorials on the OnTime Project Management Suite covers Remote Server in detail and how to set it up. Take a look.

How To: Manipulate eyes in Photoshop CS3

This software tutorial will show you how to utilize the levels tools in Adobe Photoshop CS3 to create a fascinating eye effect. You can use this Photoshop method to change eye color, or manipulate eyes to be good, evil or whatever you wish.

How To: Use a broom handle to get fit with SELF Magazine

You don't need fancy equipment to workout and get a great body. In this how to video SELF Magazine shows you how to utilize a broom handle to stabilize your workout routine. Grab that broom stick and start doing the following exercises: flutter kicks, straight arm raises, side circles, abs dynamo, twist off and sitting pretty. Tone your upper and lower body with these broom exercises.